

Table Type Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
oauth2_issuer Table basicauth TINYINT 3 0

Use HTTP Basic authentication scheme when sending client ID and password

customfield_category Table component VARCHAR 100
event Table timeduration BIGINT 19 0
assign Table sendnotifications TINYINT 3 0

Allows the disabling of email notifications in the assign module.

tool_dataprivacy_category Table descriptionformat BIT 1 null
choice_answers Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_survey Table thanks_page VARCHAR 255 null
cohort Table name VARCHAR 254

Short human readable name for the cohort, does not have to be unique

course Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table x BIGINT 19 0

x-position of the start of the annotation (in pixels - image resolution is set to 100 pixels per inch)

tool_recyclebin_course Table section BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_fillings Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table assessmentend BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be closed manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the end of the assessment phase

log_queries Table backtrace LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

php execution trace

assignment_upgrade Table newcmid BIGINT 19 0
context_temp Table id BIGINT 19 null

This id isn't autonumeric/sequence. It's the context->id

choice Table publish TINYINT 3 0
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table enddate BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp after which the schedule will be disabled

resource Table revision BIGINT 19 0

incremented when after each file changes, solves browser caching issues

questionnaire_survey Table feedbackscores BIT 1 0
badge Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_criteria Table role BIGINT 19 null
badge Table type BIT 1 1

1 = site, 2 = course

gradingform_rubric_criteria Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 null

The format of the description field

feedback Table site_after_submit VARCHAR 255
grade_import_values Table finalgrade DECIMAL 10 null

raw grade value

user Table lastaccess BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table sensitivedatareasons LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comma-separated IDs matching records in tool_dataprivacy_sensitive

groupings Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
assign Table requireallteammemberssubmit TINYINT 3 0

If enabled, a submission will not be accepted until all team members have submitted it.

search_simpledb_index Table description2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
question_datasets Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm_aicc_session Table scormid BIGINT 19 0

id from scorm table

mnet_remote_rpc Table enabled BIT 1 null
grade_items Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

The course this item is part of

assignment Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
badge_external Table collectionid BIGINT 19 null

Badge collection id in the backpack

data Table timeavailableto BIGINT 19 0
workshop Table evaluation VARCHAR 30

The recently used grading evaluation method

files_reference Table id BIGINT 19 null
book_chapters Table bookid BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table exportformat VARCHAR 10 XLSX

Export format: 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'csv', ...

forum_track_prefs Table forumid BIGINT 19 0
events_queue Table eventdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

serialized version of the data object passed to the event handler.

quiz Table delay2 BIGINT 19 0

Delay that must be left between the second and subsequent attempt, in seconds.

questionnaire_question Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_categories Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_response_other Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
badge Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
survey_analysis Table notes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
workshop_grades Table peercommentformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of peercomment field

tool_recyclebin_course Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
user_password_resets Table userid BIGINT 19 null

id of the user account which requester claimed to be

local_ld_lastactivity Table lastaccess BIGINT 19 null

When the activity has occurred

resource Table display SMALLINT 5 0
mnet_service2rpc Table serviceid BIGINT 19 0

Unique service ID

favourite Table ordering BIGINT 19 null

Optional ordering of the favourite within its context area. For example, this allows things like sorting favourite message conversations.

customfield_field Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
lesson_answers Table response LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
favourite Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

The context id of the item being favourited

message_read Table contexturl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

If this message is a notification of an event contexturl should contain a link to view this event. For example if its a notification of a forum post contexturl should contain a link to the forum post.

enrol_paypal Table userid BIGINT 19 0
local_ld_import_logs_status Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Time of last status update. Used to predict remaining time left.

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table allowspellchecking BIT 1 null

Bool whether spell checking will happen in SEB.

tool_usertours_tours Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

Quiz intro text format.

messages Table fullmessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz Table preferredbehaviour VARCHAR 32

The behaviour to ask questions to use.

forum Table completiondiscussions INT 10 0

Nonzero if a certain number of posts are required to mark this forum completed for a user.

workshopform_rubric_levels Table grade DECIMAL 10 null

Grade representing this level.

message_conversations Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity Table enabletracking BIT 1 1

Enable xAPI tracking

questionnaire_response Table complete VARCHAR 1 n
scale Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
user_devices Table appid VARCHAR 128

the app id, usually something like com.moodle.moodlemobile

question_categories Table sortorder BIGINT 19 999
wiki_links Table topageid BIGINT 19 0

Page id that recives a link

repository_onedrive_access Table itemid VARCHAR 255

The item id in OneDrive.

lti_submission Table gradepercent DECIMAL 10 null
competency_plan Table status BIT 1 null
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_request Table summary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
data Table maxentries INT 10 0
qtype_essay_options Table attachments SMALLINT 5 0

Whether, and how many, attachments a student is allowed to include with their response. -1 means unlimited.

grade_grades Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

the userid of the person who last modified this grade

wiki Table defaultformat VARCHAR 20 creole

Wiki's default editor

question_statistics Table discriminativeefficiency DECIMAL 15 null
role_assignments Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table gradetype SMALLINT 5 1

0 = none, 1 = value, 2 = scale, 3 = text

data_fields Table param9 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
data Table config LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
book Table name VARCHAR 255
competency_evidence Table action TINYINT 3 null
gradingform_rubric_levels Table criterionid BIGINT 19 null

The rubric criterion we are level of

lesson_pages Table layout SMALLINT 5 1
competency_modulecomp Table cmid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the record in the course_modules table.

profiling Table url VARCHAR 255

the url this profiling record is about (without wwwroot nor query params)

survey Table completionsubmit BIT 1 0

If this field is set to 1, then the activity will be automatically marked as 'complete' once the user submits the survey.

badge_endorsement Table issuername VARCHAR 255
questionnaire_response Table questionnaireid BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades_history Table informationformat BIGINT 19 0

format of information text

feedback_valuetmp Table course_id BIGINT 19 0
course_categories Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
customfield_field Table name VARCHAR 400
course_categories Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
stats_user_weekly Table userid BIGINT 19 0
backup_controllers Table execution SMALLINT 5 null

type of execution (immediate/delayed)

competency_template Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
competency_coursecomp Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

The course this competency is linked to.

local_ld_course_day Table daytime BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of the beginning of the day

tool_monitor_rules Table timewindow MEDIUMINT 7 null

Time window in seconds

tag Table isstandard BIT 1 0

Whether this tag is standard

lesson_branch Table id BIGINT 19 null
analytics_models_log Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti_tool_proxies Table vendorcode VARCHAR 255 null
event Table timesort BIGINT 19 null
external_services Table downloadfiles BIT 1 0

1 if the service allow people to download file from webservice/plugins.php - 0 if not

workshop_aggregations Table id BIGINT 19 null
book_chapters Table importsrc VARCHAR 255
stats_weekly Table stat1 BIGINT 19 0

stat1. usually used for reads

lesson_answers Table jumpto BIGINT 19 0
wiki_subwikis Table groupid BIGINT 19 0

Group that owns this wiki

choice Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
quiz_grades Table id BIGINT 19 null
logstore_standard_log Table eventname VARCHAR 255
scorm_seq_rolluprule Table scoid BIGINT 19 0
badge_alignment Table targetname VARCHAR 255
glossary_entries Table attachment VARCHAR 100
files_reference Table repositoryid BIGINT 19 null
tool_policy Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table type VARCHAR 10 line

line, oval, rect, etc.

scorm_aicc_session Table scormstatus VARCHAR 255 null
user_devices Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti Table name VARCHAR 255

name field for moodle instances

grade_grades_history Table hidden BIGINT 19 0

show 0, hide 1 or hide until date

chat_users Table firstping BIGINT 19 0
grading_instances Table feedbackformat TINYINT 3 null

The format of the feedback field

assignment_submissions Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_criteria Table module VARCHAR 100 null

Type of module (if using module criteria type)

block_rss_client Table skiptime BIGINT 19 0

How many seconds skip this feed for (increases every time it fails, resets to 0 when it succeeds)

user_info_field Table forceunique TINYINT 3 0

should the field contain unique data

grade_grades_history Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

the userid of the person who last modified this grade

config_log Table name VARCHAR 100
tool_customlang Table local LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Local customization of the string, null if not customized

assignfeedback_editpdf_rot Table gradeid BIGINT 19 0
lesson Table password VARCHAR 32
message_read Table timeread BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_users Table consumersecret LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
scorm_seq_mapinfo Table readnormalizedmeasure BIT 1 1
contentbank_content Table id BIGINT 19 null
files_reference Table lastsync BIGINT 19 null

Last time the proxy file was synced with repository

scorm_scoes_track Table element VARCHAR 255
chat_messages Table message LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
oauth2_endpoint Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_plan Table userid BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_response_text Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
role_names Table id BIGINT 19 null
message_users_blocked Table blockeduserid BIGINT 19 null
cohort Table theme VARCHAR 50 null
task_log Table result TINYINT 3 null

Whether the task was successful or not. 0 = pass; 1 = fail.

assignfeedback_editpdf_quick Table colour VARCHAR 10 yellow
block_recent_activity Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
wiki_subwikis Table userid BIGINT 19 0

Owner of that subwiki

forum_grades Table forum BIGINT 19 null

The ID of the forum that this grade relates to

auth_oauth2_linked_login Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
question_statistics Table discriminationindex DECIMAL 15 null
tool_policy_versions Table archived SMALLINT 5 0

Should the version be considered as archived. All non-archived, non-current versions are considered to be drafts.

log Table id BIGINT 19 null
ltiservice_gradebookservices Table baseurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Lineitem URL that will be returned to the Tool provider

scorm Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
assign_user_flags Table mailed SMALLINT 5 0

Has the student been sent a notification about this grade update?

block_rss_client Table shared TINYINT 3 0
stats_daily Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_links Table subwikiid BIGINT 19 0

Subwiki instance

scorm Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
qtype_multichoice_options Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

feedback_template Table ispublic BIT 1 0
user Table lang VARCHAR 30 en
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table userconfirmquit BIT 1 null

Bool whether confirm quit popup should appear.

user Table currentlogin BIGINT 19 0
user Table mnethostid BIGINT 19 0
external_services_users Table externalserviceid BIGINT 19 null
qtype_ddmarker Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
role_context_levels Table contextlevel BIGINT 19 null
data Table rssarticles SMALLINT 5 0
feedback Table multiple_submit BIT 1 1
url Table externalurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
local_ld_lastactivity Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Course ID

lesson Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
question Table stamp VARCHAR 255
analytics_indicator_calc Table value DECIMAL 10 null

The calculated value, it can be null.

resource Table name VARCHAR 255
workshop_assessments Table weight BIGINT 19 1

The weight of the assessment for the purposes of aggregation

role_names Table roleid BIGINT 19 0
question_attempts Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignment_submissions Table data2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
data Table timeviewfrom BIGINT 19 0
data Table jstemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
event Table location LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Event Location

backup_logs Table message LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

text logged

qtype_ddimageortext Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

customfield_data Table instanceid BIGINT 19 null
mnet_host Table name VARCHAR 80
workshopeval_best_settings Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol Table enrolstartdate BIGINT 19 0

Custom - start of self enrolment

local_ld_import_logs_status Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback Table email_notification BIT 1 1
quiz Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

The time when the quiz was added to the course.

oauth2_issuer Table enabled TINYINT 3 1
competency_userevidence Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table pageno BIGINT 19 0

The page in the PDF that this annotation appears on

grade_grades_history Table loggeduser BIGINT 19 null

the userid of the person who last modified this outcome

lesson_answers Table responseformat TINYINT 3 0
workshopallocation_scheduled Table enabled TINYINT 3 0

Is the scheduled allocation enabled

quiz_statistics Table standarddeviation DECIMAL 15 null
role_capabilities Table capability VARCHAR 255
course_completion_defaults Table id BIGINT 19 null
chat_users Table ip VARCHAR 45
user_password_history Table hash VARCHAR 255
user_enrolments Table modifierid BIGINT 19 0
workshopform_numerrors Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The description of the dimension

question_numerical Table question BIGINT 19 0

Redundant, because of the answer field. Foreign key references

lesson_pages Table qtype SMALLINT 5 0
grade_items_history Table aggregationcoef DECIMAL 10 0.00000

Aggregation coefficient used for category weights or other aggregation types

groupings Table configdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

extra configuration data - may be used by group IU tools

grading_definitions Table options LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

General field to be used by plugins as a general storage place for their own settings

glossary_entries_categories Table categoryid BIGINT 19 0
lti_submission Table userid BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table gradeid BIGINT 19 0
choice_options Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
qtype_essay_options Table graderinfoformat SMALLINT 5 0

The text format for graderinfo.

grade_grades Table itemid BIGINT 19 null

The item this grade belongs to

repository_instances Table userid BIGINT 19 0
question_numerical_units Table unit VARCHAR 50

The unit. For example 'm' or 'kg'.

messageinbound_datakeys Table datavalue BIGINT 19 null

The integer value of the data item that this key belongs to.

mnet_service2rpc Table rpcid BIGINT 19 0

Unique Function ID

folder Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol Table customint3 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

groups Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
questionnaire_survey Table info LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
data Table listtemplatefooter LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
backup_courses Table lastendtime BIGINT 19 0
analytics_models Table target VARCHAR 255
badge_backpack_oauth2 Table expires BIGINT 19 null
user Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 1
oauth2_system_account Table username LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The username that was connected as a system account to this issue.

groups Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_subscriptions Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Course id of the subscription

grade_outcomes Table shortname VARCHAR 255

The short name or code for this outcome statement

customfield_data Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
course_request Table category BIGINT 19 0
tool_policy_versions Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Full policy text

lti_types Table coursevisible BIT 1 0
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
messages Table subject LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
wiki_versions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

Page edition timestamp

log Table info VARCHAR 255
course_format_options Table name VARCHAR 100

Name of the format option

message_read Table component VARCHAR 100 null
glossary_entries Table approved TINYINT 3 1
grade_outcomes_history Table shortname VARCHAR 255

The short name or code for this outcome statement

lti_types Table icon LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

URL to icon file

forum_queue Table postid BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades Table id BIGINT 19 null
oauth2_user_field_mapping Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was created.

h5p_libraries Table preloadedcss LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comma separated list of stylesheets to load.

course_completions Table timestarted BIGINT 19 0
grade_categories_history Table oldid BIGINT 19 null
user_password_resets Table timererequested BIGINT 19 0

The time the user re-requested the password reset.

external_tokens Table validuntil BIGINT 19 null

timestampt - valid until data

tool_customlang Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_rot Table degree BIGINT 19 0

Rotation degree

mnetservice_enrol_courses Table startdate BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_schedule_rcp Table schrepsid BIGINT 19 null

schedule id

glossary_entries Table concept VARCHAR 255
scorm_seq_rolluprule Table conditioncombination VARCHAR 3 all
grading_instances Table raterid BIGINT 19 null

The ID of the user who did the assessment

question_truefalse Table question BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

grade_grades Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

the time this grade was last modified

logstore_standard_log Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table aggregationcoef DECIMAL 10 0.00000

Aggregation coefficient used for category weights or other aggregation types

role_assignments Table contextid BIGINT 19 0
grading_instances Table itemid BIGINT 19 null

This identifies the graded item within the grabable area

block_instances Table subpagepattern VARCHAR 16 null

Further restrictions on where this block appears. In some places, e.g. during a quiz or lesson attempt, different pages have different subpage ids. If this field is not null, the block only appears on that particular subpage.

block_positions Table visible SMALLINT 5 null

Whether this block instance is visible on this page.

glossary_formats Table name VARCHAR 50
cohort Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 null
qtype_ddimageortext Table partiallycorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any partially correct response.

enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table primaryresourcelinkid BIGINT 19 null
question_answers Table answer LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
assignfeedback_comments Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
messageinbound_messagelist Table address LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The Inbound Message address that the message was originally sent to

local_ld_course Table totaldedication BIGINT 19 null

Total time that user spent within the course, in seconds

mnet_sso_access_control Table username VARCHAR 100


message_user_actions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
badge_issued Table id BIGINT 19 null
stats_user_daily Table id BIGINT 19 null
course Table startdate BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_feedback Table sectionid BIGINT 19 0
user_info_data Table id BIGINT 19 null
mnet_session Table confirm_timeout BIGINT 19 0

UNIX timestamp for expiry of session

tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpired Table defaultexpired BIT 1 null

The default retention period has passed.

sessions Table userid BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table conclusion LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

A text to be displayed at the end of the workshop.

data_content Table content3 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
workshop Table useexamples TINYINT 3 0

optional feature: students practise evaluating on example submissions from teacher

h5pactivity Table grademethod SMALLINT 5 1

Which H5P attempt is used for grading

qtype_ddmarker Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0
question_gapselect Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

block_zoola_reports_schreps Table filters LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Filter values used to run the report, in JSON format

quizaccess_seb_template Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
question_calculated Table tolerancetype BIGINT 19 1
message_providers Table id BIGINT 19 null

id of the table, please edit me

enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_numerical_units Table multiplier DECIMAL 38 1.0000000000000000000

The multiplier for this unit. For example, if the first unit is (1.0, 'cm'), another unit might be (0.1, 'mm') or (100.0, 'm').

tool_policy_versions Table summaryformat SMALLINT 5 null

Format of the summary field

competency_template Table duedate BIGINT 19 null

The default due date for instances of this plan.

lock_db Table owner VARCHAR 36 null

uuid indicating the owner of the lock.

badge_endorsement Table issueremail VARCHAR 255
tool_monitor_events Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table gradepass DECIMAL 10 0.00000

What grade is needed to pass? grademin < gradepass <= grademax

quiz_overview_regrades Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when this row was last modified.

forum_queue Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_statistics Table id BIGINT 19 null
modules Table lastcron BIGINT 19 0
grade_import_values Table userid BIGINT 19 null
choice Table limitanswers TINYINT 3 0
oauth2_issuer Table alloweddomains LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Allowed domains for this issuer.

chat_messages_current Table groupid BIGINT 19 0
label Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
data Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The time the settings for this database module instance were last modified.

cache_filters Table filter VARCHAR 32
scorm Table options VARCHAR 255
message_processors Table name VARCHAR 166

Name of the message processor

tool_policy_acceptances Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

ID of the user who last modified the acceptance record

lti Table grade BIGINT 19 100

Grade scale

grade_items_history Table loggeduser BIGINT 19 null

the userid of the person who last modified this outcome

grade_items Table aggregationcoef2 DECIMAL 10 0.00000

Aggregation coefficient used for weights in aggregation types with both extra credit and weight

badge_issued Table visible BIT 1 0
h5p Table id BIGINT 19 null
stats_user_daily Table statsreads BIGINT 19 0
workshop Table latesubmissions TINYINT 3 0

Allow submitting the work after the deadline

quizaccess_seb_template Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null
question_attempt_steps Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The user whose action lead to this state being created.

data_records Table userid BIGINT 19 0
data Table timeviewto BIGINT 19 0
quiz_statistics Table highestattemptscount BIGINT 19 null
message_read Table eventtype VARCHAR 100 null
lesson_answers Table score BIGINT 19 0
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table quitpassword LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Quit password to exit SEB.

sessions Table sessdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

session content

survey Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
grade_items Table iteminstance BIGINT 19 null

id of the item module

tool_dataprivacy_request Table systemapproved SMALLINT 5 0
grade_outcomes Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

outcome description

editor_atto_autosave Table elementid VARCHAR 255

The unique id for the text editor in the form.

data_fields Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
local_activityvisibility_que Table id BIGINT 19 null
h5p Table jsoncontent LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The content in json format

data_fields Table param7 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
question_categories Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm_scoes_data Table scoid BIGINT 19 0
data Table defaultsort BIGINT 19 0
feedback Table name VARCHAR 255
assignment Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_plan Table origtemplateid BIGINT 19 null

The template ID this plan was based on originally

grade_outcomes_history Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
scorm_seq_rolluprulecond Table scoid BIGINT 19 0
lti Table course BIGINT 19 0

Course basiclti activity belongs to

competency_template Table visible TINYINT 3 1

Used to show/hide this learning plan template.

questionnaire_dependency Table questionid BIGINT 19 0

ID of question with dependency.

folder Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
course_published Table hubcourseid BIGINT 19 null

the course id on the hub server

cohort_members Table userid BIGINT 19 0
course_modules Table deletioninprogress BIT 1 0
files Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Optional - general userid field - meaning depending on plugin

assign Table cutoffdate BIGINT 19 0

The final date after which submissions will no longer be accepted for this assignment without an extensions.

auth_oauth2_linked_login Table username VARCHAR 255

The external username to map to this moodle account

enrol Table customtext2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom - general text

lti_tool_proxies Table toolproxy LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

JSON string representing tool proxy returned by tool provider

glossary Table displayformat VARCHAR 50 dictionary
lti_types Table toolproxyid BIGINT 19 null

Primary key of related tool proxy (null for LTI 1 tools)

wiki_links Table tomissingpage VARCHAR 255 null

link to a nonexistent page

blog_external Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
user_password_resets Table token VARCHAR 32

secret set and emailed to user

events_handlers Table component VARCHAR 166

e.g. moodle, mod_forum, block_rss_client

tool_usertours_steps Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge_backpack Table password VARCHAR 50 null
task_scheduled Table lastruntime BIGINT 19 null
lti_access_tokens Table scope LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Scope values as JSON array

enrol_lti_lti2_user_result Table created BIGINT 19 null
local_ld_module Table totaldedication BIGINT 19 0

Total time spent on this module, in seconds

logstore_standard_log Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table name VARCHAR 100

Schedule name

assign_plugin_config Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshopform_rubric_levels Table dimensionid BIGINT 19 null

Which criterion this level is part of

questionnaire_question_type Table typeid BIGINT 19 0

The code for the type.

glossary Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
forum Table blockafter BIGINT 19 0
config_plugins Table plugin VARCHAR 100 core
h5p_libraries Table fullscreen BIT 1 0

Display fullscreen button

competency_usercompplan Table proficiency TINYINT 3 null

Indicate if the competency is proficient not.

customfield_field Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null
file_conversion Table converter VARCHAR 255 null
analytics_train_samples Table analysableid BIGINT 19 null
grade_categories Table parent BIGINT 19 null

Categories can be hierarchical

workshop Table submissionstart BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be started manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the start of the submission phase

wiki_versions Table userid BIGINT 19 0

Edition autor

grade_items_history Table scaleid BIGINT 19 null

If this grade is based on a scale, which one is it?

analytics_prediction_actions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
feedback_completedtmp Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_answers Table answerformat TINYINT 3 0
stats_user_daily Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
badge_backpack_oauth2 Table refreshtoken LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_evidence Table descidentifier VARCHAR 255
book Table numbering SMALLINT 5 0
wiki_pages Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

Wiki page creation timestamp

mnet_rpc Table static BIT 1 null
assign_submission Table userid BIGINT 19 0
mnet_session Table token VARCHAR 40

Unique SHA1 Token

scale_history Table userid BIGINT 19 0
question_calculated_options Table single SMALLINT 5 0

If 0 it multiple response (checkboxes). Otherwise it is radio buttons.

question_statistics Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
user Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
forum_posts Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_posts Table discussion BIGINT 19 0
mnetservice_enrol_enrolments Table id BIGINT 19 null

Unique enrollment ID

blog_external Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz_slots Table page BIGINT 19 null

The page number that this questions appears on. If the question in slot n appears on page p, then the question in slot n+1 must appear on page p or p+1. Well, except that when a quiz is being created, there may be empty pages, which would cause the page number to jump here.

course_modules_completion Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_subscriptions Table inactivedate BIGINT 19 0
quiz_overrides Table groupid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key references Can be null if this is a per-user override.

lti Table instructorchoicesendemailaddr BIT 1 null

Send user's email

grade_letters Table letter VARCHAR 255

The display value of the letter. Can be any character or string of characters (OK, A, 10% etc..)

enrol_lti_tools Table city VARCHAR 120
block_zoola_reports_schedule Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshopform_numerrors_map Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table status VARCHAR 100 enabled

'enabled' or reason why the schedule is disabled.

qtype_match_subquestions Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

Format of the intro field (MOODLE, HTML, MARKDOWN...)

badge Table language VARCHAR 255 null
editor_atto_autosave Table draftid BIGINT 19 null

Optional draft area id containing draft files.

lti_tool_proxies Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop_submissions Table example TINYINT 3 0

Is this submission an example from teacher

tool_customlang Table modified SMALLINT 5 0

Has the string been modified via the translator?

tool_dataprivacy_request Table creationmethod BIGINT 19 0

The type of the creation method of the data request

grade_outcomes_courses Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

id of the course

tag Table id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_randomsamatch_options Table subcats TINYINT 3 1

Whether to include or not the subcategories.

repository Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_defaults Table completionusegrade BIT 1 0
grading_instances Table status BIGINT 19 0

The status of the assessment. By default the instance is under-assessment state

badge Table status BIT 1 0

Badge status: 0 = inactive, 1 = active, 2 = active+locked, 3 = inactive+locked, 4 = archived

question_attempt_steps Table questionattemptid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key, references

backup_controllers Table status SMALLINT 5 null

current status of the backup (configured, ui, running...)

data Table requiredentries INT 10 0
lesson Table maxanswers SMALLINT 5 4
lesson_overrides Table maxattempts SMALLINT 5 null
qtype_essay_options Table questionid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key linking to the question table.

course_completion_crit_compl Table unenroled BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp when the user was unenroled

external_services Table component VARCHAR 100 null
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table idnumber VARCHAR 100
quiz_reports Table displayorder BIGINT 19 null

display order for report tabs

competency_userevidence Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
scorm_scoes Table scormtype VARCHAR 5
oauth2_issuer Table loginparamsoffline LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Additional parameters sent for a login attempt to generate a refresh token.

mnet_host Table id BIGINT 19 null

Unique Host ID

customfield_category Table itemid BIGINT 19 0
competency_usercompcourse Table proficiency TINYINT 3 null

Indicate if the competency is proficient not.

quiz_overrides Table password VARCHAR 255 null

Quiz password. Can be null, in which case the quiz default is used.

lesson_overrides Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key references Can be null if this is a per-group override.

forum Table blockperiod BIGINT 19 0
portfolio_mahara_queue Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_resp_multiple Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table maxscore BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_request Table type BIGINT 19 0

Data request type

data_fields Table param3 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
message_users_blocked Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
block_recent_activity Table action BIT 1 null

0 created, 1 updated, 2 deleted

user Table mailformat BIT 1 1
glossary_categories Table id BIGINT 19 null
notifications Table contexturlname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
editor_atto_autosave Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the user that loaded the form.

block_zoola_reports_user Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User ID

course_format_options Table format VARCHAR 21

Format this option is for

quiz_attempts Table timefinish BIGINT 19 0

Time when the attempt was submitted. 0 if the attempt has not been submitted yet.

h5pactivity_attempts_results Table completion BIT 1 null

Store the xAPI tracking completion result.

enrol_lti_lti2_context Table type VARCHAR 100 null
quiz Table timeopen BIGINT 19 0

The time when this quiz opens. (0 = no restriction.)

grade_items Table weightoverride BIT 1 0
grade_categories_history Table loggeduser BIGINT 19 null

the userid of the person who last modified this outcome

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table regexallowed LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Regex of allowed URLs

lti Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

General introduction of the basiclti activity

events_queue_handlers Table errormessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

if an error happened last time we tried to process this event, record it here.

stats_user_weekly Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_pages Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

page edition timestamp

badge_manual_award Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop_submissions Table late TINYINT 3 0

Has this submission been submitted after the deadline or during the assessment phase?

question_calculated Table correctanswerformat BIGINT 19 2
scorm_scoes Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_request Table fullname VARCHAR 254
data_content Table content4 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
my_pages Table name VARCHAR 200

The page name (freeform text)

scorm_scoes Table identifier VARCHAR 255
oauth2_access_token Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who modified this record.

tool_customlang_components Table name VARCHAR 255

The normalized name of the plugin

scorm_scoes Table title VARCHAR 255
question_attempt_step_data Table id BIGINT 19 null
events_queue_handlers Table queuedeventid BIGINT 19 null

foreign key id corresponding to the id of the event_queues table

badge Table message LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table showkeyboardlayout BIT 1 null

Bool to show keyboard layout.

scorm_scoes_data Table name VARCHAR 255
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table expressionsallowed LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comma or newline separated list of allowed expressions

competency_framework Table idnumber VARCHAR 100 null

Unique idnumber for this competency framework.

user_lastaccess Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
forum_queue Table userid BIGINT 19 0
task_log Table timestart DECIMAL 20 null

The start time of the task

imscp Table name VARCHAR 255
grade_items Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0

Sorting order of the columns

course_modules_completion Table completionstate BIT 1 null

Whether or not the user has completed the activity. Available states: 0 = not completed if there's no row in this table, that also counts as 0 1 = completed 2 = completed, show passed 3 = completed, show failed

lesson_answers Table flags SMALLINT 5 0
cohort Table idnumber VARCHAR 100 null

Unique identifier of a cohort, useful especially for mapping to external entities

questionnaire_response_rank Table choice_id BIGINT 19 0
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table summaryformat SMALLINT 5 0

Format of the summary field

h5pactivity Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when the instance was last modified.

repository_instance_config Table id BIGINT 19 null
chat_users Table lang VARCHAR 30
competency Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti_types Table ltiversion VARCHAR 10
event Table uuid VARCHAR 255
glossary_entries Table userid BIGINT 19 0
message_conversation_actions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
enrol_paypal Table option_selection2_x VARCHAR 255
competency_modulecomp Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was created.

messages Table customdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom data to be passed to the message processor. Must be serialisable using json_encode()

grading_areas Table id BIGINT 19 null
cohort_members Table timeadded BIGINT 19 0
message Table contexturl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

If this message is a notification of an event contexturl should contain a link to view this event. For example if its a notification of a forum post contexturl should contain a link to the forum post.

workshopform_accumulative Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field

course_sections Table availability LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Availability restrictions for viewing this section, in JSON format. Null if no restrictions.

groups Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
analytics_indicator_calc Table endtime BIGINT 19 null
question_statistics Table sd DECIMAL 15 null
glossary_categories Table name VARCHAR 255
contentbank_content Table configdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
repository_instances Table password VARCHAR 255 null
scorm_seq_rolluprulecond Table operator VARCHAR 5 noOp
upgrade_log Table version VARCHAR 100 null

plugin or main version if known

external_services Table enabled BIT 1 null
competency_relatedcomp Table relatedcompetencyid BIGINT 19 null
chat_messages Table userid BIGINT 19 0
lesson_branch Table timeseen BIGINT 19 0
badge_endorsement Table issuerurl VARCHAR 255
quiz_sections Table firstslot BIGINT 19 null

Number of the first slot in the section. The section runs from here to the start of the next section, or the end of the quiz.

block_positions Table region VARCHAR 16

Which block region on this page this block should appear in.

course_modules Table visible BIT 1 1
question_ddwtos Table correctfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
post Table uniquehash VARCHAR 255
questionnaire Table autonum BIT 1 3

option for auto numbering questions and pages (both selected by default)

question_statistics Table facility DECIMAL 15 null
grade_items Table grademin DECIMAL 10 0.00000

What is the minimum allowable grade?

question_ddwtos Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshopform_comments Table sort BIGINT 19 0

Defines the dimension order within the assessment form

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table showreloadbutton BIT 1 null

Bool to show reload button.

badge_external_identifier Table type VARCHAR 16
wiki_subwikis Table wikiid BIGINT 19 0

Wiki activity

grade_categories Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
mnet_host Table last_connect_time BIGINT 19 0
repository_onedrive_access Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
analytics_predictions Table rangeindex MEDIUMINT 7 null
lesson_branch Table retry BIGINT 19 0
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table remoteid BIGINT 19 null

ID of course on its home server

lesson_attempts Table userid BIGINT 19 0
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table regexblocked LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Regex of blocked URLs

workshopform_rubric Table sort BIGINT 19 0

Defines the dimension order within the assessment form

scorm Table name VARCHAR 255
course Table summary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
user Table autosubscribe BIT 1 1
workshop Table maxbytes BIGINT 19 100000

Maximum size of the one attached file

external_tokens Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

created timestamp

lti_types Table clientid VARCHAR 255 null
oauth2_issuer Table showonloginpage TINYINT 3 1
url Table displayoptions LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
workshop Table submissiontypefile BIT 1 1

Can students attach files for their submissions? 0 for no, 1 for optional, 2 for required.

files Table component VARCHAR 100

Full name of the component owning the area

competency_plancomp Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table created BIGINT 19 null
wiki_versions Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Not parsed wiki content

course Table relativedatesmode BIT 1 0

Whether to let this course display course- or activity-related dates relative to the user's enrolment date in this course.

role Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Empty descriptions may be automatically localised

grade_settings Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
event Table subscriptionid BIGINT 19 null

The event_subscription id this event is associated with.

analytics_predictions Table timestart BIGINT 19 null
scale Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_ddimageortext Table correctfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
qtype_ddimageortext_drops Table label LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Alt label for drop box

task_log Table output LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
file_conversion Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
oauth2_issuer Table image LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table sensitivedatareasons LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
lesson Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_devices Table name VARCHAR 32

the device name, occam or iPhone etc..

role_allow_assign Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignment Table var5 BIGINT 19 0
question_hints Table hintformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the hint.

assignsubmission_file Table submission BIGINT 19 0
glossary Table allowcomments TINYINT 3 0
assignfeedback_comments Table grade BIGINT 19 0
forum_grades Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The user who was graded

filter_config Table name VARCHAR 255

The config variable name.

block_rss_client Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
questionnaire Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Description text.

user_info_field Table defaultdataformat TINYINT 3 0
resource_old Table cmid BIGINT 19 null
competency_plan Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
analytics_prediction_actions Table userid BIGINT 19 null
repository_instances Table username VARCHAR 255 null
event Table priority BIGINT 19 null

The event's display priority. For multiple events with the same module name, instance and eventtype (e.g. for group overrides), the one with the higher priority will be displayed.

competency_usercomp Table status TINYINT 3 0

Competency status.

stats_daily Table stattype VARCHAR 20 activity

type of stat

block_positions Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

With pagetype and subpage, defines the page we are setting the position for.

assign Table sendstudentnotifications TINYINT 3 1

Default for send student notifications checkbox when grading.

competency Table ruletype VARCHAR 100 null
feedback_completed Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
cache_flags Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_info_category Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table weightoverride BIT 1 0
message_read Table notification BIT 1 0
tool_usertours_steps Table targetvalue LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The value for the specified target type.

forum_posts Table mailnow BIGINT 19 0
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tag_coll Table component VARCHAR 100 null
upgrade_log Table plugin VARCHAR 100 null
enrol_lti_tools Table gradesync BIT 1 0
block_zoola_reports Table label VARCHAR 255

Report label

log Table url VARCHAR 100
block Table cron BIGINT 19 0
scorm_aicc_session Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback_sitecourse_map Table feedbackid BIGINT 19 0
badge_external_backpack Table apiversion VARCHAR 12 1.0
question_calculated_options Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0

If true, then when the user gets a multiple-response question partially correct, tell them how many choices they got correct alongside the feedback.

local_ld_lastactivity Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key to the user table

enrol_lti_lti2_nonce Table expires BIGINT 19 null
my_pages Table private BIT 1 1

Whether or not the page is private (dashboard) or public (profile)

messages Table fullmessagehtml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
enrol Table customchar1 VARCHAR 255 null

Custom - general short name

grade_outcomes_history Table fullname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The full description of the outcome (usually 1 sentence)

lti_access_tokens Table token VARCHAR 128

security token, aka private access key

lesson Table grade BIGINT 19 0
messages Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
assign Table preventsubmissionnotingroup TINYINT 3 0

If enabled a user will be unable to make a submission unless they are a member of a group.

questionnaire_survey Table realm VARCHAR 64
question Table defaultmark DECIMAL 12 1.0000000
grade_grades Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The user who this grade is for

grade_categories Table aggregateoutcomes BIT 1 0

Aggregate outcomes

block_zoola_module_name Table coursemoduleid BIGINT 19 null

Course module id

question_statistics Table slot BIGINT 19 null

The position in the quiz where this question appears

message_contacts Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop_submissions Table gradeoverby BIGINT 19 null

The id of the user who has overridden the grade for submission.

lti Table instructorchoiceallowsetting BIT 1 null

Allow a tool to store a setting

enrol_paypal Table receiver_id VARCHAR 255
logstore_standard_log Table ip VARCHAR 45 null

IP address

badge_issued Table uniquehash LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
search_simpledb_index Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table quizid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key to quiz id.

tool_policy_versions Table optional SMALLINT 5 0

0 - the policy must be accepted to use the site, 1 - accepting the policy is optional

role Table name VARCHAR 255

Empty names are automatically localised

h5p_libraries_cachedassets Table hash VARCHAR 255

Cache hash key that this library is part of.

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table protected BIT 1 null
questionnaire_question Table length BIGINT 19 0
question_gapselect Table partiallycorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
portfolio_tempdata Table expirytime BIGINT 19 null

time this record will expire (used for cron cleanups) - the start of export + 24 hours

data_fields Table param2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
label Table name VARCHAR 255
questionnaire_fb_sections Table scorecalculation LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_grades Table informationformat BIGINT 19 0

format of information text

grade_import_values Table newgradeitem BIGINT 19 null

if set, points to the id of grade_import_newitem

feedback_value Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table hidetoc BIT 1 0
upgrade_log Table targetversion VARCHAR 100 null

version of plugin or core specified in version.php at the time of upgrade loggging

assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table gradeid BIGINT 19 0
qtype_ddmarker_drops Table shape VARCHAR 255 null

circle, rectangle, polygon

questionnaire_dependency Table dependandor VARCHAR 4

Mandatory or obligatory dependency

tool_monitor_events Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Time created

grade_outcomes_history Table oldid BIGINT 19 null
competency_evidence Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
assignsubmission_onlinetext Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
survey_analysis Table userid BIGINT 19 0
gradingform_rubric_fillings Table id BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_handlers Table classname VARCHAR 255

The class defining the Inbound Message handler to be called.

lesson Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
tool_policy_versions Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when the policy version was last modified.

workshop_grades Table strategy VARCHAR 30
glossary_entries Table glossaryid BIGINT 19 0
role Table shortname VARCHAR 100
block_recentlyaccesseditems Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table autocommit BIT 1 0
quiz_feedback Table quizid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

h5p_contents_libraries Table dependencytype VARCHAR 10

dynamic, preloaded or editor

enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table settings LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
external_tokens Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_digests Table maildigest BIT 1 -1
grading_areas Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

The context of the gradable area, eg module instance context.

user_enrolments Table status BIGINT 19 0

0..9 are system constants, 0 means active participation, see ENROL_PARTICIPATION_* constants, plugins may define own status greater than 10

scorm_seq_ruleconds Table ruletype TINYINT 3 0
external_services Table uploadfiles BIT 1 0

1 if the service allow people to upload files to webservice/upload.php - 0 if not

questionnaire_feedback Table feedbacklabel VARCHAR 50 null
badge_alignment Table targeturl VARCHAR 255
question_numerical_units Table question BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

badge_criteria Table criteriatype BIGINT 19 null

The criteria type we are aggregating

log_display Table component VARCHAR 100

owner of the log action

question_calculated Table tolerance VARCHAR 20 0.0
block_instances Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table completionstatusrequired BIT 1 null
analytics_used_analysables Table modelid BIGINT 19 null
assign_grades Table grader BIGINT 19 0
workshopform_accumulative Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm_seq_mapinfo Table scoid BIGINT 19 0
message_contacts Table contactid BIGINT 19 null
competency_evidence Table actionuserid BIGINT 19 null
feedback_item Table options VARCHAR 255
tool_monitor_subscriptions Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User id of the subscriber

quiz Table reviewspecificfeedback MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table id BIGINT 19 null
upgrade_log Table info VARCHAR 255
course_completion_crit_compl Table userid BIGINT 19 0
lesson_grades Table late SMALLINT 5 0
course Table enddate BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_ctxlevel Table contextlevel SMALLINT 5 null
question_ddwtos Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

qtype_ddmarker_drags Table label LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Alt text label for drag-able image.

page Table course BIGINT 19 0
badge_endorsement Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback_valuetmp Table completed BIGINT 19 0
mnet_rpc Table profile LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Method signature

groups Table enrolmentkey VARCHAR 50 null
forum Table course BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades_history Table rawgrademax DECIMAL 10 100.00000

The maximum allowable grade when this was created

block_zoola_reports_schreps Table repeated TINYINT 3 0

0 - one time run, 1 - daily, 2 - weekly, 3 - monthly

badge_external_identifier Table internalid VARCHAR 128
event Table repeatid BIGINT 19 0
logstore_standard_log Table action VARCHAR 100
workshopform_accumulative Table weight MEDIUMINT 7 1

The weigh of the dimension

message Table fullmessageformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the full message

capabilities Table riskbitmask BIGINT 19 0
chat Table studentlogs SMALLINT 5 0
feedback_completedtmp Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
data Table assesstimestart BIGINT 19 0
survey_questions Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti_submission Table state TINYINT 3 null
quiz Table completionattemptsexhausted BIT 1 0
resource_old Table newid BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity Table grade BIGINT 19 0
course_completion_crit_compl Table gradefinal DECIMAL 10 null

The final grade for the course (included regardless of whether a passing grade was required)

oauth2_issuer Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who modified this record

cache_filters Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
grade_items_history Table grademax DECIMAL 10 100.00000

What is the maximum allowable grade?

enrol_lti_tools Table maildisplay TINYINT 3 2
feedback Table course BIGINT 19 0
notifications Table fullmessageformat BIT 1 0
enrol Table customtext1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom - general text

forum Table maxbytes BIGINT 19 0
url Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
user Table deleted BIT 1 0
lti Table typeid BIGINT 19 null

Basic LTI type

message_conversation_members Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
event Table categoryid BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_question_type Table type VARCHAR 32
qtype_multichoice_options Table partiallycorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
glossary Table editalways TINYINT 3 0
quiz_statistics Table cic DECIMAL 15 null
scale Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
forum_posts Table subject VARCHAR 255
block_instances Table showinsubcontexts SMALLINT 5 null

If 1, this block appears on all matching pages in subcontexts of parentcontextid, as well in pages belonging to parentcontextid.

badge_criteria Table badgeid BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades Table rawgrademin DECIMAL 10 0.00000

The minimum allowable grade when this was created

assignment_upgrade Table newinstance BIGINT 19 0
enrol_paypal Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
favourite Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Last modification time

backup_logs Table id BIGINT 19 null
repository Table visible BIT 1 1
tool_dataprivacy_request Table dpocommentformat TINYINT 3 0
context_temp Table depth TINYINT 3 null
block_zoola_reports Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_policy_versions Table contentformat SMALLINT 5 null

Format of the content field

forum_discussions Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table subject VARCHAR 1333

Email subject

book Table course BIGINT 19 0
competency_plancomp Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
tool_usertours_steps Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
logstore_standard_log Table anonymous BIT 1 0

Was this event anonymous at the time of triggering?

question_statistics Table maxmark DECIMAL 12 null
customfield_field Table descriptionformat BIGINT 19 null
scorm_seq_rolluprule Table childactivityset VARCHAR 15
stats_user_monthly Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
assignsubmission_onlinetext Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_posts Table messageformat TINYINT 3 0
tag_coll Table name VARCHAR 255 null
analytics_models_log Table modelid BIGINT 19 null
analytics_indicator_calc Table sampleorigin VARCHAR 255
questionnaire_response Table submitted BIGINT 19 0
tag_instance Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0


user Table emailstop BIT 1 0
modules Table cron BIGINT 19 0
grade_items_history Table needsupdate BIGINT 19 0

If this flag is set, then the whole column will be recalculated

course_request Table requester BIGINT 19 0
message Table subject LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The message subject

events_queue Table stackdump LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

serialized debug_backtrace showing where the event was fired from

qtype_match_options Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 1
folder Table revision BIGINT 19 0

incremented when after each file changes, solves browser caching issues

data Table name VARCHAR 255
scorm_seq_rolluprule Table minimumcount BIGINT 19 0
competency Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who last modified this competency

tool_customlang_components Table version VARCHAR 255 null

The checked out version of the plugin, null if the version is unknown

mnet_host Table applicationid BIGINT 19 1
comments Table format TINYINT 3 0
workshopform_comments Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

Workshop ID

message_user_actions Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback_item Table template BIGINT 19 0
message_contact_requests Table userid BIGINT 19 null
mnet_host2service Table publish BIT 1 0
logstore_standard_log Table origin VARCHAR 10 null

cli, cron, ws, etc.

assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table descriptionformat BIT 1 null
workshop Table instructauthorsformat SMALLINT 5 0
files_reference Table reference LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Identification of the external file. Repository plugins are interpreting it to locate the external file.

questionnaire_survey Table status BIGINT 19 0
scorm_scoes_data Table id BIGINT 19 null
message Table smallmessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Smal version of message (eg sms)

grade_categories_history Table droplow BIGINT 19 0

Drop the X lowest items

qtype_ddimageortext_drags Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
survey_answers Table id BIGINT 19 null
glossary_formats Table sortorder VARCHAR 50
enrol_lti_lti2_context Table updated BIGINT 19 null
assign_submission Table status VARCHAR 10 null

The status of this assignment submission. The current statuses are DRAFT and SUBMITTED.

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table updated BIGINT 19 null
contentbank_content Table name VARCHAR 255
config_log Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_usertours_tours Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
forum_posts Table attachment VARCHAR 100
course_sections Table sequence LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnet_application Table sso_jump_url VARCHAR 255
editor_atto_autosave Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

The contextid that the form was loaded with.

workshopform_numerrors Table grade0 VARCHAR 50 null

The word describing the negative evaluation (like Poor, Missing, Absent, etc.). If NULL, it defaults to a translated string False

choice_answers Table choiceid BIGINT 19 0
message_popup Table messageid BIGINT 19 null
workshop_aggregations Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the user which aggregated grades are calculated for

badge_backpack_oauth2 Table externalbackpackid BIGINT 19 null
competency_framework Table scaleconfiguration LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Scale information.

license Table sortorder MEDIUMINT 7 0
oauth2_access_token Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Time this record was created.

qtype_ddmarker Table partiallycorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
enrol_lti_tools Table id BIGINT 19 null
post Table summary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
question_categories Table parent BIGINT 19 0
data_records Table id BIGINT 19 null
data Table assessed BIGINT 19 0
question_numerical_options Table showunits SMALLINT 5 0

How units are handled: 3) Not used at all, 0) Optional, or 1) must be right or penalty applied.

workshop Table instructauthors LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Instructions for the submission phase

workshop_submissions Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp when the submission has been updated

customfield_field Table configdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
qtype_ddmarker_drops Table no BIGINT 19 0

drop number

messageinbound_datakeys Table datakey VARCHAR 64 null

The secret key for this data item.

search_simpledb_index Table description1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
choice Table display SMALLINT 5 0
mnetservice_enrol_enrolments Table rolename VARCHAR 255
analytics_used_files Table modelid BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_response_text Table response_id BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_notifications Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Id of user that should see Zoola notifications.

mnet_sso_access_control Table id BIGINT 19 null

Required ID field

user_devices Table pushid VARCHAR 255

the device PUSH token/key/identifier/registration id

sessions Table id BIGINT 19 null
event Table component VARCHAR 100 null

Component that created this event, if specified, only component itself can edit and delete it

post Table created BIGINT 19 0
qtype_ddimageortext_drops Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_versions Table pageid BIGINT 19 0

Page id

quiz Table password VARCHAR 255

A password that the student must enter before starting or continuing a quiz attempt.

wiki Table name VARCHAR 255 Wiki

name field for moodle instances

event_subscriptions Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
feedback_value Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
chat_users Table course BIGINT 19 0
analytics_predictions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
local_activityvisibility_que Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
backup_controllers Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

last time the controller was modified

tag_coll Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz_slots Table questioncategoryid BIGINT 19 null

The question category that the random question will be picked from. Will be null if and only if the question is not a random question.

competency_evidence Table grade BIGINT 19 null
survey_questions Table type SMALLINT 5 0
feedback_item Table name VARCHAR 255
user_info_field Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Description of field

chat_users Table lastping BIGINT 19 0
assign_grades Table userid BIGINT 19 0
quiz_attempts Table id BIGINT 19 null

Standard Moodle primary key.

context_temp Table locked TINYINT 3 0

Whether this context and its children are locked

comments Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
block_instances Table pagetypepattern VARCHAR 64

The types of page this block appears on. Either an exact page type like mod-quiz-view, or a pattern like mod-quiz-* or course-view-*. Note that course-view-* will match course-view.

tool_monitor_events Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

Context id

message_airnotifier_devices Table userdeviceid BIGINT 19 null

The user device id in the user_devices table

mnet_remote_service2rpc Table rpcid BIGINT 19 0

Unique Function ID

analytics_predict_samples Table modelid BIGINT 19 null
favourite Table itemid BIGINT 19 null

The identifier of the item which is being favourited.

qtype_essay_options Table responsetemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The template to pre-populate student's response field during attempt.

quiz_attempts Table timemodifiedoffline BIGINT 19 0

Last modified time via web services.

data Table asearchtemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
data_fields Table param8 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
cache_filters Table rawtext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
notifications Table fullmessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_usercomp Table reviewerid BIGINT 19 null

User that reviewed the competency.

assignment_submissions Table timemarked BIGINT 19 0
choice Table allowupdate TINYINT 3 0
question_attempts Table flagged BIT 1 0

Whether this question has been flagged within the attempt.

groupings Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
question_dataset_definitions Table type BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_module_name Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_response_analysis Table whichtries VARCHAR 255
question_gapselect Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0
competency_usercompplan Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User associated to the competency.

message_email_messages Table useridto BIGINT 19 null
competency_evidence Table usercompetencyid BIGINT 19 null
quiz_statistics Table allattemptsavg DECIMAL 15 null
forum_discussion_subs Table forum BIGINT 19 null
feedback_item Table label VARCHAR 255
course Table groupmode SMALLINT 5 0
data Table csstemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
forum_read Table postid BIGINT 19 0
course Table requested BIT 1 0
mnet_host Table wwwroot VARCHAR 255
mnet_sso_access_control Table accessctrl VARCHAR 20 allow

Whether or not this user/host can login

analytics_used_files Table time BIGINT 19 0
question Table category BIGINT 19 0
glossary Table completionentries INT 10 0

Non zero if a certain number of entries are required to mark this glossary complete for a user.

question_numerical_options Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table showsebdownloadlink BIT 1 null

Bool whether SEB download link should appear

survey_questions Table intro VARCHAR 50
messages Table useridfrom BIGINT 19 null
lesson_pages Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_cohort Table blockinstanceid BIGINT 19 null

Block instance ID

competency_coursecompsetting Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who last modified this setting

badge_external_identifier Table sitebackpackid BIGINT 19 null

ID of a site backpack

scorm Table whatgrade BIGINT 19 0
log_queries Table error MEDIUMINT 7 0

is error

lti Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
forum Table forcesubscribe BIT 1 0
oauth2_issuer Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

The defined sort order.

wiki_locks Table pageid BIGINT 19 0

Locked page

stats_user_daily Table statswrites BIGINT 19 0
enrol_paypal Table payment_status VARCHAR 255
lti_tool_settings Table settings LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Setting values as JSON

scorm Table navpositiontop BIGINT 19 -100
user Table confirmed BIT 1 0
course_completion_crit_compl Table course BIGINT 19 0
question_calculated Table question BIGINT 19 0
workshop Table conclusionformat SMALLINT 5 1

The format of the conclusion field content.

book_chapters Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
feedback_template Table course BIGINT 19 0
groupings Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_categories Table droplow BIGINT 19 0

Drop the X lowest items

tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table duration BIGINT 19 0

Seconds inverted in this result (exctracted directly from statement)

user Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback Table publish_stats BIT 1 0
workshopallocation_scheduled Table resultstatus BIGINT 19 null

The resulting status of the most recent execution

course_completions Table timecompleted BIGINT 19 null
grade_settings Table name VARCHAR 255
questionnaire_response_bool Table choice_id VARCHAR 1 y
oauth2_user_field_mapping Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was modified

log_queries Table info LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

detailed info such as error text

role_names Table contextid BIGINT 19 0
tool_monitor_subscriptions Table cmid BIGINT 19 null

Course module id

profiling Table runcomment VARCHAR 255

Brief comment for this run

workshop_submissions Table authorid BIGINT 19 null

The author of the submission

h5pactivity_attempts_results Table attemptid BIGINT 19 null

h5pactivity_attempts ID

questionnaire_response_rank Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
post Table module VARCHAR 20
tag_correlation Table tagid BIGINT 19 null
scorm_seq_rolluprulecond Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades Table locktime BIGINT 19 0

automatic locking of final grade, 0 means none, date otherwise

role_assignments Table component VARCHAR 100

plugin responsible responsible for role assignment, empty when manually assigned

grade_grades_history Table finalgrade DECIMAL 10 null

The final grade (cached) after all calculations are made

scorm Table sha1hash VARCHAR 40 null

package content or ext path hash

forum Table name VARCHAR 255
block_zoola_reports Table blockinstanceid BIGINT 19 null

Block instance ID

config Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
data_fields Table param4 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
qtype_multichoice_options Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

question_calculated_options Table question BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_resp_single Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_comments Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti_tool_proxies Table regurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
filter_config Table filter VARCHAR 32

The filter internal name, like 'tex'.

enrol_lti_lti2_share_key Table resourcelinkid BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_messagelist Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
tool_usertours_tours Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
workshop_assessments Table feedbackauthor LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The comment/feedback from the reviewer for the author.

lti_submission Table ltiid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the LTI tool instance

registration_hubs Table hubname VARCHAR 255
chat_messages Table id BIGINT 19 null
assign_user_mapping Table userid BIGINT 19 0
data_content Table content1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
course_modules_completion Table viewed BIT 1 null

Tracks whether or not this activity has been viewed. NULL = we are not tracking viewed for this activity 0 = not viewed 1 = viewed

analytics_prediction_actions Table predictionid BIGINT 19 null
workshopform_rubric_config Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

The id of workshop this configuartion applies for

stats_user_weekly Table statswrites BIGINT 19 0
lti_tool_settings Table course BIGINT 19 null

Primary key of course (null for system-wide settings)

stats_weekly Table stattype VARCHAR 20 activity

type of stat

forum Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_resp_single Table response_id BIGINT 19 0
forum_discussions Table timelocked BIGINT 19 0
mnet_application Table name VARCHAR 50
search_simpledb_index Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
qtype_randomsamatch_options Table id BIGINT 19 null
files Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0

order of files

qtype_randomsamatch_options Table partiallycorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any partially correct response.

forum_queue Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The modified time of the original post

registration_hubs Table confirmed BIT 1 0
mnet_session Table session_id VARCHAR 40

The PHP Session ID

mnetservice_enrol_courses Table roleid BIGINT 19 null

The ID of the role at the remote server that our users will get when we enrol them there

auth_oauth2_linked_login Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
wiki_pages Table cachedcontent LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Cache wiki content

mnet_log Table coursename VARCHAR 40
questionnaire_response_bool Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
quiz Table attemptonlast SMALLINT 5 0

Whether subsequent attempts start from teh answer to the previous attempt (1) or start blank (0).

gradingform_guide_fillings Table remarkformat TINYINT 3 null

The format of the remark field

competency_usercompcourse Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table maxattempt BIGINT 19 1
scorm_scoes_track Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_policy_acceptances Table userid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the user this acceptance is relevant to

tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_attempts Table questionsummary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

If this question uses randomisation, it should set this field to summarise what random version the student actually saw. This is a human-readable textual summary of the student's response which might, for example, be used in a report.

assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table rawtext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Raw text of the comment

scale Table scale LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table colour VARCHAR 10 black

Can be red, yellow, green, blue, white, black

grade_import_values Table importer BIGINT 19 null
badge_backpack_oauth2 Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz_attempts Table uniqueid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key reference to the question_usage that holds the details of the the question_attempts that make up this quiz attempt.

question Table questiontextformat TINYINT 3 0
badge_backpack Table autosync BIT 1 0
competency_modulecomp Table id BIGINT 19 null
external_tokens Table lastaccess BIGINT 19 null

last access timestamp

question_gapselect Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

portfolio_log Table caller_sha1 VARCHAR 255

sha1 of exported content as far as the caller is concerned (before the portfolio plugin gets a hold of it)

enrol_lti_lti2_tool_proxy Table consumerid BIGINT 19 null
quiz_slots Table id BIGINT 19 null
assign_plugin_config Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The value of the config setting. Stored as text but can be interpreted by the plugin however it likes.

enrol Table cost VARCHAR 20 null

Custom - enrolment cost

user Table password VARCHAR 255
assign_grades Table grade DECIMAL 10 0.00000

The numerical grade for this assignment submission. Can be determined by scales/advancedgradingforms etc but will always be converted back to a floating point number.

scale_history Table name VARCHAR 255
user_info_field Table param1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

General parameter field

course_completion_criteria Table timeend BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of the date for course completion (if using date criteria type)

auth_oauth2_linked_login Table confirmtokenexpires BIGINT 19 null
folder Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
forum Table type VARCHAR 20 general
tool_monitor_events Table contextinstanceid BIGINT 19 null

Context instance id

tool_monitor_rules Table plugin VARCHAR 254

Frankenstlye name of the plguin

tool_monitor_history Table timesent BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when the message was sent.

chat Table chattime BIGINT 19 0
customfield_data Table valueformat BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table itemtype VARCHAR 30

'mod', 'blocks', 'import', 'calculated' etc

quiz_slots Table maxmark DECIMAL 12 0.0000000

How many marks this question contributes to quiz.sumgrades.

quiz_attempts Table quiz BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key reference to the quiz that was attempted.

upgrade_log Table userid BIGINT 19 null
survey Table days MEDIUMINT 7 0
role_assignments Table roleid BIGINT 19 0
scorm Table height BIGINT 19 600
message_user_actions Table userid BIGINT 19 null
comments Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
notifications Table eventtype VARCHAR 100 null
course_sections Table visible BIT 1 1
workshop Table submissionend BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be closed manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the end of the submission phase

course_modules Table availability LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Availability restrictions for viewing this activity, in JSON format. Null if no restrictions.

grade_items Table itemtype VARCHAR 30

'mod', 'blocks', 'import', 'calculated' etc

question_calculated_options Table synchronize TINYINT 3 0
lti_types Table name VARCHAR 255 basiclti Activity

Activity name

mnet_log Table url VARCHAR 100
grade_items Table calculation LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Formula describing how to derive this grade from other items, referring to them using giXXX where XXX is grade item id ... eg something like: =sin(square(#gi20#)) + #gi30#

quiz_overview_regrades Table slot BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key, references question_attempts.slot

license Table version BIGINT 19 0
survey_answers Table time BIGINT 19 0
quiz_grades Table grade DECIMAL 10 0.00000

The overall grade from the quiz. Not affected by overrides in the gradebook.

user_info_data Table fieldid BIGINT 19 0

id from the field table

user_devices Table platform VARCHAR 32

the device platform, Android or iOS etc

block Table id BIGINT 19 null
message_airnotifier_devices Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_criteria Table criteriatype BIGINT 19 0

Type of criteria

choice Table completionsubmit BIT 1 0

If this field is set to 1, then the activity will be automatically marked as 'complete' once the user submits their choice.

assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table colour VARCHAR 10 black

Can be red, yellow, green, blue, white, black

search_simpledb_index Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
oauth2_issuer Table loginparams LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Additional parameters sent for a login attempt.

workshopform_accumulative Table grade BIGINT 19 null

If greater than 0, then the value is maximum grade on a scale 0..grade. If lesser than 0, then its absolute value is the id of a record in scale table. If equals 0, then no grading is possible for this dimension, just commenting.

competency_modulecomp Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

The field used to naturally sort this link.

competency_usercomp Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null

Competency associated to the user.

grade_categories_history Table aggregateoutcomes BIT 1 0

Aggregate outcomes

feedback_item Table required BIT 1 0
forum_grades Table itemnumber BIGINT 19 null

The grade itemnumber

feedback Table completionsubmit BIT 1 0

If this field is set to 1, then the activity will be automatically marked as 'complete' once the user submits their choice.

message_popup Table id BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_instance_config Table id BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_rubric_fillings Table levelid BIGINT 19 null

If a particular level was selected during the assessment, its ID is stored here

lti_types Table enabledcapability LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Enabled capabilities, one per line (null for LTI 1 tools)

gradingform_rubric_levels Table definitionformat BIGINT 19 null

The format of the definition field

enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table updated BIGINT 19 null
assignment_submissions Table mailed BIT 1 0
search_simpledb_index Table owneruserid BIGINT 19 null
log_display Table field VARCHAR 200
events_queue Table userid BIGINT 19 null

$USER->id when the event was fired

assignment_submissions Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
chat Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades Table excluded BIGINT 19 0

grade excluded from aggregation functions, date means when excluded

local_ld_module_day Table daytime BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of the beginning of the day

question Table questiontext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
assign Table grade BIGINT 19 0

The maximum grade for this assignment. Can be negative to indicate the use of a scale.

enrol_lti_lti2_tool_proxy Table toolproxy LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tag_instance Table tagid BIGINT 19 null
mnetservice_enrol_enrolments Table enroltype VARCHAR 20

The name of the enrol plugin at the remote server that was used to enrol our student into their course

profiling Table totalcalls BIGINT 19 null

Total number of calls performed by the run

quizaccess_seb_template Table usermodified BIGINT 19 0
quiz Table graceperiod BIGINT 19 0

The amount of time (in seconds) after the time limit runs out during which attempts can still be submitted, if overduehandling is set to allow it.

course_published Table huburl VARCHAR 255 null

the url of the "registered on" hub

repository_onedrive_access Table permissionid VARCHAR 255

The permission id in OneDrive.

customfield_field Table shortname VARCHAR 100
question_datasets Table question BIGINT 19 0
workshopform_rubric Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field

questionnaire Table closedate BIGINT 19 0

Timestamp to close access on

user Table imagealt VARCHAR 255 null

alt tag for user uploaded image

page Table legacyfiles SMALLINT 5 0
lti_types Table course BIGINT 19 null
question_response_analysis Table variant BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_aggr_methd Table method BIT 1 0

1 = all, 2 = any, 3 = fraction, 4 = unit

tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnet_remote_service2rpc Table serviceid BIGINT 19 0

Unique service ID

workshop_submissions Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

the id of the workshop instance

workshop_submissions Table id BIGINT 19 null
mnet_log Table hostid BIGINT 19 0

Unique host ID

qtype_multichoice_options Table partiallycorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any partially correct response.

lti Table icon LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
resource_old Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
backup_controllers Table format VARCHAR 20

format of the backup (moodle/imscc...)

tool_dataprivacy_request Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

The time this data request was created

questionnaire_survey Table subtitle LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
h5pactivity Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the intro field.

user Table phone2 VARCHAR 20
competency_userevidence Table descriptionformat BIT 1 null
events_queue_handlers Table status BIGINT 19 null

number of failed attempts to process this handler

block_rss_client Table preferredtitle VARCHAR 64
lesson_pages Table contentsformat TINYINT 3 0
questionnaire_response_rank Table id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_ddmarker_drags Table noofdrags BIGINT 19 1

No of drag items, ignored if drag is infinite.

quiz_attempts Table timecheckstate BIGINT 19 0

Next time quiz cron should check attempt for state changes. NULL means never check.

survey_answers Table answer1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
enrol_lti_users Table userid BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_handlers Table enabled BIT 1 0

Whether this handler is currently enabled.

groups_members Table component VARCHAR 100

Defines the Moodle component which added this group membership (e.g. 'auth_myplugin'), or blank if it was added manually. (Entries which are created by a Moodle component cannot be removed in the normal user interface.)

assign Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The description of the assignment. This field is used by feature MOD_INTRO.

messages Table fullmessagetrust TINYINT 3 0
grade_import_values Table id BIGINT 19 null
config_plugins Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_userevidence Table userid BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpired Table status TINYINT 3 0
lesson Table review SMALLINT 5 0
badge_criteria_met Table issuedid BIGINT 19 null
resource_old Table alltext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
message Table fullmessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
feedback Table id BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_log Table caller_class VARCHAR 150

the name of the class used to create the transfer

notifications Table useridfrom BIGINT 19 null
lti Table showtitlelaunch BIT 1 0
badge_external_backpack Table backpackapiurl VARCHAR 255
question_usages Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

Every question usage must be associated with some context.

grade_outcomes Table fullname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The full description of the outcome (usually 1 sentence)

cache_filters Table md5key VARCHAR 32
scale_history Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_users Table lastaccess BIGINT 19 null

The time the user last accessed

workshopform_rubric_levels Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_users Table sourceid LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
enrol Table customint4 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

log_display Table mtable VARCHAR 30
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
competency_coursecomp Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null

The competency that is linked to this course.

choice_answers Table userid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table lastaccess BIGINT 19 null
assign_submission Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The last time this assignment submission was modified by a student.

workshop_grades Table assessmentid BIGINT 19 null

Part of which assessment this grade is of

search_index_requests Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

Context ID that has been requested for reindexing.

grade_outcomes_courses Table outcomeid BIGINT 19 null

id of the outcome

grade_categories_history Table aggregatesubcats BIT 1 0

This setting was removed from grade_categories. It is kept here only to preserve history.

rating Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency Table shortname VARCHAR 100 null

Shortname of a competency

mnet_host Table ip_address VARCHAR 45
scorm_aicc_session Table scormmode VARCHAR 50 null
grade_items_history Table multfactor DECIMAL 10 1.00000

Multiply all grades by this

assignfeedback_editpdf_queue Table submissionid BIGINT 19 null
feedback_sitecourse_map Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
backup_controllers Table progress DECIMAL 15 0.00000000000000

The backup or restore progress as a floating point number

tool_dataprivacy_category Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
message_read Table subject LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The message subject

grade_categories Table aggregateonlygraded BIT 1 0

aggregate only graded activities

local_ld_import_logs_status Table adhoctaskid BIGINT 19 null

Import logs task id

course_format_options Table sectionid BIGINT 19 0

Null if this is a course option, otherwise id of the section this option is for

qtype_multichoice_options Table layout SMALLINT 5 0

Not used. Was intended for a vertical/horizontal layout option. See MDL-18445.

workshopform_numerrors_map Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the workshop

scorm_scoes Table launch LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
external_services Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
oauth2_user_field_mapping Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades_history Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The last time this grade_item was modified

message_conversations Table itemtype VARCHAR 100 null
gradingform_guide_criteria Table shortname VARCHAR 255

shortname of this criterion

course_completion_defaults Table course BIGINT 19 null
lesson_grades Table userid BIGINT 19 0
h5pactivity_attempts Table rawscore BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_notifications Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge_endorsement Table claimcomment LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
scorm_scoes Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0

order of scoes

questionnaire_response_other Table choice_id BIGINT 19 0
portfolio_log Table userid BIGINT 19 null

user who exported content

h5pactivity Table displayoptions SMALLINT 5 0

H5P Button display options

stats_user_monthly Table id BIGINT 19 null
search_index_requests Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_survey Table email VARCHAR 255 null
lesson_attempts Table retry SMALLINT 5 0
oauth2_system_account Table refreshtoken LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The refresh token used to request access tokens.

quiz Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

Last modified time.

feedback_value Table item BIGINT 19 0
qtype_ddimageortext Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0
analytics_models Table trained BIT 1 0
enrol Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
comments Table userid BIGINT 19 null
lti_submission Table datesubmitted BIGINT 19 null
enrol Table customdec1 DECIMAL 12 null

Custom - general decimal

workshopform_numerrors Table weight MEDIUMINT 7 1

Weight of this dimension

mnet_service Table offer BIT 1 0

Do we even offer this service?

local_ld_lastactivity Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table submissionfiletypes VARCHAR 255 null

comma separated list of file extensions

portfolio_instance Table visible BIT 1 1

whether this instance is visible or not

questionnaire_response_text Table response LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_items_history Table hidden BIGINT 19 0

1 is hidden, > 1 is a date to hide until (prevents viewing)

questionnaire_feedback Table maxscore DECIMAL 10 101.00000
user Table firstname VARCHAR 100
question Table name VARCHAR 255
course_published Table timechecked BIGINT 19 null

the last time the status has been checked

choice Table timeopen BIGINT 19 0
customfield_data Table fieldid BIGINT 19 null
message_contact_requests Table requesteduserid BIGINT 19 null
lesson_overrides Table password VARCHAR 32 null

Lesson password. Can be null, in which case the lesson default is used.

course_published Table enrollable BIT 1 1

1 = enrollable, 0 = downloadable

logstore_standard_log Table objectid BIGINT 19 null
wiki Table forceformat BIT 1 1

Forces the default editor

assignment Table assignmenttype VARCHAR 50
competency_usercompplan Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_survey Table name VARCHAR 255
assign Table sendlatenotifications TINYINT 3 0

Allows separate enabling of notifications for late assignment submissions.

glossary_formats Table defaulthook VARCHAR 50
lesson_answers Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
quiz Table reviewoverallfeedback MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

question_dataset_definitions Table name VARCHAR 255
search_simpledb_index Table userid BIGINT 19 null
feedback_completedtmp Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
competency_template Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this learning plan template was last modified.

mnet_rpc Table id BIGINT 19 null

Unique Function ID

message_users_blocked Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_paypal Table reason_code VARCHAR 30
scorm_seq_rolluprulecond Table rollupruleid BIGINT 19 0
assign_user_flags Table extensionduedate BIGINT 19 0

An extension date assigned to an individual student.

question_gapselect Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_category Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_history Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_policy_acceptances Table lang VARCHAR 30

Code of the language the user had when the policy document was displayed

logstore_standard_log Table objecttable VARCHAR 50 null
grade_grades_history Table oldid BIGINT 19 null
tool_usertours_steps Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Content of the user tour - allow for multilang tags

qtype_multichoice_options Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0

If true, then when the user gets a multiple-response question partially correct, tell them how many choices they got correct alongside the feedback.

glossary_formats Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table categoryid BIGINT 19 null

(optional) the category group this item belongs to

block_zoola_reports_schreps Table thiscourse TINYINT 3 0

if 1 reports will be filtered course in which block is placed in

user_info_field Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
local_ld_course_day Table dedication BIGINT 19 0

Time spent on course within this day

tool_policy_versions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when the policy version was created.

lesson Table custom SMALLINT 5 0
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table fullname VARCHAR 254
course_published Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

the id of the published course

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table usermodified BIGINT 19 0
question Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

time that question was last modified

course_modules_completion Table userid BIGINT 19 null

ID of user who has (or hasn't) completed the activity.

groups Table name VARCHAR 254

Short human readable unique name for the group.

assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table endy BIGINT 19 0

y-position of the end of the annotation

lti_types Table createdby BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_tools Table maxenrolled BIGINT 19 0
tool_monitor_rules Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Description of the rule

notifications Table component VARCHAR 100 null
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table enabled BIT 1 null
quiz Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 0

Whether the parts of the question should be shuffled, in those question types that support it.

mnet_session Table mnethostid BIGINT 19 0

Unique remote host ID

competency_framework Table scaleid BIGINT 19 null

Scale used to define competency.

comments Table itemid BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

text format of intro field

grading_definitions Table method VARCHAR 100

The name of the plugin providing this grading form

block_zoola_reports_schreps Table scheduleend BIGINT 19 0

When the schedule ends: 0 - Never, 1 - After a specified number or runs, 2 - Until a specified date

question_response_analysis Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_attempts Table slot BIGINT 19 null

Used to number the questions in one attempt sequentially.

files Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
tool_policy Table sortorder MEDIUMINT 7 999

Defines the order in which policies should be presented to users

qtype_ddimageortext_drags Table draggroup BIGINT 19 0
course_completion_aggr_methd Table value DECIMAL 10 null

NULL = all/any, 0..1 for method 'fraction', > 0 for method 'unit'

questionnaire Table grade BIGINT 19 0

Assign a grade to be received on submission.

workshop_assessments Table gradinggradeoverby BIGINT 19 null

The id of the user who has overridden the grade for submission.

glossary_entries Table casesensitive TINYINT 3 0
forum_posts Table totalscore SMALLINT 5 0
user Table email VARCHAR 100
files Table filearea VARCHAR 50

Like "coursefiles". "submission", "intro" and "content" (images and swf linked from summaries), etc.

course_sections Table course BIGINT 19 0
assign_grades Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
groupings_groups Table timeadded BIGINT 19 0
competency_template Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The time this learning plan template was created.

badge Table expireperiod BIGINT 19 null
quiz Table timelimit BIGINT 19 0

The time limit for quiz attempts, in seconds.

scorm Table hidebrowse BIT 1 0
notifications Table customdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom data to be passed to the message processor. Must be serialisable using json_encode()

feedback_completedtmp Table anonymous_response BIT 1 0
tool_monitor_rules Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Id of course to which this rule belongs.

oauth2_access_token Table scope LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
customfield_data Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
user Table skype VARCHAR 50
badge Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
upgrade_log Table backtrace LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
workshopform_comments Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field

badge_criteria_met Table userid BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_rubric_levels Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_devices Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
workshop_grades Table dimensionid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key. References dimension id in one of the grading strategy tables.

competency_framework Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table showwificontrol BIT 1 null

Bool to allow user to control networking.

block_zoola_reports_schedule Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Course ID

h5p_libraries Table runnable BIT 1 null

Can this library be started by the module? i.e. not a dependency.

wiki_versions Table id BIGINT 19 null
notifications Table useridto BIGINT 19 null
competency_relatedcomp Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_file Table grade BIGINT 19 0
wiki Table course BIGINT 19 0

Course wiki activity belongs to

tag Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
quiz_statistics Table whichattempts SMALLINT 5 null

bool used to indicate whether these stats are for all attempts or just for the first.

assignment Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_items_history Table id BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_log Table portfolio BIGINT 19 null

fk to portfolio_instance

question_categories Table infoformat TINYINT 3 0
competency_templatecomp Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this link was modified.

glossary_entries Table fullmatch TINYINT 3 1
grade_import_newitem Table importer BIGINT 19 null

user importing the data

scorm_seq_rolluprule Table action VARCHAR 15
course Table lang VARCHAR 30
cohort Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

Context is usually ignored in sync operations so that the cohorts may be moved freely around in the context tree without any side affects.

portfolio_instance Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_category Table name VARCHAR 100
block Table visible BIT 1 1
mnet_session Table userid BIGINT 19 0

Unique user ID

oauth2_endpoint Table issuerid BIGINT 19 null

The identity provider this service belongs to.

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table consumerversion VARCHAR 255 null
forum_read Table id BIGINT 19 null
registration_hubs Table secret VARCHAR 255 null

the unique site identifier for this hub

workshop Table submissiontypetext BIT 1 1

Can students enter text for their submissions? 0 for no, 1 for optional, 2 for required.

quiz_attempts Table sumgrades DECIMAL 10 null

Total marks for this attempt.

quiz_statistics Table id BIGINT 19 null
customfield_data Table intvalue BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_schedule_rcp Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_info_field Table categoryid BIGINT 19 0

id from category table

tool_policy_versions Table agreementstyle SMALLINT 5 0

How this agreement should flow: 0 - on the consent page, 1 - on a separate page before reaching the consent page.

tag Table userid BIGINT 19 null
event_subscriptions Table lastupdated BIGINT 19 null
glossary_entries Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_grades Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
workshopform_comments Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field

message_conversation_members Table id BIGINT 19 null
stats_daily Table stat1 BIGINT 19 0

stat1. usually used for reads

oauth2_issuer Table scopessupported LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The list of scopes this service supports.

book_chapters Table hidden TINYINT 3 0
repository_onedrive_access Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
forum Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

text format of intro field

questionnaire Table resume TINYINT 3 0

Questionnaire can be saved and resumed.

files Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

The context id defined in context table - identifies the instance of plugin owning the file

questionnaire_fb_sections Table surveyid BIGINT 19 0
files_reference Table referencehash VARCHAR 40

Internal implementation detail, contains SHA1 hash of the reference field. Can be indexed and used for comparison. Not meant to be used by a non-core code.

tool_recyclebin_category Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_paypal Table pending_reason VARCHAR 255
oauth2_access_token Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Time this record was modified.

block_zoola_reports_schreps Table individualreports TINYINT 3 0

if 1 reports will be filtered for individual students

scorm Table displayattemptstatus BIT 1 1
competency_usercomp Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
page Table id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_randomsamatch_options Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

rating Table rating BIGINT 19 null
profiling Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

unix timestap of the creation of this run

user_info_data Table userid BIGINT 19 0

id from the user table

customfield_data Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
grade_outcomes_history Table id BIGINT 19 null
choice_options Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table name VARCHAR 100
wiki Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table overallfeedbackfiletypes VARCHAR 255 null

comma separated list of file extensions

user Table secret VARCHAR 15
assign_user_flags Table workflowstate VARCHAR 20 null

The current workflow state of the grade

groupings Table name VARCHAR 255

Short human readable unique name for group.

page Table displayoptions LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
my_pages Table sortorder MEDIUMINT 7 0

The order of the pages for a user

stats_user_weekly Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
lti Table instructorchoicesendname BIT 1 null

Send user's name

capabilities Table contextlevel BIGINT 19 0
block_rss_client Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
question_response_count Table analysisid BIGINT 19 null
grade_import_newitem Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_calculated_options Table answernumbering VARCHAR 10 abc

Indicates how and whether the choices should be numbered.

competency_relatedcomp Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
user Table firstnamephonetic VARCHAR 255 null

First name phonetic

mnet_host2service Table subscribe BIT 1 0
grade_import_newitem Table importcode BIGINT 19 null

import batch code for identification

workshopform_rubric_levels Table definition LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The definition of this level

mnet_remote_service2rpc Table id BIGINT 19 null

Required ID field

quiz Table grade DECIMAL 10 0.00000

The total that the quiz overall grade is scaled to be out of.

workshop Table usepeerassessment TINYINT 3 0

optional feature: students perform peer assessment of others' work

tool_customlang Table lang VARCHAR 20

The code of the language this string belongs to. Like en, cs or es

workshop Table strategy VARCHAR 30

The type of the current grading strategy used in this workshop

tag_instance Table itemid BIGINT 19 null
oauth2_access_token Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson Table height BIGINT 19 480
badge Table nextcron BIGINT 19 null
event_subscriptions Table id BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_messagelist Table userid BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_subscriptions Table ruleid BIGINT 19 null

Rule id

glossary_entries Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
data Table notification BIGINT 19 0

Notify people when things change

assignment Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
message Table notification BIT 1 0
local_ld_import_logs_status Table timestarted BIGINT 19 null

When the import logs task started

grade_categories_history Table fullname VARCHAR 255

The name of this grade category

tool_cohortroles Table roleid BIGINT 19 null

The role to assign

page Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz_attempts Table preview SMALLINT 5 0
forum_subscriptions Table forum BIGINT 19 0
course_modules Table indent MEDIUMINT 7 0
quiz_statistics Table median DECIMAL 15 null
survey_analysis Table survey BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_survey Table thank_body LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
local_ld_import_logs_status Table timefinished BIGINT 19 null

When the import logs tash finished

user_devices Table version VARCHAR 32

The device version, 6.1.2, 4.2.2 etc..

tool_policy_versions Table revision VARCHAR 1333

Human readable version of the policy document

enrol Table customtext4 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom - general text

workshopallocation_scheduled Table timeallocated BIGINT 19 null

When was the last scheduled allocation executed

customfield_category Table area VARCHAR 100
feedback_value Table tmp_completed BIGINT 19 0
config_log Table oldvalue LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
workshop_submissions Table contenttrust SMALLINT 5 0

The trust mode of the data

lesson_branch Table pageid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_tools Table country VARCHAR 2
assignfeedback_editpdf_rot Table pageno BIGINT 19 0

Page number

tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
assignment Table var2 BIGINT 19 0
tool_policy_acceptances Table note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Plain text note describing how the actual consent has been obtained if the policy has been accepted on other user's behalf.

assign_submission Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_discussions Table name VARCHAR 255
h5p_libraries Table addto LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Plugin configuration data

h5p_library_dependencies Table dependencytype VARCHAR 255

preloaded, dynamic, or editor

lesson Table displayleft SMALLINT 5 0
folder Table display SMALLINT 5 0

Display type of folder contents - on a separate page or inline

wiki_pages Table subwikiid BIGINT 19 0

Subwiki instance of this page

glossary_categories Table glossaryid BIGINT 19 0
block_instances Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Time at which this block instance was originally created

enrol_lti_lti2_tool_proxy Table toolproxykey VARCHAR 32
external_services_functions Table functionname VARCHAR 200
enrol Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
book_chapters Table id BIGINT 19 null
label Table course BIGINT 19 0
feedback_valuetmp Table id BIGINT 19 null
groupings_groups Table id BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity_attempts Table scaled DECIMAL 10 0.00000

Number 0..1 that reflects the performance of the learner

tool_dataprivacy_ctxinstance Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
course Table idnumber VARCHAR 100
qtype_ddimageortext_drops Table no BIGINT 19 0

drop number

mnet_host Table force_theme BIT 1 0
lesson Table maxattempts SMALLINT 5 5
h5pactivity Table reviewmode SMALLINT 5 1
role_context_levels Table roleid BIGINT 19 null
question_response_analysis Table questionid BIGINT 19 null
quiz Table delay1 BIGINT 19 0

Delay that must be left between the first and second attempt, in seconds.

competency_plan Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
data_fields Table name VARCHAR 255
quizaccess_seb_template Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Content of the template

quiz_overrides Table timelimit BIGINT 19 null

Time limit in seconds. Can be null, in which case the quiz default is used.

h5p Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
tool_recyclebin_course Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table displaycoursestructure BIT 1 0
lti Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
backup_controllers Table backupid VARCHAR 32

unique id of the backup

config_log Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
questionnaire_feedback Table feedbacktext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz Table browsersecurity VARCHAR 32

Restriciton on the browser the student must use. E.g. 'securewindow'.

assign Table nosubmissions TINYINT 3 0

This field is a cache for is_any_submission_plugin_enabled() which allows Moodle pages to distinguish offline assignment types without loading the assignment class.

course_modules Table visibleold BIT 1 1
qtype_shortanswer_options Table usecase TINYINT 3 0

Whether answers are matched case-sensitively.

feedback Table anonymous BIT 1 1
user Table city VARCHAR 120
enrol Table status BIGINT 19 0

0..9 are system constants, 0 means active enrolment, see ENROL_STATUS_* constants, plugins may define own status greater than 10

files Table mimetype VARCHAR 100 null

type of file - jpeg image, open document spreadsheet

question_multianswer Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_rss_client Table userid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_lti2_user_result Table resourcelinkid BIGINT 19 null
course Table legacyfiles SMALLINT 5 0

course files are not necessary any more: 0 no legacy files, 1 legacy files disabled, 2 legacy files enabled

workshop Table grade DECIMAL 10 80.00000

The maximum grade for submission

course Table format VARCHAR 21 topics
role_assignments Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
quiz_reports Table name VARCHAR 255 null

name of the report, same as the directory name

quiz_reports Table capability VARCHAR 255 null

Capability required to see this report. May be blank which means use the default of mod/quiz:viewreport. This is used when deciding which tabs to render.

stats_weekly Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table emails VARCHAR 1333

Comma separated list of emails to send the report to.

user Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
workshop Table examplesmode SMALLINT 5 0

0 = example assessments are voluntary, 1 = examples must be assessed before submission, 2 = examples are available after own submission and must be assessed before peer/self assessment phase

workshopform_numerrors Table descriptiontrust BIGINT 19 null
qtype_match_options Table questionid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key link to

oauth2_issuer Table loginscopes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The scopes requested for a normal login attempt.

gradingform_guide_fillings Table criterionid BIGINT 19 null

The ID of the criterion (row) in the guide

assignment Table timedue BIGINT 19 0
lti Table servicesalt VARCHAR 40 null
scale_history Table scale LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz_grades Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The last time this grade changed.

glossary_formats Table sortkey VARCHAR 50
glossary_entries Table definitionformat TINYINT 3 0
quiz_statistics Table skewness DECIMAL 15 null
forum_digests Table userid BIGINT 19 null
competency_userevidence Table name VARCHAR 100
grade_categories_history Table source VARCHAR 255 null

What caused the modification? manual/module/import/...

grade_items Table itemnumber BIGINT 19 null

Can be used to distinguish multiple grades for an activity

event Table timestart BIGINT 19 0
course_modules_completion Table coursemoduleid BIGINT 19 null

Activity that has been completed (or not).

files Table license VARCHAR 255 null

license of the file to guide reuse

assignfeedback_editpdf_quick Table rawtext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
course_completion_defaults Table completion BIT 1 0
stats_monthly Table stat1 BIGINT 19 0

stat1. usually used for reads

enrol Table customint6 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

questionnaire_response_date Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_ctxinstance Table purposeid BIGINT 19 null
competency_template Table shortname VARCHAR 100 null

Short name for the learning plan template.

questionnaire_question Table result_id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_match_options Table partiallycorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
block_recentlyaccesseditems Table timeaccess BIGINT 19 null

Time the user accessed the last time an item

badge_manual_award Table badgeid BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_rubric_criteria Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_discussions Table pinned BIT 1 0
rating Table itemid BIGINT 19 null
mnet_remote_rpc Table id BIGINT 19 null
ltiservice_gradebookservices Table gradeitemid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the gradeItem related.

scale_history Table loggeduser BIGINT 19 null

the userid of the person who last modified this outcome

competency_usercompcourse Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table showtime BIT 1 null

Bool to show the clock.

tool_monitor_events Table contextlevel BIGINT 19 null

Context level

qtype_multichoice_options Table answernumbering VARCHAR 10 abc

Indicates how and whether the choices should be numbered.

enrol Table customint2 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

qtype_ddmarker_drags Table infinite SMALLINT 5 0
workshop_aggregations Table gradinggrade DECIMAL 10 null

The aggregated grade for all assessments made by this reviewer. The grade is a number from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade for assessments has not been aggregated yet.

quiz_slot_tags Table tagid BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table requiresafeexambrowser BIT 1 null

Bool whether to require SEB.

tool_dataprivacy_request Table dpocomment LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

DPO's comments (e.g. reason for rejecting the request, etc.)

choice_options Table choiceid BIGINT 19 0
competency_framework Table id BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity_attempts Table attempt MEDIUMINT 7 1

Attempt number

questionnaire_resp_single Table choice_id BIGINT 19 0
qtype_essay_options Table responsetemplateformat SMALLINT 5 0

The text format for responsetemplate.

mnet_remote_rpc Table pluginname VARCHAR 20
tool_dataprivacy_request Table commentsformat TINYINT 3 0
workshop_assessments Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

If 0 then the assessment was allocated but the reviewer has not assessed yet. If greater than 0 then the timestamp of when the reviewer assessed for the first time

assign_grades Table id BIGINT 19 null
oauth2_system_account Table grantedscopes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The scopes that this system account has been granted access to.

scorm_aicc_session Table hacpsession VARCHAR 255

sessionid used to authenticate AICC HACP communication

course Table theme VARCHAR 50
forum_read Table forumid BIGINT 19 0
contentbank_content Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
mnet_log Table info VARCHAR 255
enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
user_private_key Table iprestriction VARCHAR 255 null

ip restriction

external_tokens Table privatetoken VARCHAR 64 null

private token, generated at the same time that the token, must be stored safely by the ws client, to be transmitted only via https

block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table body LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Email body

badge Table expiredate BIGINT 19 null
question Table length BIGINT 19 1
filter_config Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The correspoding config variable value.

enrol_lti_lti2_share_key Table expires BIGINT 19 null
block_instances Table configdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

A serialized blob of configuration data for this block instance.

event_subscriptions Table name VARCHAR 255
course_sections Table summary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
badge_issued Table dateissued BIGINT 19 0
user_info_field Table param2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

General parameter field

course_categories Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
question_attempts Table maxfraction DECIMAL 12 1.0000000

Some questions can give fractions greater than 1. This indicates the greatest fraction that can be awarded.

resource Table course BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_survey Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
lti_tool_settings Table toolproxyid BIGINT 19 null

Primary key of related tool proxy

question Table parent BIGINT 19 0
oauth2_endpoint Table url LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The url to the endpoint

h5pactivity_attempts Table h5pactivityid BIGINT 19 null

H5P activity ID

question_ddwtos Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 1
gradingform_guide_fillings Table remark LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Side note feedback regarding this particular criterion

h5p_libraries Table semantics LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The semantics definition in json format

analytics_prediction_actions Table id BIGINT 19 null
favourite Table id BIGINT 19 null
external_functions Table services VARCHAR 1333 null

all the services (by shortname) where this function must be included

feedback_completedtmp Table feedback BIGINT 19 0
license Table enabled BIT 1 1
feedback_item Table typ VARCHAR 255
event Table userid BIGINT 19 0
task_adhoc Table nextruntime BIGINT 19 null
grade_import_newitem Table itemname VARCHAR 255

new grade item name

quiz Table allowofflineattempts BIT 1 0

Whether to allow the quiz to be attempted offline in the mobile app

messageinbound_handlers Table validateaddress BIT 1 1

Whether to validate the sender address against the user record.

oauth2_endpoint Table name VARCHAR 255

The service name.

user Table idnumber VARCHAR 255
question_statistics Table questionid BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_users Table consumerkey LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tool_recyclebin_course Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
feedback_completedtmp Table userid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_users Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson_timer Table userid BIGINT 19 0
quiz Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Quiz introduction text.

competency_usercompcourse Table grade BIGINT 19 null

The course grade assigned for the competency.

glossary_entries Table usedynalink TINYINT 3 1
data Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_devices Table model VARCHAR 32

the device model, Nexus 4 or iPad 1,1

tool_dataprivacy_ctxlevel Table purposeid BIGINT 19 null
scale Table name VARCHAR 255
workshop Table name VARCHAR 255

Name of the activity

quiz Table name VARCHAR 255

Quiz name.

repository_instances Table typeid BIGINT 19 null
data_records Table approved SMALLINT 5 0
enrol_lti_lti2_tool_proxy Table updated BIGINT 19 null
course_categories Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
blog_external Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
backup_courses Table laststarttime BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_response Table id BIGINT 19 null
config_log Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_defaults Table completionexpected BIGINT 19 0
wiki_links Table frompageid BIGINT 19 0

Page id with a link

competency_templatecomp Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null

The competency that is linked to this course.

grade_categories_history Table keephigh BIGINT 19 0

Keep only the X highest items

survey Table id BIGINT 19 null
favourite Table component VARCHAR 100

Defines the Moodle component in which the favourite was created.

tool_recyclebin_course Table name VARCHAR 255 null
scorm_aicc_session Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

time this session was last used

backup_controllers Table interactive SMALLINT 5 null

is the backup interactive (1-yes/0-no)

lesson_branch Table flag SMALLINT 5 0
message_read Table fullmessagehtml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

html format of message

question_response_analysis Table subqid VARCHAR 100
forum Table lockdiscussionafter BIGINT 19 0
task_scheduled Table faildelay BIGINT 19 null
tool_customlang Table stringid VARCHAR 255

The identifier of the string

editor_atto_autosave Table pageinstance VARCHAR 64

The browser tab instance that last saved the draft text. This is to prevent multiple tabs from the same user saving different text alternately.

survey_answers Table answer2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
oauth2_issuer Table clientid LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The client id used to connect to this oauth2 service.

lesson_attempts Table timeseen BIGINT 19 0
task_log Table timeend DECIMAL 20 null

The end time of the task

competency_modulecomp Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null

The course competency this activity is linked to.

question_calculated_options Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

groups Table picture BIGINT 19 0
lesson Table feedback SMALLINT 5 1
tool_monitor_rules Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Time stamp of when this rule was created

competency_evidence Table desca LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quizaccess_seb_template Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
book_chapters Table title VARCHAR 255
enrol_paypal Table payment_type VARCHAR 30
analytics_predictions Table sampleid BIGINT 19 null
course Table enablecompletion BIT 1 0

1 = allow use of 'completion' progress-tracking on this course. 0 = disable completion tracking on this course.

enrol Table customint8 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

question_usages Table component VARCHAR 255

The plugin this attempt belongs to, e.g. 'mod_quiz', 'block_questionoftheday', 'filter_embedquestion'.

grade_outcomes_history Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Mostly these are defined site wide ie NULL

badge_issued Table issuernotified BIGINT 19 null
quiz_attempts Table layout LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table shortname VARCHAR 100
h5p_libraries Table coreminor SMALLINT 5 null

H5P core API minor version required

wiki_locks Table lockedat BIGINT 19 0


badge Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnet_rpc Table xmlrpcpath VARCHAR 80
data_content Table recordid BIGINT 19 0
role Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_discussion_subs Table preference BIGINT 19 1
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table constraints LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Event constraints in JSON, e.g. courses, groups, etc.

quiz Table reviewgeneralfeedback MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

editor_atto_autosave Table id BIGINT 19 null
cohort Table component VARCHAR 100

Component (plugintype_pluignname) that manages the cohort, manual modifications are allowed only when set to NULL

user Table username VARCHAR 100
user Table maildigest BIT 1 0
gradingform_guide_comments Table definitionid BIGINT 19 null

The ID of the form definition this faq is part of

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
choice Table showunanswered TINYINT 3 0
feedback Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
role_assignments Table modifierid BIGINT 19 0
notifications Table subject LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The message subject

questionnaire_feedback Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_settings Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge_criteria_param Table critid BIGINT 19 null
stats_user_monthly Table stattype VARCHAR 30
tool_usertours_tours Table name VARCHAR 255

Name of the user tour

competency_plan Table id BIGINT 19 null
upgrade_log Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpired Table unexpiredroles LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Roles which have explicitly not expired yet.

role_capabilities Table permission BIGINT 19 0
customfield_field Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table itemnumber BIGINT 19 null

Can be used to distinguish multiple grades for an activity

analytics_indicator_calc Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
message Table timeusertodeleted BIGINT 19 0
assignment_upgrade Table id BIGINT 19 null
external_tokens Table creatorid BIGINT 19 1

user id of the token creator (useful to know when the administrator created a token and so display the token to a specific administrator)

post Table moduleid BIGINT 19 0
analytics_train_samples Table modelid BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_rules Table frequency SMALLINT 5 null


forum Table grade_forum BIGINT 19 0
scale_history Table oldid BIGINT 19 null
mnet_log Table module VARCHAR 20
chat_messages_current Table userid BIGINT 19 0
scorm_seq_mapinfo Table readsatisfiedstatus BIT 1 1
grade_letters Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

What contextid does this letter apply to (for now these will always be courses, but later...)

data_fields Table dataid BIGINT 19 0
cache_flags Table flagtype VARCHAR 255
external_tokens Table userid BIGINT 19 null

owner of the token

scale Table userid BIGINT 19 0
block_instances Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Time at which block instance was last modified.

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table enableuntil BIGINT 19 null
qtype_randomsamatch_options Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0

If true, then when the user gets the question partially correct, tell them how many choices they got correct alongside the feedback.

course_completions Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_templatecomp Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table navpositionleft BIGINT 19 -100
grading_areas Table component VARCHAR 100

Frankenstyle name of the component holding this area

profiling Table totalmemory BIGINT 19 null

Total memory used byt the run

book_chapters Table pagenum BIGINT 19 0
assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table x BIGINT 19 0

x-position of the top-left corner of the comment (in pixels - image resolution is set to 100 pixels per inch)

questionnaire_response_other Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_info_field Table param4 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

General parameter field

tag_instance Table component VARCHAR 100

Defines the Moodle component which the tag was added to

assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table y BIGINT 19 0

y-position of the start of the annotation (in pixels - image resolution is set to 100 pixels per inch)

forum Table duedate BIGINT 19 0

A due date to show in the calendar. Not used for grading.

question_answers Table feedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
chat_users Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_pages Table pageviews BIGINT 19 0

Number of page views

logstore_standard_log Table edulevel BIT 1 null
feedback_item Table presentation LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
role_context_levels Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm_seq_objective Table objectiveid VARCHAR 255
task_log Table dbwrites BIGINT 19 null

The number of DB writes performed during the task.

course_categories Table visible BIT 1 1
question Table createdby BIGINT 19 null

userid of person who created this question

qtype_ddimageortext_drops Table choice BIGINT 19 0
competency_plan Table duedate BIGINT 19 0
grade_items Table itemmodule VARCHAR 30 null

'forum', 'quiz', 'csv', etc

enrol Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0

order of enrol plugins in each course

course_completion_criteria Table gradepass DECIMAL 10 null

The minimum grade needed to pass the course (if passing grade criteria enabled)

grade_items_history Table plusfactor DECIMAL 10 0.00000

Add this to all grades

grade_grades_history Table rawgrade DECIMAL 10 null

If the grade is a float value (or has been converted to one)

lesson Table minquestions SMALLINT 5 0
assignment Table resubmit TINYINT 3 0
feedback_valuetmp Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
lti_types Table baseurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
scorm_seq_rolluprule Table minimumpercent FLOAT 11 0.0000
tool_dataprivacy_request Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The last time this data request was updated

lesson_pages Table lessonid BIGINT 19 0
assignment_submissions Table submissioncomment LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
assignsubmission_file Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_multianswer Table sequence LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
files Table author VARCHAR 255 null

The original author of the file

events_handlers Table status BIGINT 19 0

number of failed attempts to process this handler

tool_dataprivacy_ctxlevel Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
h5p_library_dependencies Table requiredlibraryid BIGINT 19 null

The dependent library to load

filter_active Table contextid BIGINT 19 null


lti_access_tokens Table lastaccess BIGINT 19 null

last access timestamp

tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpired Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
course_format_options Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Id of the course

task_log Table dbreads BIGINT 19 null

The number of DB reads performed during the task.

data_records Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
lesson Table retake SMALLINT 5 1
qtype_match_subquestions Table questiontext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
analytics_models_log Table target VARCHAR 255
user Table suspended BIT 1 0

suspended flag prevents users to log in

analytics_models Table version BIGINT 19 null
customfield_data Table shortcharvalue VARCHAR 255 null
tool_customlang Table outdated SMALLINT 5 0

Either the English original or the master translation changed and the customization may be outdated

grade_outcomes_history Table scaleid BIGINT 19 null

The recommended scale for this outcome.

question_calculated_options Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 0

Whether the choices can be randomly shuffled.

log Table module VARCHAR 20
badge_criteria Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_framework Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field

stats_monthly Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_modules Table module BIGINT 19 0
h5p_libraries Table title VARCHAR 255

The human readable name of this library

scale Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
lesson_branch Table nextpageid BIGINT 19 0
chat_messages Table chatid BIGINT 19 0
task_log Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson Table width BIGINT 19 640
questionnaire_response_bool Table response_id BIGINT 19 0
grading_definitions Table copiedfromid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the original definition that this was initially copied from or null if it was from scratch

task_log Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The userid that the task was configured to run as (Adhoc tasks only)

scorm_scoes_track Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz Table reviewmarks MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

grade_outcomes_history Table action BIGINT 19 0

created/modified/deleted constants

enrol_paypal Table item_name VARCHAR 255
message_conversations Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

The context id of the itemid or course of the itemtype was added

lesson Table conditions LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_modulecomp Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was last modified

enrol_lti_lti2_context Table consumerid BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_criteria Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

Defines the order of the criterion in the guide

imscp Table structure LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnet_session Table expires BIGINT 19 0

Expire time of session on peer

scorm_scoes Table scorm BIGINT 19 0
workshop_submissions Table grade DECIMAL 10 null

Aggregated grade for the submission. The grade is a decimal number from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade for submission has not been aggregated yet.

log_queries Table sqltext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

query sql

post Table rating BIGINT 19 0
block_instances Table defaultweight BIGINT 19 null

Used to order the blocks within a block region. Again, may be overridden by the block_positions table for a specific page where this block appears.

message_providers Table capability VARCHAR 255 null

Optional: permission that is required on the user's setting screen to see this message provider.

quiz_slot_tags Table slotid BIGINT 19 null

The quiz slot that this tag belong to

glossary Table showalphabet TINYINT 3 1
question_attempts Table questionid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the question being attempted. Foreign key references

rating Table scaleid BIGINT 19 null
survey Table template BIGINT 19 0
question_dataset_definitions Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_categories Table path VARCHAR 255
tool_customlang Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The timestamp of when the original or master was recently modified

imscp Table revision BIGINT 19 0

incremented when after each file changes, solves browser caching issues

h5p Table filtered LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Filtered version of json_content

quiz Table course BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key reference to the course this quiz is part of.

feedback_completed Table anonymous_response BIT 1 0
tool_monitor_events Table link VARCHAR 254

Link to the event location

workshop_submissions Table feedbackauthor LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Teacher comment/feedback for the author of the submission, for example describing the reasons for the grade overriding

stats_weekly Table stat2 BIGINT 19 0

stat2. usually used for writes.

enrol_paypal Table timeupdated BIGINT 19 0
glossary Table name VARCHAR 255
resource Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
competency_usercomp Table proficiency TINYINT 3 null

Indicate if the competency is proficient not.

badge Table id BIGINT 19 null
message Table useridfrom BIGINT 19 0
quiz_overview_regrades Table oldfraction DECIMAL 12 null

The previous fraction for this question_attempt.

scorm_seq_rulecond Table cond VARCHAR 30 always
scorm Table timeclose BIGINT 19 0
mnet_rpc Table plugintype VARCHAR 20
course_modules Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_history Table sid BIGINT 19 null

Subscription id

workshop_aggregations Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

the id of the workshop instance

oauth2_system_account Table email LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The email that was connected to this issuer.

forum_posts Table privatereplyto BIGINT 19 0
grade_categories Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

The course this grade category is part of

qtype_match_options Table id BIGINT 19 null
event Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
badge_external Table assertion LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Assertion of external badge

quiz_overview_regrades Table newfraction DECIMAL 12 null

The new fraction for this question_attempt after regrading.

grade_categories_history Table path VARCHAR 255 null

shows the path as /1/2/3 (like course_categories)

mnet_application Table sso_land_url VARCHAR 255
scorm Table masteryoverride BIT 1 1
badge_backpack Table email VARCHAR 100
badge_alignment Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades Table rawscaleid BIGINT 19 null

If this grade is based on a scale, which one was it?

lesson_overrides Table groupid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key references Can be null if this is a per-user override.

question_numerical_units Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table instructreviewersformat SMALLINT 5 0
grade_items Table gradepass DECIMAL 10 0.00000

What grade is needed to pass? grademin < gradepass <= grademax

enrol_lti_tools Table roleinstructor BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table grademin DECIMAL 10 0.00000

What is the minimum allowable grade?

mnet_log Table cmid BIGINT 19 0
stats_user_weekly Table stattype VARCHAR 30
qtype_ddmarker_drops Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_relatedcomp Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
context_temp Table path VARCHAR 255
analytics_models Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
question_usages Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz_statistics Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_criteria Table id BIGINT 19 null
groups_members Table userid BIGINT 19 0
quizaccess_seb_template Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
workshop_assessments Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_ddwtos Table incorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
course Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table allowuserquitseb BIT 1 null

Bool to show quit button.

events_handlers Table internal TINYINT 3 1

1 means standard plugin handler, 0 indicates if event handler sends data to external systems, this is used for example to prevent immediate sending of events from pending db transactions

url Table name VARCHAR 255
choice_answers Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
glossary_formats Table showtabs VARCHAR 100 null
data_records Table groupid BIGINT 19 0
grade_categories Table path VARCHAR 255 null

shows the path as /1/2/3 (like course_categories)

log_display Table action VARCHAR 40
tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_criteria Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 null

The format of the description field

message_email_messages Table conversationid BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table version VARCHAR 9
question_hints Table clearwrong BIT 1 null

Whether any wrong choices should be cleared before the next try. Whether this is applicable, and what it means, depends on the question type, as with the shownumright option.

stats_user_weekly Table roleid BIGINT 19 0
scorm_aicc_session Table userid BIGINT 19 0

id from user table

badge_endorsement Table badgeid BIGINT 19 0
analytics_models_log Table info LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_plan Table reviewerid BIGINT 19 null
editor_atto_autosave Table pagehash VARCHAR 64

The HTML DOM id of the page that loaded the form.

lti Table instructorcustomparameters VARCHAR 255 null

Additional custom parameters provided by the instructor

tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpired Table id BIGINT 19 null
resource Table tobemigrated SMALLINT 5 0
role_allow_assign Table allowassign BIGINT 19 0
user_devices Table uuid VARCHAR 255

The device vendor UUID

forum Table rsstype TINYINT 3 0
cohort_members Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table instructreviewers LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Instructions for the assessment phase

grade_grades Table information LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

optiona information

lti_types Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
backup_controllers Table itemid BIGINT 19 null

id of the module/section/activity being backup

tag_area Table multiplecontexts BIT 1 0

Whether the tag area allows tag instances to be created in multiple contexts.

role_allow_override Table roleid BIGINT 19 0
course_modules_completion Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Time at which the completion state last changed.

mnet_remote_rpc Table functionname VARCHAR 40
stats_user_monthly Table statswrites BIGINT 19 0
lti Table showdescriptionlaunch BIT 1 0
survey_answers Table question BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades_history Table excluded BIGINT 19 0

grade excluded from aggregation functions, date means when excluded

task_log Table type SMALLINT 5 null

The type of task. Scheduled task = 0; Adhoc task = 1.

external_services_functions Table id BIGINT 19 null
message_read Table timeusertodeleted BIGINT 19 0
event Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table locked BIGINT 19 0

1 is locked, > 1 is a date to lock until (prevents update)

mnet_rpc Table pluginname VARCHAR 20
customfield_category Table name VARCHAR 400
user_password_resets Table id BIGINT 19 null
search_index_requests Table partialarea VARCHAR 255

If processing of this context partially completed, set to the area that needs processing next. Blank indicates not processed yet.

forum Table maxattachments BIGINT 19 1

Number of attachments allowed per post

data_fields Table param10 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
qtype_ddimageortext_drags Table no BIGINT 19 0

drag no

choice_options Table maxanswers BIGINT 19 0
qtype_multichoice_options Table single SMALLINT 5 0

If 0 it multiple response (checkboxes). Otherwise it is radio buttons.

events_handlers Table eventname VARCHAR 166

name of the event, e.g. 'grade_updated'

qtype_ddmarker Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 1
scorm Table updatefreq BIT 1 0

Define when the package must be automatically update

portfolio_tempdata Table queued BIT 1 0

Value 1 means the entry should be processed in cron.

question_numerical_options Table unitgradingtype SMALLINT 5 0

0 no penalty, 1 fraction response grade, 2 fraction total grade

registration_hubs Table token VARCHAR 255

the token to communicate with the hub by web service

glossary_entries_categories Table entryid BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_response_rank Table response_id BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table consumername VARCHAR 255 null
grade_items_history Table locktime BIGINT 19 0

lock all final grades after this date

lesson_pages Table title VARCHAR 255
questionnaire_survey Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback_template Table name VARCHAR 255
stats_user_monthly Table userid BIGINT 19 0
mnet_log Table action VARCHAR 40
tool_policy_versions Table id BIGINT 19 null
assign_submission Table latest TINYINT 3 0

Greatly simplifies queries wanting to know information about only the latest attempt.

badge_criteria Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
question_numerical_options Table question BIGINT 19 0
forum_read Table userid BIGINT 19 0
mnet_log Table remoteid BIGINT 19 0
glossary Table rssarticles TINYINT 3 0
tool_usertours_steps Table targettype TINYINT 3 null

Type of the target (e.g. block, CSS selector, etc.)

badge Table imageauthorurl VARCHAR 255 null
analytics_models_log Table version BIGINT 19 null
post Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
stats_daily Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
message_conversation_members Table conversationid BIGINT 19 null
forum_discussions Table assessed BIT 1 1
assignfeedback_file Table numfiles BIGINT 19 0

The number of files uploaded by a grader.

assign_grades Table attemptnumber BIGINT 19 0

The attempt number that this grade relates to

competency_usercompplan Table planid BIGINT 19 null

Plan associated to the user.

wiki Table editbegin BIGINT 19 0


external_services_users Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

created timestamp

qtype_multichoice_options Table correctfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
course_categories Table depth BIGINT 19 0
user_info_field Table id BIGINT 19 null
files Table contenthash VARCHAR 40

sha1 hash of file content

quiz_attempts Table state VARCHAR 16 inprogress

The current state of the attempts. 'inprogress', 'overdue', 'finished' or 'abandoned'.

question_truefalse Table falseanswer BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references The 'False' choice.

user_private_key Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

created timestamp

qtype_ddmarker Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

lti_types Table parameter LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Launch parameters, one per line (null for LTI 1 tools)

message_users_blocked Table userid BIGINT 19 null
forum Table displaywordcount BIT 1 0
enrol Table enrol VARCHAR 20
quiz_sections Table quizid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key references

scorm_seq_rulecond Table id BIGINT 19 null
imscp Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
message Table useridto BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User that scheduled the report

groupings Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
assignfeedback_editpdf_rot Table id BIGINT 19 null
event Table type SMALLINT 5 0
scorm Table launch BIGINT 19 0
task_scheduled Table disabled BIT 1 0

1 means do not run from cron

assignment_submissions Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
block_instances Table requiredbytheme SMALLINT 5 0

If 1, this block was created because it was required by the theme and did not exist.

lesson_attempts Table answerid BIGINT 19 0
role Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
imscp Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table allstudents TINYINT 3 0

if 1 reports will be sent to all students enrolled into course

question_statistics Table positions LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

positions in which this item appears. Only used for random questions.

resource_old Table type VARCHAR 30
user_info_field Table defaultdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Default value for this field

course Table visible BIT 1 1
course_completion_aggr_methd Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table maxgrade DOUBLE 22 0
assignment_upgrade Table oldinstance BIGINT 19 0
data Table manageapproved SMALLINT 5 1
grading_definitions Table id BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_fillings Table score DECIMAL 10 null

The score assigned

enrol_lti_tools Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
forum_track_prefs Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxlevel Table categoryid BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades_history Table information LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

optiona information

qtype_match_options Table correctfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
stats_user_weekly Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
tool_monitor_subscriptions Table lastnotificationsent BIGINT 19 0

Timestamp of the time when a notification was last sent for this subscription.

comments Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table expressionsblocked LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comma or newline separated list of blocked expressions

block_zoola_module_name Table name VARCHAR 1333

Module name

enrol Table customchar3 VARCHAR 1333 null

Custom - general short name

lesson_attempts Table useranswer LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
stats_user_monthly Table statsreads BIGINT 19 0
qtype_multichoice_options Table incorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table additionals LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Extra subcontent information in JSON format

lesson Table modattempts SMALLINT 5 0
enrol_lti_tools Table institution VARCHAR 40
mnet_host Table public_key_expires BIGINT 19 0
portfolio_instance Table name VARCHAR 255

name of plugin instance

capabilities Table component VARCHAR 100
tool_dataprivacy_ctxinstance Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_framework Table shortname VARCHAR 100 null

Short name for the competency framework.

event Table sequence BIGINT 19 1
folder Table showexpanded BIT 1 1

1 = expanded, 0 = collapsed for sub-folders

analytics_predictions Table predictionscore DECIMAL 10 null
enrol_flatfile Table roleid BIGINT 19 null
user Table moodlenetprofile VARCHAR 255 null profile information

messageinbound_handlers Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_paypal Table business VARCHAR 255
h5p Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
mnet_host Table portno MEDIUMINT 7 0
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table enabled BIT 1 1

Is this schedule enabled

competency_userevidencecomp Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
local_ld_module_day Table day VARCHAR 10

Day formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD'

backup_controllers Table userid BIGINT 19 null

user that owns/performs the backup

workshop_aggregations Table timegraded BIGINT 19 null

The timestamp of when the participant's gradinggrade was recently aggregated.

block_zoola_reports_schreps Table occurrences BIGINT 19 null

Number of schedule occurrences that should take place before the schedule is disabled

workshop Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The timestamp when the module was modified

lti_tool_proxies Table guid VARCHAR 255 null
tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table protected BIT 1 null
events_queue Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table nextruntime BIGINT 19 null
enrol Table customint5 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

forum Table rssarticles TINYINT 3 0
grade_grades_history Table exported BIGINT 19 0

date of last grade export, 0 if none

user Table trackforums BIT 1 0
favourite Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Creation time

workshop Table overallfeedbackmode SMALLINT 5 1

Mode of the overall feedback support.

question_categories Table name VARCHAR 255
course_sections Table summaryformat TINYINT 3 0
competency_usercompplan Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
analytics_train_samples Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
auth_oauth2_linked_login Table id BIGINT 19 null
user Table phone1 VARCHAR 20
grading_definitions Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 null

Format of the description field

assignment_upgrade Table oldcmid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map Table toolid BIGINT 19 null

The tool ID.

forum_digests Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_response_analysis Table aid VARCHAR 100 null
user_info_field Table required TINYINT 3 0

Field required

user Table aim VARCHAR 50
files Table filepath VARCHAR 255

Optional - relative path to file from module content root, useful in Scorm and Resource mod - most of the mods do not need this

block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table sendtoteacher BIT 1 0

Add course teachers email to recipient list

message Table contexturlname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Display text for the contexturl

lti_tool_settings Table typeid BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_tempdata Table data LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

dumping ground for portfolio callers to store their data in.

quiz_statistics Table standarderror DECIMAL 15 null
enrol Table enrolperiod BIGINT 19 0

Custom - enrolment duration

lti_tool_proxies Table state TINYINT 3 1

Configured = 1, Pending = 2, Accepted = 3, Rejected = 4, Cancelled = 5

badge_manual_award Table issuerrole BIGINT 19 null
repository_instance_config Table instanceid BIGINT 19 null
course Table id BIGINT 19 null
local_activityvisibility Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
resource_old Table id BIGINT 19 null
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table categoryname VARCHAR 255
messageinbound_handlers Table component VARCHAR 100

The component this handler belongs to.

editor_atto_autosave Table drafttext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The draft text

events_queue Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

time stamp of the first time this was added

sessions Table state BIGINT 19 0

0 means normal session

tag_instance Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_response_analysis Table response LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnetservice_enrol_enrolments Table hostid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the remote MNet host

stats_weekly Table roleid BIGINT 19 0

id of role for the aggregates

forum_grades Table grade DECIMAL 10 null

The numerical grade for this user's forum assessment. Can be determined by scales/advancedgradingforms etc but will always be converted back to a floating point number.

scorm_seq_ruleconds Table conditioncombination VARCHAR 3 all
qtype_shortanswer_options Table questionid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

tag Table flag SMALLINT 5 0

a tag can be 'flagged' as inappropriate

analytics_predictions Table id BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_comments Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The comment description

mnet_host2service Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_resp_multiple Table choice_id BIGINT 19 0
task_adhoc Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_discussions Table timestart BIGINT 19 0
grade_outcomes Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Mostly these are defined site wide ie NULL

scorm Table reference VARCHAR 255
external_functions Table component VARCHAR 100
quiz_overview_regrades Table id BIGINT 19 null
events_handlers Table handlerfile VARCHAR 255

path to the file of the function, eg /grade/export/lib.php

lti_access_tokens Table id BIGINT 19 null
external_tokens Table externalserviceid BIGINT 19 null
blog_external Table userid BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_comments Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 null

The format of the description field

user Table theme VARCHAR 50
oauth2_issuer Table requireconfirmation TINYINT 3 1
mnet_application Table id BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table interactiontype VARCHAR 128 null
data Table addtemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz_attempts Table timestart BIGINT 19 0

Time when the attempt was started.

local_activityvisibility Table coursemoduleid BIGINT 19 null
qtype_essay_options Table responserequired TINYINT 3 1

Nonzero if an online text response is optional

scorm Table completionstatusallscos BIT 1 null
backup_courses Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_answers Table fraction DECIMAL 12 0.0000000
url Table parameters LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table ltiversion VARCHAR 10 null
external_services Table restrictedusers BIT 1 null
enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table created BIGINT 19 null
lesson Table usepassword SMALLINT 5 0
lesson_grades Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table sendtouser BIT 1 0

Add related user's email to recipient list

task_adhoc Table classname VARCHAR 255

The name of the class extending adhoc_task to run when this task is executed.

enrol Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
course_request Table shortname VARCHAR 100
h5pactivity Table name VARCHAR 255

The name of the activity module instance

qtype_ddmarker Table id BIGINT 19 null
cache_flags Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
assign Table markingallocation TINYINT 3 0

If enabled, marking allocation features will be used in this assignment

tool_cohortroles Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was created

questionnaire_feedback Table minscore DECIMAL 10 0.00000
post Table userid BIGINT 19 0
workshop_submissions Table timegraded BIGINT 19 null

The timestamp when grade or gradeover was recently modified

tool_dataprivacy_ctxlevel Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
workshopform_numerrors Table grade1 VARCHAR 50 null

A word for possitive evaluation (like Good, Present, OK etc). If NULL, it defaults to a translated string True

local_ld_import_logs_status Table progress DECIMAL 10 0.00

Percentage of work done (0 - 100)

badge_external Table entityid VARCHAR 255 null
chat_users Table chatid BIGINT 19 0
book Table customtitles TINYINT 3 0
h5p_contents_libraries Table weight BIGINT 19 null

Determines the order in which the preloaded libraries will be loaded

url Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table subcontent VARCHAR 128 null
questionnaire_response Table userid BIGINT 19 null
glossary Table course BIGINT 19 0
quiz_slot_tags Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table ltiresourcelinkkey VARCHAR 255
competency_plan Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0
lesson_grades Table grade DOUBLE 22 0
analytics_predict_samples Table timesplitting VARCHAR 255
quiz Table showblocks SMALLINT 5 0

Whether blocks should be shown on the attempt.php and review.php pages.

grading_definitions Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

More detailed description of the form

competency_evidence Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
choice Table allowmultiple TINYINT 3 0
tool_policy_acceptances Table status BIT 1 null

Acceptance status: 1 - accepted, 0 - not accepted

analytics_indicator_calc Table sampleid BIGINT 19 null
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table categoryid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the category on the remote server

workshop_submissions Table gradeover DECIMAL 10 null

Grade for the submission manually overridden by a teacher. Grade is always from interval 0..100. If NULL then the grade is not overriden.

modules Table name VARCHAR 20
competency_evidence Table url VARCHAR 255 null
tag Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_import_values Table feedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
task_log Table component VARCHAR 255

The component that the task belongs to

quiz_statistics Table firstattemptscount BIGINT 19 null
quiz_slots Table requireprevious SMALLINT 5 0

Set to 1 when current question requires previous one to be answered first.

glossary Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
workshop Table overallfeedbackfiles SMALLINT 5 0

Number of allowed attachments to the overall feedback.

message_conversations Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_import_values Table itemid BIGINT 19 null

if set, this points to existing grade_items id

file_conversion Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
quiz Table grademethod SMALLINT 5 1


tool_monitor_rules Table descriptionformat BIT 1 null

Description format

chat_users Table version VARCHAR 16
analytics_predict_samples Table analysableid BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table skipview BIT 1 1
filter_active Table id BIGINT 19 null
customfield_category Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
enrol Table customdec2 DECIMAL 12 null

Custom - general decimal

question_gapselect Table correctfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
oauth2_access_token Table token LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

access token

badge_backpack Table backpackuid BIGINT 19 null
workshopeval_best_settings Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null
lti_submission Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_rules Table eventname VARCHAR 254

Fully qualified name of the event

tool_policy_versions Table type SMALLINT 5 0

Type of the policy: 0 - Site policy, 1 - Privacy policy, 2 - Third party policy, 99 - Other

course Table category BIGINT 19 0
course_format_options Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum Table scale BIGINT 19 0
feedback_sitecourse_map Table id BIGINT 19 null
local_ld_module_day Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz Table showuserpicture SMALLINT 5 0

Option to show the user's picture during the attempt and on the review page.

lesson Table course BIGINT 19 0
book_chapters Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
lesson Table nextpagedefault SMALLINT 5 0
repository_instances Table readonly BIT 1 0
qtype_essay_options Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_recent_activity Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_tools Table enrolid BIGINT 19 null
lesson_timer Table lessonid BIGINT 19 0
local_ld_course_day Table roles VARCHAR 50 null

Users role in course

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table filterembeddedcontent BIT 1 null

Bool wither embedded content will be filtered

lesson Table ongoing SMALLINT 5 0
lesson Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
event Table name LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
forum_discussions Table groupid BIGINT 19 -1
events_handlers Table handlerfunction LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

serialized string or array describing function, suitable to be passed to call_user_func()

qtype_match_options Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

competency Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

Relative sort order within the branch

competency_plan Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
user_info_field Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0

order within the category

forum Table assesstimefinish BIGINT 19 0
forum_posts Table parent BIGINT 19 0
qtype_ddimageortext_drags Table id BIGINT 19 null
h5p_libraries Table droplibrarycss LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

List of libraries that should not have CSS included if this library is used. Comma separated list.

quiz_overrides Table timeclose BIGINT 19 null

Time by which students must have completed their attempt. Can be null, in which case the quiz default is used.

label Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
local_ld_course Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key to the user

badge_backpack_oauth2 Table issuerid BIGINT 19 null
quiz_slots Table questionid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

quiz_statistics Table errorratio DECIMAL 15 null
grade_grades Table rawgrade DECIMAL 10 null

If the grade is a float value (or has been converted to one)

lesson Table activitylink BIGINT 19 0
lesson Table bgcolor VARCHAR 7 #FFFFFF
feedback_completed Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz_overview_regrades Table questionusageid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key references, or equivalently quiz_attempt.uniqueid.

log Table course BIGINT 19 0
enrol_paypal Table txn_id VARCHAR 255
course Table fullname VARCHAR 254
gradingform_guide_comments Table id BIGINT 19 null
blog_external Table name VARCHAR 255
h5p_contents_libraries Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_category Table id BIGINT 19 null
groups_members Table timeadded BIGINT 19 0
tag_instance Table itemtype VARCHAR 100
lti Table instructorchoiceacceptgrades BIT 1 null

Accept grades from tool

qtype_randomsamatch_options Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table consumerguid VARCHAR 1024 null
enrol_lti_lti2_context Table settings LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
user Table msn VARCHAR 50
user Table lastnamephonetic VARCHAR 255 null

Last name phonetic

user Table auth VARCHAR 20 manual
badge_backpack_oauth2 Table token LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
user Table icq VARCHAR 15
course_sections Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_dependency Table dependquestionid BIGINT 19 0

ID of question dependent on.

tool_usertours_tours Table enabled BIT 1 0
role Table archetype VARCHAR 30

Role archetype is used during install and role reset, marks admin role and helps in site settings

question Table idnumber VARCHAR 100 null
task_scheduled Table component VARCHAR 255

The component this scheduled task belongs to.

mnet_rpc Table help LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_import_values Table importcode BIGINT 19 null

similar to backup_code, a unique batch code for identifying one batch of imports

quiz_feedback Table feedbacktextformat TINYINT 3 0
role_allow_view Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_categories Table name VARCHAR 255
analytics_predictions Table modelid BIGINT 19 null
tag Table tagcollid BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_survey Table chart_type VARCHAR 64 null
grade_items Table locktime BIGINT 19 0

lock all final grades after this date

quiz Table reviewrightanswer MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

portfolio_log Table returnurl VARCHAR 255

the original "returnurl" of the export - takes us to the moodle page we started from

chat Table course BIGINT 19 0
qtype_ddmarker Table showmisplaced SMALLINT 5 0
tool_usertours_steps Table configdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_usercompplan Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null

Competency associated to the user.

grade_outcomes_history Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Outcome description

lti_tool_proxies Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Date/time at which the record was created

assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table pageno BIGINT 19 0

The page in the PDF that this comment appears on

question_truefalse Table trueanswer BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references The 'True' choice.

workshopform_numerrors_map Table grade DECIMAL 10 null

Percentual grade 0..100 for this number of negative responses

tool_monitor_rules Table templateformat BIT 1 null

Template format

question Table generalfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

to store the question feedback

glossary_entries Table sourceglossaryid BIGINT 19 0
badge_criteria Table method BIT 1 1

1 = all, 2 = any

tool_customlang Table master LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Master translation of the string as is distributed in the official lang pack, null if not translated

questionnaire Table qtype BIGINT 19 0

Questionnaire type code.

wiki_pages Table userid BIGINT 19 0

Edition author

enrol_lti_tools Table membersync BIT 1 0
forum Table id BIGINT 19 null
tag Table rawname VARCHAR 255

The raw, unnormalised name for the tag as entered by users

event Table groupid BIGINT 19 0
competency_plan Table name VARCHAR 100
block Table lastcron BIGINT 19 0
blog_external Table filtertags VARCHAR 255 null

Comma-separated list of tags that will be used to filter which entries are copied over from the external blog. They refer to existing tags in the external blog.

lti_types Table state TINYINT 3 2

Active = 1, Pending = 2, Rejected = 3

survey_answers Table userid BIGINT 19 0
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table response LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

User response data in xAPI format

analytics_models Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
grade_categories Table depth BIGINT 19 0

How many parents does this category have?

tool_policy_versions Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

ID of the user who last edited this policy document version.

role_capabilities Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
profiling Table runid VARCHAR 32

the unique id for this run (as generated by xhprof)

tool_customlang Table componentid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the component

log_queries Table sqlparams LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

query parameters

qtype_essay_options Table graderinfo LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Information shown to people with permission to manually grade the question, when they are grading.

qtype_essay_options Table responsefieldlines SMALLINT 5 15

Approximate height, in lines, of the input box the students should be given for their response.

grade_grades Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

the time this grade was first created

scorm_aicc_session Table attempt BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table scaleid BIGINT 19 null

If this grade is based on a scale, which one is it?

course_completion_crit_compl Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop_assessments Table gradinggrade DECIMAL 10 null

The computed grade 0..100 for this assessment. If NULL then it has not been computed yet.

assignfeedback_editpdf_queue Table attemptedconversions BIGINT 19 0
h5p_libraries Table minorversion SMALLINT 5 null
workshop_grades Table peercomment LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Reviewer's comment to the grade value.

external_tokens Table iprestriction VARCHAR 255 null

ip restriction

course Table defaultgroupingid BIGINT 19 0

default grouping used in course modules, does not have key intentionally

oauth2_endpoint Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was modified.

data Table approval SMALLINT 5 0
stats_daily Table stat2 BIGINT 19 0

stat2. usually used for writes.

lesson Table practice SMALLINT 5 0
h5p Table pathnamehash VARCHAR 40

Defines the complete unique hash for the file path where the H5P content was added.

tool_monitor_subscriptions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when this subscription was created

groupings_groups Table groupid BIGINT 19 0
analytics_models_log Table score DECIMAL 10 0.00000
tool_monitor_events Table eventname VARCHAR 254

Event name

glossary_entries Table teacherentry TINYINT 3 0
forum_read Table firstread BIGINT 19 0
question_answers Table id BIGINT 19 null
notifications Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
competency Table ruleoutcome TINYINT 3 0
tag_area Table callbackfile VARCHAR 100 null
course_modules Table completionview BIT 1 0

Controls whether a page view is part of the automatic completion requirements for this activity. 0 = view not required 1 = view required

grade_grades_history Table overridden BIGINT 19 0

indicates grade overridden from gradebook, 0 means none, date means overridden

tool_recyclebin_course Table module BIGINT 19 null
user Table firstaccess BIGINT 19 0
workshop Table nattachments SMALLINT 5 1

Maximum number of submission attachments

enrol_paypal Table option_name2 VARCHAR 255
assign Table allowsubmissionsfromdate BIGINT 19 0

If set, submissions will only be accepted after this date.

book Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
message_popup_notifications Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_synonyms Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_coursecomp Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this link was modified.

choice Table course BIGINT 19 0
qtype_randomsamatch_options Table incorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
glossary_formats Table showgroup TINYINT 3 1
competency_coursecompsetting Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

The course this setting is linked to.

messages Table id BIGINT 19 null
event Table format SMALLINT 5 0
assign_overrides Table assignid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

lti Table secureicon LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
groups Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
question_categories Table info LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
qtype_ddimageortext Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

competency_usercompplan Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table itemmodule VARCHAR 30 null

'forum', 'quiz', 'csv', etc

workshopform_numerrors Table id BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_datakeys Table handler BIGINT 19 null

The handler that this key belongs to.

scorm_scoes_data Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
scorm_seq_mapinfo Table targetobjectiveid BIGINT 19 0
message_read Table fullmessageformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the full message

file_conversion Table id BIGINT 19 null
stats_weekly Table id BIGINT 19 null
user Table lastname VARCHAR 100
lti_types_config Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_settings Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
config Table name VARCHAR 255
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table enablefrom BIGINT 19 null
badge_issued Table userid BIGINT 19 0
survey Table course BIGINT 19 0
competency_userevidencecomp Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge Table imageauthoremail VARCHAR 255 null
question_attempts Table behaviour VARCHAR 32

The name of the question behaviour that is managing this question attempt.

scorm_seq_rulecond Table scoid BIGINT 19 0
tool_monitor_subscriptions Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti_submission Table dateupdated BIGINT 19 null
contentbank_content Table usercreated BIGINT 19 null

The original author of the content

competency_usercompplan Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

Relative sort order

data_fields Table type VARCHAR 255
competency_framework Table visible TINYINT 3 1

Used to show/hide this competency framework.

grade_grades Table finalgrade DECIMAL 10 null

The final grade (cached) after all calculations are made

enrol_paypal Table option_selection1_x VARCHAR 255
backup_controllers Table checksum VARCHAR 32

checksum of the backup_controller object

customfield_data Table id BIGINT 19 null
customfield_field Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity_attempts Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_quick Table userid BIGINT 19 0
competency_template Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who last modified this learning plan template

question_attempt_steps Table state VARCHAR 13

One of the constants defined by the question_state class, giving the state of the question at the end of this step.

enrol Table customchar2 VARCHAR 255 null

Custom - general short name

choice Table timeclose BIGINT 19 0
post Table summaryformat TINYINT 3 0
grade_grades Table exported BIGINT 19 0

date of last grade export, 0 if none

gradingform_rubric_fillings Table remark LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Side note feedback regarding this particular criterion

scorm_seq_rulecond Table operator VARCHAR 5 noOp
grade_items_history Table source VARCHAR 255 null

What caused the modification? manual/module/import/...

enrol_lti_tools Table lang VARCHAR 30 en
wiki_pages Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades Table rawgrademax DECIMAL 10 100.00000

The maximum allowable grade when this was created

questionnaire_quest_choice Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_evidence Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
badge_manual_award Table issuerid BIGINT 19 null
competency_coursecompsetting Table pushratingstouserplans TINYINT 3 null

Does this course push ratings to user plans?

course_completion_criteria Table course BIGINT 19 0
forum_discussions Table forum BIGINT 19 0
course_published Table status BIT 1 0

is the publication published or not

forum Table assesstimestart BIGINT 19 0
grade_items_history Table decimals BIT 1 null
qtype_essay_options Table responseformat VARCHAR 16 editor

The type of input area students should be given for their response.

questionnaire_fb_sections Table section TINYINT 3 null
qtype_ddmarker_drops Table coords LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
h5pactivity Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when the instance was added to the course.

resource Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_devices Table userid BIGINT 19 0
filter_active Table active SMALLINT 5 null

Whether this filter is active in this context. +1 = On, -1 = Off, no row with this contextid = inherit. As a special case, when contextid points to the system context, -9999 means this filter is completely disabled.

message_airnotifier_devices Table enable BIT 1 1

The user can enable/disable his devices

grade_items Table itemname VARCHAR 255 null

The name of this item (pushed in by the module)

lesson_attempts Table pageid BIGINT 19 0
survey Table questions VARCHAR 255
tool_policy Table currentversionid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the current policy version that applies on the site, NULL if the policy does not apply

data_fields Table param1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz_feedback Table feedbacktext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The feedback to show for a attempt where mingrade <= attempt grade < maxgrade. See function quiz_feedback_for_grade in mod/quiz/locallib.php.

user Table country VARCHAR 2
wiki_pages Table readonly BIT 1 0

Read only flag

competency_coursecomp Table id BIGINT 19 null
survey_questions Table options LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
lesson Table mediaclose SMALLINT 5 0
backup_courses Table nextstarttime BIGINT 19 0
mnet_rpc Table classname VARCHAR 150 null
page Table contentformat SMALLINT 5 0
message_conversation_actions Table action BIGINT 19 null
workshopform_rubric_config Table layout VARCHAR 30 list

How should the rubric be displayed for reviewers

assign_user_mapping Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_response_text Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_categories Table visibleold BIT 1 1

the state of visible field when hiding parent category, this helps us to recover hidden states when unhiding the parent category later

role_assignments Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
capabilities Table captype VARCHAR 50
badge_manual_award Table datemet BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_file Table id BIGINT 19 null
chat Table keepdays BIGINT 19 0
portfolio_log Table caller_component VARCHAR 255 null

the component name responsible for exporting

message_conversation_actions Table id BIGINT 19 null
license Table source VARCHAR 255 null
assignsubmission_onlinetext Table onlinetext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The text for this online text submission.

user Table trustbitmask BIGINT 19 0
ltiservice_gradebookservices Table ltilinkid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the LTI element related with this lineitem.

choice Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
messages Table conversationid BIGINT 19 null
qtype_ddmarker_drags Table no BIGINT 19 0

drag no

data_fields Table param5 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_items Table hidden BIGINT 19 0

1 is hidden, > 1 is a date to hide until (prevents viewing)

oauth2_system_account Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Time this record was modified.

message Table customdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom data to be passed to the message processor. Must be serialisable using json_encode()

course_modules Table course BIGINT 19 0
book_chapters Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
course_completion_criteria Table enrolperiod BIGINT 19 null

Number of days after enrolment the course is completed (if using enrolperiod criteria type)

cohort Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table correctpattern LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Correct Pattern in xAPI format

resource_old Table oldid BIGINT 19 null
folder Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
survey_questions Table multi VARCHAR 100
event Table instance BIGINT 19 0
lti Table instructorchoiceallowroster BIT 1 null

Allow the roster to be retrieved

ltiservice_gradebookservices Table toolproxyid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the Tool Proxy instance.

question_calculated_options Table incorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map Table consumerid BIGINT 19 null

The consumer ID.

course_modules Table score SMALLINT 5 0
logstore_standard_log Table other LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tool_policy_versions Table policyid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the policy document we are version of.

external_services Table name VARCHAR 200
files Table itemid BIGINT 19 null

Optional - some plugin specific item id (eg. forum post, blog entry or assignment submission, user id for user files)

glossary Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
workshop Table overallfeedbackmaxbytes BIGINT 19 100000

Maximum size of one file attached to the overall feedback.

assign Table revealidentities TINYINT 3 0

Show identities for a blind marking assignment

competency_usercompcourse Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
quiz Table questionsperpage BIGINT 19 0

How often to insert a page break when editing the quiz, or when shuffling the question order.

grading_areas Table activemethod VARCHAR 100 null

The default grading method (plugin) that should be used for this area

block_recent_activity Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User performing the action

course_categories Table coursecount BIGINT 19 0
customfield_data Table charvalue VARCHAR 1333 null
enrol_lti_lti2_user_result Table updated BIGINT 19 null
qtype_ddimageortext Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table muteonstartup BIT 1 null

Bool whether browser starts muted.

quiz_sections Table heading VARCHAR 1333 null

The text of the heading. May be an empty string/null. Multilang format.

question_multianswer Table question BIGINT 19 0
workshopallocation_scheduled Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

workshop id we are part of

question_statistics Table variant BIGINT 19 null
wiki Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

General introduction of the wiki activity

question_attempt_steps Table sequencenumber BIGINT 19 null

Numbers the steps in a question attempt sequentially.

lti_submission Table originalgrade DECIMAL 10 null
analytics_models_log Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
lti_types Table tooldomain VARCHAR 255
book Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
analytics_indicator_calc Table indicator VARCHAR 255
role_allow_switch Table allowswitch BIGINT 19 null

The id of a role that the user is allowed to switch to as a result of having this role.

analytics_prediction_actions Table actionname VARCHAR 255
role_names Table name VARCHAR 255
competency_userevidencecomp Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
groupings Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table rolename VARCHAR 255

The name of the role at the remote server that our users will get when we enrol them there

assign_overrides Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

Rank for sorting overrides.

task_scheduled Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_users Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The time the user was created

questionnaire_question Table extradata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

If a question needs more than the standard fields provided, use this field.

data Table timeavailablefrom BIGINT 19 0
question_dataset_definitions Table options VARCHAR 255
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table showsebtaskbar BIT 1 null

Bool to show SEB task bar

blog_association Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
h5p_libraries Table patchversion SMALLINT 5 null
grade_items Table idnumber VARCHAR 255 null

Arbitrary idnumber provided by the module responsible

log_display Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_usertours_steps Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Title of the step

enrol_paypal Table tax VARCHAR 255
local_ld_module Table id BIGINT 19 null
customfield_field Table type VARCHAR 100
lesson_timer Table starttime BIGINT 19 0
competency_evidence Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_criteria Table descriptionmarkersformat TINYINT 3 null
message_conversations Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
external_tokens Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

context id where in token valid

analytics_predict_samples Table id BIGINT 19 null
user_enrolments Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
lock_db Table expires BIGINT 19 null

Expiry time for an active lock.

badge_criteria Table id BIGINT 19 null
quiz_grades Table userid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

glossary_entries_categories Table id BIGINT 19 null
role_capabilities Table contextid BIGINT 19 0
tag_instance Table contextid BIGINT 19 null

The context id of the item that was tagged

qtype_match_subquestions Table questiontextformat TINYINT 3 0
post Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
mnetservice_enrol_enrolments Table userid BIGINT 19 null

ID of our local user on this server

wiki_pages Table timerendered BIGINT 19 0

Last render timestamp

analytics_models_log Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
feedback_completedtmp Table guestid VARCHAR 255
repository_instances Table name VARCHAR 255
competency_templatecohort Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
oauth2_system_account Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who modified this record.

question_usages Table preferredbehaviour VARCHAR 32

The archetypal behaviour that should be used for question attempts in this usage.

role_allow_switch Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_recentlyaccesseditems Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User id that accessed the item

role_allow_switch Table roleid BIGINT 19 null

The role the user has.

glossary Table entbypage SMALLINT 5 10
choice Table includeinactive TINYINT 3 1
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table retry BIGINT 19 0

How many times scheduling failed

customfield_field Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_templatecohort Table templateid BIGINT 19 null
forum_posts Table wordcount BIGINT 19 null
tool_cohortroles Table cohortid BIGINT 19 null

The cohort to sync

questionnaire_survey Table thank_head VARCHAR 255 null
backup_controllers Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum Table grade_forum_notify SMALLINT 5 0
tool_recyclebin_category Table shortname VARCHAR 255
enrol_lti_lti2_nonce Table consumerid BIGINT 19 null
badge_external_identifier Table externalid VARCHAR 128
h5p_libraries Table machinename VARCHAR 255

The library machine name

qtype_ddmarker Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

grade_items Table needsupdate BIGINT 19 0

If this flag is set, then the whole column will be recalculated

grading_areas Table areaname VARCHAR 100

The name of gradable area

competency_coursecompsetting Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_calculated Table answer BIGINT 19 0
lesson_pages Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
upgrade_log Table type BIGINT 19 null

type: 0==info, 1==notice, 2==error

competency_plan Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
analytics_used_files Table action VARCHAR 50
h5p Table mainlibraryid BIGINT 19 null

The library we first instanciate for this node

assignment_submissions Table userid BIGINT 19 0
assignment Table var4 BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_question Table precise BIGINT 19 0
data Table scale BIGINT 19 0
data_records Table dataid BIGINT 19 0
data Table listtemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
url Table course BIGINT 19 0
scorm Table grademethod TINYINT 3 0
competency_framework Table taxonomies VARCHAR 255

Sequence of terms to use for each competency level.

enrol_lti_users Table serviceurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
analytics_used_analysables Table analysableid BIGINT 19 null
glossary Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
competency_plancomp Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

Relative sort order

glossary_alias Table id BIGINT 19 null
course Table groupmodeforce SMALLINT 5 0
enrol_flatfile Table action VARCHAR 30
h5p_libraries Table id BIGINT 19 null

Primary Key: The id of the library

gradingform_rubric_criteria Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The criterion description

quiz_statistics Table lastattemptscount BIGINT 19 null
message Table eventtype VARCHAR 100 null
search_simpledb_index Table areaid VARCHAR 255
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table activateurlfiltering BIT 1 null

Bool whether URLs will be filtered.

question Table modifiedby BIGINT 19 null

userid of person who last edited this question

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table allowreloadinexam BIT 1 null

Bool whether user can reload.

message_contacts Table userid BIGINT 19 null
imscp Table course BIGINT 19 0
quiz Table overduehandling VARCHAR 16 autoabandon

The method used to handle overdue attempts. 'autosubmit', 'graceperiod' or 'autoabandon'.

course_completion_defaults Table module BIGINT 19 null
feedback Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
analytics_models Table predictionsprocessor VARCHAR 255 null
badge_external_identifier Table id BIGINT 19 null
assign_user_flags Table userid BIGINT 19 0

The id of the user these flags apply to.

workshop Table assessmentstart BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be started manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the start of the assessment phase

analytics_train_samples Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_users Table membershipsid LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
feedback_item Table dependitem BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table roleid BIGINT 19 null
task_adhoc Table component VARCHAR 255

The component that triggered this adhoc task.

assign Table attemptreopenmethod VARCHAR 10 none

How to determine when students are allowed to open a new submission. Valid options are none, manual, untilpass

files Table status BIGINT 19 0

number greater than 0 means something is wrong with this file (virus, missing, etc.)

grade_items Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson Table timelimit BIGINT 19 0
search_simpledb_index Table title LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnet_rpc Table filename VARCHAR 100
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table name VARCHAR 50
feedback_completed Table userid BIGINT 19 0
forum_discussions Table userid BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_dependency Table dependchoiceid BIGINT 19 0

ID of question choice dependent on.

competency Table idnumber VARCHAR 100 null
question_gapselect Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table event VARCHAR 1333

Name of event that triggers the schedule

badge Table issuername VARCHAR 255
oauth2_access_token Table issuerid BIGINT 19 null

Corresponding oauth2 issuer

question_statistics Table effectiveweight DECIMAL 15 null
groups_members Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson Table mediawidth BIGINT 19 650
quiz_statistics Table highestattemptsavg DECIMAL 15 null
chat_messages Table groupid BIGINT 19 0
mnet_sso_access_control Table mnet_host_id BIGINT 19 0

id of mnet host

questionnaire_feedback Table feedbacktextformat TINYINT 3 1
enrol_flatfile Table courseid BIGINT 19 null
assign_submission Table groupid BIGINT 19 0

The group id for team submissions

lesson Table mediafile VARCHAR 255

Local file path or full external URL

external_services_users Table userid BIGINT 19 null
course Table completionnotify BIT 1 0

Notify users when they complete this course

forum Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
gradingform_rubric_levels Table score DECIMAL 10 null

The score for this level

forum_discussions Table usermodified BIGINT 19 0
course_completion_aggr_methd Table criteriatype BIGINT 19 null

The criteria type we are aggregating, or NULL if complete course aggregation

question_calculated Table correctanswerlength BIGINT 19 2
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table lastruntime BIGINT 19 null
competency_plan Table templateid BIGINT 19 null
qtype_ddimageortext_drops Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
contentbank_content Table contextid BIGINT 19 null


grade_letters Table lowerboundary DECIMAL 10 null

The lower boundary of the letter. Its upper boundary is the lower boundary of the next highest letter, unless there is none above, in which case it's grademax for that grade_item.

repository_instance_config Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
feedback_item Table feedback BIGINT 19 0
message_providers Table component VARCHAR 200

The name of the component that produces these messages

assignment Table course BIGINT 19 0
data Table rsstemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
mnet_host Table theme VARCHAR 100 null
qtype_ddimageortext_drags Table label LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Alt text label for drag-able image.

question_answers Table feedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
lesson Table name VARCHAR 255
stats_user_monthly Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table sendtomanager BIT 1 0

Add related user manager's email to recipient list

course_completions Table reaggregate BIGINT 19 0
stats_monthly Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
lesson Table allowofflineattempts BIT 1 0

Whether to allow the lesson to be attempted offline in the mobile app

survey Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
badge_manual_award Table recipientid BIGINT 19 null
user Table institution VARCHAR 255
enrol_lti_users Table membershipsurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
h5pactivity_attempts Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
quiz_sections Table shufflequestions SMALLINT 5 0

Whether the question order within this section should be shuffled for each attempt.

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table id BIGINT 19 null
backup_controllers Table type VARCHAR 10

Type of the backup (activity/section/course)

assign_user_flags Table locked BIGINT 19 0

Student cannot make any changes to their submission if this flag is set.

license Table fullname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
enrol_paypal Table instanceid BIGINT 19 0
oauth2_user_field_mapping Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who modified this record.

log Table ip VARCHAR 45
local_ld_import_logs_status Table status VARCHAR 20 notscheduled

Current status of the import log task ('notscheduled', 'scheduled', 'inprogress', 'finished')

glossary Table assesstimefinish BIGINT 19 0
task_scheduled Table blocking TINYINT 3 0

Block the entire cron when this task is running.

mnet_host Table public_key LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
favourite Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the user to whom the favourite belongs

upgrade_log Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency Table scaleconfiguration LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grade_items Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The last time this grade_item was modified

message_conversations Table name VARCHAR 255 null
scorm_seq_mapinfo Table writenormalizedmeasure BIT 1 0
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table id BIGINT 19 null
stats_daily Table roleid BIGINT 19 0

id of role for the aggregates

event Table modulename VARCHAR 20
user_info_field Table visible SMALLINT 5 0

Visibility: private, public, hidden

portfolio_log Table time BIGINT 19 null

time of transfer (in the case of a queued transfer this is the time the actual transfer ran, not when the user started)

backup_logs Table loglevel SMALLINT 5 null

level of the log (debug...error)

local_activityvisibility Table instance BIGINT 19 0

The instance ID as defined in the course_module table.

lesson Table maxpages SMALLINT 5 0
enrol_flatfile Table timestart BIGINT 19 0
question_numerical Table answer BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

question_attempts Table questionusageid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key, references

wiki_versions Table version MEDIUMINT 7 0

Wiki page version

stats_user_daily Table userid BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_resp_multiple Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignment_submissions Table data1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
course_format_options Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Value of the format option

user_preferences Table value VARCHAR 1333
portfolio_instance_user Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge Table version VARCHAR 255 null
survey Table name VARCHAR 255
assign_overrides Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_category Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_criteria Table maxscore DECIMAL 10 null

maximum grade that can be assigned using this criterion

mnet_service Table apiversion VARCHAR 10
grade_grades Table feedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

grading feedback

repository_instances Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
assign Table teamsubmission TINYINT 3 0

Do students submit in teams?

workshop Table phaseswitchassessment TINYINT 3 0

Automatically switch to the assessment phase after the submissions deadline

workshop_submissions Table contentformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of submission text

config_plugins Table name VARCHAR 100
forum Table completionreplies INT 10 0

Nonzero if a certain number of replies are required to mark this forum complete for a user.

data_content Table content2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
h5p_libraries Table coremajor SMALLINT 5 null

H5P core API major version required

contentbank_content Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
lesson_attempts Table correct BIGINT 19 0
repository_onedrive_access Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
choice Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson_branch Table userid BIGINT 19 0
my_pages Table userid BIGINT 19 0

The user who owns this page or 0 for system defaults

competency_coursecomp Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

The display order for this link.

qtype_match_options Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0

If true, then when the user gets the question partially correct, tell them how many choices they got correct alongside the feedback.

h5pactivity_attempts_results Table rawscore BIGINT 19 0
assignfeedback_file Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
h5pactivity_attempts Table duration BIGINT 19 0

Number of second inverted in that attempt (provided by the statement)

question Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

time question was created

scale_history Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The last time this grade_item was modified

user_info_field Table signup TINYINT 3 0

display field on signup page

grade_categories_history Table action BIGINT 19 0

created/modified/deleted constants

h5pactivity_attempts Table maxscore BIGINT 19 0
comments Table commentarea VARCHAR 255
h5p_contents_libraries Table libraryid BIGINT 19 null

The identifier of a H5P library this content uses

forum_posts Table messagetrust TINYINT 3 0
question_numerical_options Table unitpenalty DECIMAL 12 0.1000000

Penalty for getting the unit wrong, when they are being graded.

mnet_session Table useragent VARCHAR 40

SHA1 hash of User Agent

context Table contextlevel BIGINT 19 0
survey_analysis Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop_grades Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades Table aggregationstatus VARCHAR 10 unknown

One of several values describing how this grade_grade was used when calculating the aggregation. Possible values are "unknown", "dropped", "novalue", "used"

forum_discussions Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
assign Table blindmarking TINYINT 3 0

Hide student/grader identities until the reveal identities action is performed

resource Table legacyfileslast BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_messagelist Table messageid LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
external_services Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
scorm_scoes_track Table scormid BIGINT 19 0
question_statistics Table subquestions LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
assignment Table timeavailable BIGINT 19 0
course Table calendartype VARCHAR 30
tag Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
gradingform_guide_fillings Table instanceid BIGINT 19 null

The ID of the grading form instance

enrol_flatfile Table userid BIGINT 19 null
task_scheduled Table day VARCHAR 25
file_conversion Table status BIGINT 19 0
mnet_log Table time BIGINT 19 0
competency Table ruleconfig LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_userevidence Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table display BIGINT 19 0
badge_external_backpack Table backpackweburl VARCHAR 255
choice Table name VARCHAR 255
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
file_conversion Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
role_assignments Table userid BIGINT 19 0
lti_submission Table launchid BIGINT 19 null
role_allow_view Table allowview BIGINT 19 null

The id of a role that the user is allowed to view to as a result of having this role.

resource Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
logstore_standard_log Table target VARCHAR 100
analytics_indicator_calc Table starttime BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_response_rank Table rankvalue BIGINT 19 0
logstore_standard_log Table userid BIGINT 19 null
context Table instanceid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_lti2_share_key Table id BIGINT 19 null
notifications Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_lti2_nonce Table value VARCHAR 64
qtype_ddmarker_drags Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
mnet_log Table ip VARCHAR 45
qtype_ddmarker_drops Table choice BIGINT 19 0
assignment_submissions Table grade BIGINT 19 0
grading_instances Table feedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Overall feedback from the rater for the author of the graded item

course_modules Table groupmode SMALLINT 5 0
competency_evidence Table desccomponent VARCHAR 255
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table lastruntime BIGINT 19 null
question_attempt_step_data Table name VARCHAR 32

The name of this bit of data.

quizaccess_seb_template Table id BIGINT 19 null
mnet_remote_rpc Table xmlrpcpath VARCHAR 80
question_response_count Table rcount BIGINT 19 null
question_statistics Table subquestion SMALLINT 5 null
workshopform_numerrors Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field

chat Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
questionnaire_survey Table feedbacknotes LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
badge Table name VARCHAR 255
editor_atto_autosave Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

Store the last modified time for the auto save text.

assignsubmission_file Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
assign Table id BIGINT 19 null
local_ld_course_day Table day VARCHAR 10

Day formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD'

cache_flags Table expiry BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_datakeys Table expires BIGINT 19 null

The expiry time of this key.

data_fields Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades_history Table locktime BIGINT 19 0

automatic locking of final grade, 0 means none, date otherwise

analytics_models Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_usercomp Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
repository_onedrive_access Table id BIGINT 19 null
glossary Table usedynalink TINYINT 3 1
customfield_data Table decvalue DECIMAL 10 null
lesson Table usemaxgrade SMALLINT 5 0
oauth2_issuer Table name VARCHAR 255

The name of this identity issuer

logstore_standard_log Table realuserid BIGINT 19 null

real user id when logged-in-as

course_sections Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

Time at which the course section was last changed.

config_log Table plugin VARCHAR 100 null
portfolio_instance_config Table name VARCHAR 255

config field

gradingform_guide_comments Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null

Defines the order of the comments

imscp Table id BIGINT 19 null
local_ld_course_day Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_quick Table width BIGINT 19 120
badge_external Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_ddwtos Table shownumcorrect TINYINT 3 0
glossary Table globalglossary TINYINT 3 0
workshop_assessments Table feedbackauthorformat SMALLINT 5 0
mnet_service Table name VARCHAR 40
lti_types Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
assign Table completionsubmit TINYINT 3 0

If this field is set to 1, then the activity will be automatically marked as 'complete' once the user submits their assignment.

questionnaire_dependency Table id BIGINT 19 null
analytics_models Table contextids LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The model will be restricted to this contexts

auth_oauth2_linked_login Table confirmtoken VARCHAR 64

If this is not empty - the user has not confirmed their email to create the link.

local_ld_lastactivity Table coursemoduleid BIGINT 19 0

Coursemodule id

assign Table markingworkflow TINYINT 3 0

If enabled, marking workflow features will be used in this assignment.

mnet_rpc Table functionname VARCHAR 40
analytics_train_samples Table sampleids LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tool_recyclebin_category Table categoryid BIGINT 19 null
workshop_assessments Table feedbackauthorattachment SMALLINT 5 0

Are there some files attached to the feedbackauthor field? Sets to 1 by file_postupdate_standard_filemanager().

scale_history Table source VARCHAR 255 null

What caused the modification? manual/module/import/...

block_recentlyaccesseditems Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Course id the item belongs to

tag_area Table showstandard BIT 1 0
search_index_requests Table partialtime BIGINT 19 null

If processing partially completed, set to the timestamp within the next area where processing should start. 0 indicates not processed yet.

enrol_lti_tools Table timezone VARCHAR 100 99
tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table lawfulbases LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comma-separated IDs matching records in tool_dataprivacy_lawfulbasis

book Table revision BIGINT 19 0
groups Table idnumber VARCHAR 100
enrol_lti_lti2_context Table created BIGINT 19 null
block_positions Table blockinstanceid BIGINT 19 null

The block_instance this position relates to.

lti Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

Format of the intro field (MOODLE, HTML, MARKDOWN...)

course_completion_criteria Table courseinstance BIGINT 19 null

Course instance id (if using course criteria type)

quiz_slots Table includingsubcategories SMALLINT 5 null

Whether the random question can be picked from sub categories or not. Will be null if questioncategoryid is null.

events_handlers Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson_answers Table answerformat TINYINT 3 0
oauth2_system_account Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti Table toolurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Remote tool url

user Table calendartype VARCHAR 30 gregorian
glossary_formats Table defaultmode VARCHAR 50
mnetservice_enrol_courses Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table endx BIGINT 19 0

x-position of the end of the annotation

course_completion_defaults Table customrules LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
user Table alternatename VARCHAR 255 null

Alternate name - Useful for three-name countries.

customfield_field Table categoryid BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_instance_config Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

config value

question_attempt_steps Table fraction DECIMAL 12 null

The grade for this question, when graded out of 1. Needs to be multiplied by question_attempt.maxmark to get the actual mark for the question.

user_private_key Table userid BIGINT 19 null


tool_dataprivacy_request Table userid BIGINT 19 0

The user ID the request is being made for

scorm Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
scorm_seq_rulecond Table measurethreshold FLOAT 11 0.0000
assignment Table var1 BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades_history Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_usercompplan Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
badge_issued Table badgeid BIGINT 19 0
event Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
stats_weekly Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
question_response_analysis Table hashcode VARCHAR 40

sha1 hash of serialized qubaids_condition class. Unique for every combination of class name and property.

question_statistics Table s BIGINT 19 0
competency_plancomp Table id BIGINT 19 null
logstore_standard_log Table contextlevel BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_rules Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp when this rule was last modified

qtype_ddmarker_drags Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_paypal Table memo VARCHAR 255
message_processors Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge Table usercreated BIGINT 19 null
assignment Table grade BIGINT 19 0
user_devices Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
backup_controllers Table purpose SMALLINT 5 null

purpose (target) of the backup (general, import, hub...)

enrol_lti_lti2_user_result Table ltiresultsourcedid VARCHAR 1024
h5pactivity_attempts_results Table success BIT 1 null

Store the xAPI tracking success result.

assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table y BIGINT 19 0

y-position of the top-left corner of the comment (in pixels - image resolution is set to 100 pixels per inch)

lti_tool_proxies Table secret VARCHAR 255 null
data Table listtemplateheader LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
portfolio_instance_user Table userid BIGINT 19 null

fk to user table

grade_outcomes Table descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0
questionnaire_question_type Table id BIGINT 19 null
feedback_completed Table random_response BIGINT 19 0
question_attempt_step_data Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The corresponding value

search_simpledb_index Table docid VARCHAR 255
lock_db Table resourcekey VARCHAR 255

String identifying the resource to be locked. Should use frankenstyle format.

questionnaire_question Table deleted VARCHAR 1 n
question Table generalfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
log_queries Table id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_multichoice_options Table id BIGINT 19 null
cohort Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Standard description text box

rating Table component VARCHAR 100
oauth2_issuer Table baseurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The base url to the issuer

grade_categories_history Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The last time this grade_item was modified

analytics_predictions Table calculations LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
glossary Table assessed BIGINT 19 0
question Table qtype VARCHAR 20
grade_outcomes Table scaleid BIGINT 19 null

The recommended scale for this outcome.

question Table version VARCHAR 255
assign_plugin_config Table subtype VARCHAR 28
tool_cohortroles Table id BIGINT 19 null
resource_old Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
wiki Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
qtype_ddimageortext Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 1
lesson Table mediaheight BIGINT 19 100
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table purposeid BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxinstance Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
messageinbound_handlers Table defaultexpiration BIGINT 19 86400

The default expiration period to use when creating a new key

lesson_answers Table lessonid BIGINT 19 0
workshop Table gradedecimals SMALLINT 5 0

Number of digits that should be shown after the decimal point when displaying grades

task_adhoc Table userid BIGINT 19 null
imscp Table keepold BIGINT 19 -1

incremented when after each file changes, solves browser caching issues

wiki_subwikis Table id BIGINT 19 null
message Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades_history Table action BIGINT 19 0

created/modified/deleted constants

cache_flags Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
competency_usercomp Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User associated to the competency.

course_modules Table added BIGINT 19 0
competency_usercompplan Table grade BIGINT 19 null

Grade assigned to the competency.

course Table visibleold BIT 1 1

the state of visible field when hiding parent category, this helps us to recover hidden states when unhiding the parent category later

mnet_host2service Table serviceid BIGINT 19 0
mnet_log Table userid BIGINT 19 0
backup_controllers Table executiontime BIGINT 19 null

epoch secs when the backup should be executed (for delayed backups only)

messageinbound_datakeys Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol Table customint7 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

oauth2_system_account Table issuerid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the oauth 2 identity issuer

badge_alignment Table badgeid BIGINT 19 0
competency_plancomp Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_instance Table plugin VARCHAR 50

fk to plugin

assign Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field of the assignment. This field is used by feature MOD_INTRO.

ltiservice_gradebookservices Table id BIGINT 19 null
lti_types_config Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Param value

course Table marker BIGINT 19 0
course Table showreports SMALLINT 5 0
chat Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

text format of intro field

workshop_grades Table grade DECIMAL 10 null

Given grade in the referenced assessment dimension.

logstore_standard_log Table component VARCHAR 100
feedback_completedtmp Table random_response BIGINT 19 0
portfolio_instance_user Table name VARCHAR 255

name of config item

page Table legacyfileslast BIGINT 19 null
feedback Table autonumbering BIT 1 1
local_ld_module Table ldcourseid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key to the local_ld_course table

stats_user_daily Table roleid BIGINT 19 0
oauth2_user_field_mapping Table issuerid BIGINT 19 null

The oauth issuer.

grade_items Table grademax DECIMAL 10 100.00000

What is the maximum allowable grade?

lesson Table available BIGINT 19 0
qtype_multichoice_options Table showstandardinstruction TINYINT 3 1

Whether standard instruction ('Select one:' or 'Select one or more:') is displayed

competency_templatecohort Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
badge_issued Table dateexpire BIGINT 19 null
grade_outcomes_history Table loggeduser BIGINT 19 null

the userid of the person who last modified this outcome

tool_monitor_rules Table id BIGINT 19 null
message_popup_notifications Table notificationid BIGINT 19 null
course_modules Table groupingid BIGINT 19 0
badge_backpack_oauth2 Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
assign_overrides Table duedate BIGINT 19 null

Time by which students must have completed their attempt. Can be null, in which case the assign default is used.

grading_definitions Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time stamp of when the form definition was modified recently

tool_cohortroles Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was modified.

glossary Table showall TINYINT 3 1
competency_modulecomp Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who last modified this field.

groups Table hidepicture BIT 1 0
quiz_attempts Table currentpage BIGINT 19 0
assignfeedback_editpdf_rot Table isrotated BIT 1 0

Whether the page is rotated or not

forum Table warnafter BIGINT 19 0
workshop_submissions Table title VARCHAR 255

The submission title

lti_access_tokens Table validuntil BIGINT 19 null

timestamp - valid until data

workshop_assessments Table grade DECIMAL 10 null

The aggregated grade for submission suggested by the reviewer. The grade 0..100 is computed from the values assigned to the assessment dimensions fields. If NULL then it has not been aggregated yet.

profiling Table data LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

the raw data gathered by xhprof

lesson_answers Table answer LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
analytics_indicator_calc Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
glossary Table showspecial TINYINT 3 1
wiki_synonyms Table pageid BIGINT 19 0

Original page

enrol Table currency VARCHAR 3 null

Custom - cost currency

user_lastaccess Table userid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_flatfile Table timeend BIGINT 19 0
grade_grades_history Table source VARCHAR 255 null

What caused the modification? manual/module/import/...

data_records Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
badge_criteria_met Table critid BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_comments Table commentformat SMALLINT 5 0

The feedback text format

competency_template Table id BIGINT 19 null
data Table defaultsortdir SMALLINT 5 0
cohort_members Table cohortid BIGINT 19 0
resource Table legacyfiles SMALLINT 5 0
question_dataset_items Table definition BIGINT 19 0
workshopform_rubric_levels Table definitionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the definition field

question Table id BIGINT 19 null
customfield_category Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_pages Table title VARCHAR 255 title

Page name

qtype_match_options Table partiallycorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any partially correct response.

badge_backpack_oauth2 Table scope LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
questionnaire Table progressbar BIT 1 0

Display a progress bar at top of questionnaire.

portfolio_instance_config Table instance BIGINT 19 null

instance of plugin we're configurating

cohort Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_usercompcourse Table competencyid BIGINT 19 null

Competency associated to the user.

file_conversion Table sourcefileid BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table subject VARCHAR 100

Email subject

task_adhoc Table blocking TINYINT 3 0
groupings Table idnumber VARCHAR 100
data Table editany SMALLINT 5 0
modules Table visible BIT 1 1
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table consumerkey256 VARCHAR 255
analytics_models_log Table dir LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table id BIGINT 19 null
block_rss_client Table skipuntil BIGINT 19 0

Do not query this RSS feed again until this time

tool_dataprivacy_request Table status TINYINT 3 0

The current status of the data request

grade_outcomes_history Table source VARCHAR 255 null

What caused the modification? manual/module/import/...

questionnaire_dependency Table dependlogic TINYINT 3 0
feedback_value Table course_id BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire Table name VARCHAR 255

Name for questionnaire.

backup_courses Table laststatus VARCHAR 1 5
assignfeedback_editpdf_queue Table id BIGINT 19 null
analytics_models Table name VARCHAR 1333 null

Explicit name of the model, the localised target name is used when left empty

questionnaire Table respondenttype VARCHAR 9 fullname

Eligible respondents

local_ld_course Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key to the course

lesson Table progressbar SMALLINT 5 0
groupings Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
assign_plugin_config Table name VARCHAR 28
role_allow_override Table allowoverride BIGINT 19 0
analytics_predict_samples Table rangeindex BIGINT 19 null
lti Table debuglaunch BIT 1 0

Enable the debug-style launch which pauses before auto-submit

book_chapters Table contentformat SMALLINT 5 0
post Table lastmodified BIGINT 19 0
workshopform_rubric Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

Workshop ID

lesson_timer Table id BIGINT 19 null
repository_instances Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
lti_types_config Table typeid BIGINT 19 null

Basic LTI type id

grade_grades Table aggregationweight DECIMAL 10 null

If the aggregationstatus == 'included', then this is the percent this item contributed to the aggregation.

grade_items Table multfactor DECIMAL 10 1.00000

Multiply all grades by this

h5pactivity_attempts Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Attempt user ID

quiz Table reviewcorrectness MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

tag_area Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_response_date Table response_id BIGINT 19 0
analytics_models_log Table timesplitting VARCHAR 255 null
lti_types Table secureicon LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Secure URL to icon file

scorm_aicc_session Table lessonstatus VARCHAR 255 null
workshopform_accumulative Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The description of the dimension

customfield_category Table sortorder BIGINT 19 null
resource Table filterfiles SMALLINT 5 0
feedback_item Table position SMALLINT 5 0
competency_coursecompsetting Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this setting was last modified.

badge_backpack_oauth2 Table usermodified BIGINT 19 0
message_email_messages Table messageid BIGINT 19 null
competency_templatecohort Table cohortid BIGINT 19 null
rating Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
quiz_slots Table quizid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

logstore_standard_log Table id BIGINT 19 null
user Table timezone VARCHAR 100 99
grade_items_history Table categoryid BIGINT 19 null

(optional) the category group this item belongs to

competency_framework Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who last modified this framework

message_conversation_actions Table userid BIGINT 19 null
forum_track_prefs Table userid BIGINT 19 0
license Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge_criteria_met Table id BIGINT 19 null
sessions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
logstore_standard_log Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
resource_old Table migrated BIGINT 19 0
capabilities Table name VARCHAR 255
user Table lastip VARCHAR 45
feedback_item Table dependvalue VARCHAR 255
forum_posts Table modified BIGINT 19 0
grade_items_history Table itemname VARCHAR 255 null

The name of this item (pushed in by the module)

tag Table name VARCHAR 255
glossary_alias Table entryid BIGINT 19 0
lti Table resourcekey VARCHAR 255 null
quiz_attempts Table userid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key reference to the user whose attempt this is.

assignfeedback_editpdf_cmnt Table width BIGINT 19 120

width, in pixels, of the comment box

course_modules Table instance BIGINT 19 0
external_functions Table name VARCHAR 200
user_preferences Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_monitor_events Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

course id

lesson_grades Table lessonid BIGINT 19 0
sessions Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table forcecompleted BIT 1 0
chat_messages_current Table chatid BIGINT 19 0
glossary_entries Table definitiontrust TINYINT 3 0
data Table assesstimefinish BIGINT 19 0
role_capabilities Table id BIGINT 19 null
user Table url VARCHAR 255
scorm Table nav BIT 1 1
question_attempts Table variant BIGINT 19 1

The variant of the qusetion being used.

portfolio_instance_user Table value LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

value of config item

analytics_used_analysables Table timeanalysed BIGINT 19 null
scorm_seq_rulecond Table ruleconditionsid BIGINT 19 0
competency Table competencyframeworkid BIGINT 19 null

The framework this competency relates to.

question_hints Table id BIGINT 19 null
message_read Table timeuserfromdeleted BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table exportformat VARCHAR 10

Export format: 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'csv', ...

mnetservice_enrol_courses Table summary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
assign_submission Table attemptnumber BIGINT 19 0

Used to track attempts for an assignment

messages Table smallmessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
context Table depth TINYINT 3 0
grade_items_history Table iteminstance BIGINT 19 null

id of the item module

scorm_seq_ruleconds Table action VARCHAR 25
questionnaire_resp_single Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
qtype_multichoice_options Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 1

Whether the choices can be randomly shuffled.

lesson Table completionendreached BIT 1 0
block_instances Table blockname VARCHAR 40

The type of block this is. Foreign key, references

logstore_standard_log Table relateduserid BIGINT 19 null
course_completions Table timeenrolled BIGINT 19 0
question_dataset_items Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_policy_versions Table name VARCHAR 1333

Name of the policy document

question_categories Table idnumber VARCHAR 100 null
lesson_answers Table pageid BIGINT 19 0
assign_grades Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

The time the assignment submission was first modified by a grader.

stats_user_daily Table stattype VARCHAR 30
contentbank_content Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
grade_items Table iteminfo LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Info and notes about this item XXX

lti_tool_proxies Table name VARCHAR 255 Tool Provider

Tool Provider name

question_statistics Table negcovar TINYINT 3 0
external_services_users Table iprestriction VARCHAR 255 null

ip restriction

cohort Table visible BIT 1 1

Visibility to teachers

quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table cmid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key to course module id.

mnetservice_enrol_enrolments Table remotecourseid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the course at the remote server. Note that this may and may not be cached in our mnetservice_enrol_courses table, depends of whether the course is opened for remote enrolments or our student is the enrolled there via other plugin

cache_flags Table name VARCHAR 255
user_private_key Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_response_count Table try BIGINT 19 null
files Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_request Table dpo BIGINT 19 0

The user ID of the Data Protection Officer who is reviewing th request

portfolio_log Table tempdataid BIGINT 19 0

old id from portfolio_tempdata. This is so that we can gracefully catch a race condition between an external system requesting a file and causing the tempdata to be deleted, before the user gets the "your transfer is requested" page

task_scheduled Table minute VARCHAR 25
wiki Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
feedback Table page_after_submitformat TINYINT 3 0
task_log Table classname VARCHAR 255

The class of the task being run

search_index_requests Table indexpriority BIGINT 19 null

Priority value so that important requests can be dealt with first; higher numbers are processed first

user_info_field Table param3 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

General parameter field

enrol Table expirynotify BIT 1 0

Custom - notify users before expiration

assignment Table preventlate TINYINT 3 0
workshopform_comments Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The description of the dimension

assignsubmission_file Table numfiles BIGINT 19 0

The number of files the student submitted.

scorm_seq_objective Table primaryobj BIT 1 0
h5pactivity_attempts Table completion BIT 1 null

Store the xAPI tracking completion result.

glossary_alias Table alias VARCHAR 255
scorm Table id BIGINT 19 null
h5pactivity Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Activity description.

assignfeedback_editpdf_quick Table id BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_request Table requestedby BIGINT 19 0

The user ID of the one making the request

forum_read Table lastread BIGINT 19 0
badge_external_backpack Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0
quiz Table completionpass BIT 1 0
file_conversion Table statusmessage LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
questionnaire Table completionsubmit BIT 1 0

Questionnaire marked as 'complete' when submitted.

resource_old Table newmodule VARCHAR 50 null
mnet_host Table sslverification BIT 1 0
grade_grades_history Table feedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

grading feedback

wiki Table firstpagetitle VARCHAR 255 First Page

Wiki first page's name

lesson Table completiontimespent BIGINT 19 0
scorm_seq_objective Table scoid BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_fb_sections Table sectionheadingformat TINYINT 3 1
lti_access_tokens Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

created timestamp

tool_policy_acceptances Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of when the acceptance record was last modified

portfolio_tempdata Table userid BIGINT 19 null

psuedo fk to user. this is stored in the serialised data structure in the data field, but added here for ease of lookups.

scorm Table forcenewattempt BIT 1 0
questionnaire_question_type Table response_table VARCHAR 32 null
analytics_used_analysables Table firstanalysis BIGINT 19 null
chat_messages Table timestamp BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports Table uri VARCHAR 1333

Report URI

groups_members Table groupid BIGINT 19 0
scorm_seq_rolluprule Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_paypal Table id BIGINT 19 null
customfield_category Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_lti2_user_result Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_modules Table completion BIT 1 0

Whether the completion-tracking facilities are enabled for this activity. 0 = not enabled (database default) 1 = manual tracking, user can tick this activity off (UI default for most activity types) 2 = automatic tracking, system should mark completion according to rules specified in course_moduleS_completion

course_sections Table name VARCHAR 255 null
lesson_answers Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades Table overridden BIGINT 19 0

indicates grade overridden from gradebook, 0 means none, date means overridden

assign Table submissiondrafts TINYINT 3 0

If true, assignment submissions will be considered drafts until the student clicks on the submit assignmnet button.

portfolio_mahara_queue Table token VARCHAR 50

the token mahara sent us to use for this transfer.

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table profile LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table enableaudiocontrol BIT 1 null

Bool to show volume and audio controls.

scale_history Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
h5p_libraries Table majorversion SMALLINT 5 null
message_conversation_members Table userid BIGINT 19 null
chat Table schedule SMALLINT 5 0
questionnaire Table opendate BIGINT 19 0

Timestamp to open access

quiz Table decimalpoints SMALLINT 5 2

Number of decimal points to use when displaying grades.

workshop_submissions Table content LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Submission text

context Table id BIGINT 19 null
task_scheduled Table month VARCHAR 25
portfolio_tempdata Table instance BIGINT 19 0

which portfolio plugin instance is being used

log Table action VARCHAR 40
lti_tool_settings Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Date/time at which the record was created

auth_oauth2_linked_login Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The user account this oauth login is linked to.

survey Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0

intro text field format

tag_coll Table isdefault TINYINT 3 0
enrol Table customint1 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

badge_backpack Table externalbackpackid BIGINT 19 null
choice_answers Table optionid BIGINT 19 0
user Table yahoo VARCHAR 50
badge Table notification BIT 1 1

Message when badge is awarded

tag_area Table component VARCHAR 100
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table consumerkey LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tool_usertours_steps Table tourid BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_crit_compl Table timecompleted BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_reports_schedule Table retry BIGINT 19 null

How many times scheduling failed

choice Table showresults TINYINT 3 0
groups Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
workshop_assessments Table feedbackreviewer LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The comment/feedback from the teacher for the reviewer. For example the reason why the grade for assessment was overridden

question_dataset_definitions Table itemcount BIGINT 19 0
lti_tool_settings Table coursemoduleid BIGINT 19 null

Primary key of course module - tool link added to course (null for system-wide and context-wide settings)

course Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_ctxlevel Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
search_simpledb_index Table modified BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire Table sid BIGINT 19 0

The id entry in the questionnaire_survey field.

user_private_key Table validuntil BIGINT 19 null

timestampt - valid until data

license Table shortname VARCHAR 255 null
grading_instances Table rawgrade DECIMAL 10 null

The raw normalized grade 0.00000 - 100.00000 as a result of the most recent assessment

badge_endorsement Table claimid VARCHAR 255 null
backup_logs Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

timestamp this log entry was created

external_tokens Table token VARCHAR 128

security token, aka private access key

tool_dataprivacy_request Table usermodified BIGINT 19 0

The user who created/modified this request object

lesson_overrides Table available BIGINT 19 null

Time at which students may start attempting this lesson. Can be null, in which case the lesson default is used.

contentbank_content Table contenttype VARCHAR 100
page Table name VARCHAR 255
block_recent_activity Table cmid BIGINT 19 null

Course module id

scorm_aicc_session Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

time this session was created

tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpired Table expiredroles LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Explicitly expires roles

h5pactivity_attempts Table success BIT 1 null

Store the xAPI tracking success result.

course_completions Table course BIGINT 19 0
enrol_flatfile Table id BIGINT 19 null
assign_submission Table assignment BIGINT 19 0
user_enrolments Table timestart BIGINT 19 0
registration_hubs Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_queue Table submissionattempt BIGINT 19 null
tool_customlang_components Table id BIGINT 19 null
sessions Table sid VARCHAR 128

Session id

user Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
quiz_overrides Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key references Can be null if this is a per-group override.

lesson_overrides Table retake SMALLINT 5 null
qtype_randomsamatch_options Table partiallycorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
h5pactivity Table course BIGINT 19 null

ID of the course this activity is part of.

lti_tool_settings Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Date/time at which the record was last modified

badge_backpack Table userid BIGINT 19 0
lesson_branch Table lessonid BIGINT 19 0
h5p_contents_libraries Table h5pid BIGINT 19 null

Identifier for the h5p content

messages Table fullmessageformat BIT 1 0
question_ddwtos Table incorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any incorrect response.

user Table lastlogin BIGINT 19 0
analytics_indicator_calc Table id BIGINT 19 null
analytics_models_log Table indicators LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
repository_instance_config Table name VARCHAR 255
ltiservice_gradebookservices Table tag VARCHAR 255 null

Tag type specified for the line item

enrol_lti_users Table toolid BIGINT 19 null
question_calculated_options Table partiallycorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any partially correct response.

scorm_seq_objective Table minnormalizedmeasure FLOAT 11 0.0000
grade_items_history Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The last time this grade_item was modified

lesson_overrides Table lessonid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

assign Table gradingduedate BIGINT 19 0

The expected date for marking the submissions.

block_recent_activity Table modname VARCHAR 20 null

module type name (for delete action)

competency_usercompcourse Table id BIGINT 19 null
course_categories Table parent BIGINT 19 0
user_enrolments Table userid BIGINT 19 null
message_contacts Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
h5p Table contenthash VARCHAR 40

Defines the hash for the file content.

url Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
course_sections Table section BIGINT 19 0
resource_old Table popup LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
forum_grades Table id BIGINT 19 null
scale_history Table action BIGINT 19 0

created/modified/deleted constants

grade_categories Table keephigh BIGINT 19 0

Keep only the X highest items

events_queue_handlers Table id BIGINT 19 null
user Table address VARCHAR 255
workshopallocation_scheduled Table submissionend BIGINT 19 null

What was the workshop's submissionend when this record was created or modified

competency_template Table descriptionformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the description field

message_user_actions Table messageid BIGINT 19 null
assign_user_flags Table assignment BIGINT 19 0

The assignment these flags apply to.

grade_grades Table locked BIGINT 19 0

not locked 0, locked from date

config Table id BIGINT 19 null
page Table display SMALLINT 5 0
course Table shortname VARCHAR 255
workshopform_numerrors Table sort BIGINT 19 0

Defines the dimension order within the assessment form

backup_controllers Table operation VARCHAR 20 backup

Type of operation (backup/restore)

badge Table imageauthorname VARCHAR 255 null
grade_categories Table aggregation BIGINT 19 0

A constant pointing to one of the predefined aggregation strategies (none, mean,median,sum, etc)

lti Table launchcontainer TINYINT 3 1

Launch external tool in a pop-up

chat_users Table userid BIGINT 19 0
question_response_analysis Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
repository_instances Table contextid BIGINT 19 null
course_published Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The first time this grade_item was created

log Table time BIGINT 19 0
mnet_host Table transport TINYINT 3 0
competency_coursecomp Table ruleoutcome TINYINT 3 null

The rule that applies to the competency when the course is completed.

forum Table trackingtype TINYINT 3 1
h5p_libraries_cachedassets Table libraryid BIGINT 19 null
course_modules_completion Table overrideby BIGINT 19 null

Tracks whether this completion state has been set manually to override a previous state.

user_private_key Table script VARCHAR 128

plugin, module - unique identifier

grade_categories Table hidden BIT 1 0
question_numerical_options Table unitsleft SMALLINT 5 0

display the unit at left as in $1.00

workshopallocation_scheduled Table settings LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The pre-defined settings for the underlying random allocation to run it with

analytics_predict_samples Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
assign Table name VARCHAR 255

The name of the instance of the assignment. Displayed at the top of each page.

question_truefalse Table id BIGINT 19 null
page Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
question_calculated_options Table correctfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
grade_items_history Table sortorder BIGINT 19 0

Sorting order of the columns

lesson_answers Table grade SMALLINT 5 0
stats_monthly Table stattype VARCHAR 20 activity

type of stat

grade_items_history Table action BIGINT 19 0

created/modified/deleted constants

stats_user_daily Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
enrol_lti_tools Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
quiz_sections Table id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_ddmarker Table partiallycorrectfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any partially correct response.

badge_backpack_oauth2 Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
grade_outcomes Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

the time this outcome was last updated

gradingform_guide_criteria Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_lti2_share_key Table sharekey VARCHAR 32
grade_items_history Table gradetype SMALLINT 5 1

0 = none, 1 = value, 2 = scale, 3 = text

glossary_categories Table usedynalink TINYINT 3 1
modules Table search VARCHAR 255
lock_db Table id BIGINT 19 null
badge_backpack Table id BIGINT 19 null
files Table source LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

contains the reference if the file is imported from external sites

chat Table id BIGINT 19 null
qtype_match_options Table incorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
questionnaire_question Table required VARCHAR 1 n
forum_digests Table forum BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire Table navigate TINYINT 3 0

Questionnaire can have page branching.

glossary Table scale BIGINT 19 0
question_ddwtos Table partiallycorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
user_preferences Table userid BIGINT 19 0
tool_policy_acceptances Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_question Table position BIGINT 19 0
event_subscriptions Table url VARCHAR 255
quiz_overrides Table quiz BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

registration_hubs Table huburl VARCHAR 255
course_modules Table visibleoncoursepage BIT 1 1

If stealth visibility is allowed for the course, this controls whether activity is visible on course page

h5p_library_dependencies Table id BIGINT 19 null
message Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table protected BIT 1 null
post Table coursemoduleid BIGINT 19 0
quiz_overrides Table timeopen BIGINT 19 null

Time at which students may start attempting this quiz. Can be null, in which case the quiz default is used.

competency_usercomp Table grade BIGINT 19 null

Grade assigned to the competency.

backup_courses Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_purpose Table retentionperiod VARCHAR 255
resource_old Table name VARCHAR 255
competency Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Description of a single competency

lti_tool_proxies Table capabilityoffered LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

List of capabilities offered, one per line

grade_items_history Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

The course this item is part of

grade_import_values Table importonlyfeedback BIT 1 0
book Table navstyle SMALLINT 5 1
event_subscriptions Table userid BIGINT 19 0
assign_overrides Table userid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key references Can be null if this is a per-group override.

chat_users Table lastmessageping BIGINT 19 0
feedback Table timeopen BIGINT 19 0
mnet_host Table deleted BIT 1 0
assignfeedback_editpdf_rot Table pathnamehash LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

File path hash of the rotated page

scorm_seq_objective Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_categories_history Table aggregateonlygraded BIT 1 0

aggregate only graded items

question_hints Table shownumcorrect BIT 1 null

Whether the feedback should include a message about how many things the student got right. This is only applicable to certain question types (for example matching or multiple choice multiple-response).

questionnaire_resp_multiple Table response_id BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_question Table surveyid BIGINT 19 0
choice Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
role_allow_override Table id BIGINT 19 null
message_providers Table name VARCHAR 100

The full name of the message provider in standard form

workshopform_numerrors Table workshopid BIGINT 19 null

Workshop ID

block_instances Table parentcontextid BIGINT 19 null

The context within which this block appears. Foreign key, references

sessions Table lastip VARCHAR 45 null
message_conversation_actions Table conversationid BIGINT 19 null
stats_daily Table courseid BIGINT 19 0
badge_external_backpack Table id BIGINT 19 null
external_services_functions Table externalserviceid BIGINT 19 null
mnet_host2service Table hostid BIGINT 19 0
assign Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The time the settings for this assign module instance were last modified.

quiz_statistics Table firstattemptsavg DECIMAL 15 null
questionnaire_quest_choice Table question_id BIGINT 19 0
feedback_completed Table feedback BIGINT 19 0
workshop_submissions Table attachment TINYINT 3 0

Used by File API file_postupdate_standard_filemanager

rating Table ratingarea VARCHAR 50
chat_messages_current Table id BIGINT 19 null
analytics_predictions Table timeend BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxinstance Table categoryid BIGINT 19 null
grade_letters Table id BIGINT 19 null
glossary Table allowprintview TINYINT 3 1
grading_definitions Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The timestamp of when the form definition was created initially

log_queries Table exectime DECIMAL 10 null

query execution time in seconds as float

tag_correlation Table correlatedtags LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
h5p_libraries_cachedassets Table id BIGINT 19 null
choice Table showpreview TINYINT 3 0
post Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_versions Table contentformat VARCHAR 20 creole

Markup used to write content

mnet_service2rpc Table id BIGINT 19 null

Required ID field

enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table shareapproved BIT 1 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxlevel Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table phase SMALLINT 5 0

The current phase of workshop (0 = not available, 1 = submission, 2 = assessment, 3 = closed)

mnet_service Table description VARCHAR 40
competency_framework Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Description of this competency framework

chat Table name VARCHAR 255
data Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
enrol Table roleid BIGINT 19 0

Custom - the default role given to participants who self-enrol

rating Table userid BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire Table resp_eligible VARCHAR 8 all

Eligible respondents.

grade_grades_history Table itemid BIGINT 19 null

The item this grade belongs to

message_conversations Table enabled BIT 1 0
question_dataset_items Table value VARCHAR 255
external_tokens Table tokentype SMALLINT 5 null

type of token: 0=permanent, no session; 1=linked to current browser session via sid; 2=permanent, with emulated session

assign Table hidegrader TINYINT 3 0

Hide the grader's identity from students. The opposite of blind marking.

message_contact_requests Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table draft TINYINT 3 1

Is this a draft annotation?

forum_subscriptions Table userid BIGINT 19 0
course_request Table reason LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
scorm Table auto BIT 1 0
assignsubmission_onlinetext Table onlineformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format for this online text submission.

tool_recyclebin_category Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
lti_access_tokens Table typeid BIGINT 19 null

Basic LTI type id

page Table revision BIGINT 19 0

incremented when after each file changes, solves browser caching issues

workshop Table course BIGINT 19 null

ID of the parent course

user_password_history Table id BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_instance_user Table instance BIGINT 19 null

fk to instance table

event_subscriptions Table eventtype VARCHAR 20

The type of the event

event Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
question_gapselect Table shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 1
question_statistics Table randomguessscore DECIMAL 12 null

An estimate of the score a student would get by guessing randomly.

question_answers Table question BIGINT 19 0
tool_cohortroles Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

Who last modified this record?

enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table secret VARCHAR 1024
log_queries Table qtype MEDIUMINT 7 null

query type constant

assign_overrides Table cutoffdate BIGINT 19 null

Time by which students must have completed their attempt. Can be null, in which case the assign default is used.

user_info_category Table name VARCHAR 255

Category name

local_ld_course Table id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_lti2_consumer Table toolproxy LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
qtype_ddmarker_drops Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
forum_read Table discussionid BIGINT 19 0
message_conversations Table convhash VARCHAR 40 null
workshopallocation_scheduled Table resultlog LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The log of the most recent execution

scorm_seq_mapinfo Table id BIGINT 19 null
assign Table alwaysshowdescription TINYINT 3 0

If false the assignment intro will only be displayed after the allowsubmissionsfrom date. If true it will always be displayed.

scale Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
grading_definitions Table status BIGINT 19 0

Status of the form definition, by default in the under-construction state

badge_criteria_met Table datemet BIGINT 19 null
course_completion_defaults Table completionview BIT 1 0
question_attempts Table rightanswer LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

This is a human-readable textual summary of the right answer to this question. Might be used, for example on the quiz preview, to help people who are testing the question. Or might be used in reports.

grade_grades Table hidden BIGINT 19 0

show 0, hide 1 or hide until date

workshop Table gradinggrade DECIMAL 10 20.00000

The maximum grade for assessment

assign_user_flags Table allocatedmarker BIGINT 19 0

The allocated marker to this submission

lti_tool_proxies Table serviceoffered LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

List of services offered, one per line

profiling Table id BIGINT 19 null
role_allow_view Table roleid BIGINT 19 null

The role the user has.

assign_submission Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0

The time of the first student submission to this assignment.

label Table id BIGINT 19 null
logstore_standard_log Table contextinstanceid BIGINT 19 null
user_enrolments Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items_history Table locked BIGINT 19 0

1 is locked, > 1 is a date to lock until (prevents update)

lesson Table deadline BIGINT 19 0
page Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
block_zoola_reports_schreps Table body LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Email message body

course_completion_criteria Table moduleinstance BIGINT 19 null

Module instance id (if using module criteria type)

log_display Table module VARCHAR 20
course Table newsitems MEDIUMINT 7 1
chat_users Table groupid BIGINT 19 0
badge_criteria_param Table id BIGINT 19 null
workshop Table intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The introduction or description of the activity

competency_templatecomp Table usermodified BIGINT 19 null

The user who modified this link.

block_zoola_reports_eventcfg Table reporturi VARCHAR 1333 null

Zoola report URI

forum_grades Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
lti_types Table id BIGINT 19 null
analytics_train_samples Table timesplitting VARCHAR 255
lti Table securetoolurl LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
capabilities Table id BIGINT 19 null
question_categories Table contextid BIGINT 19 0

context that this category is shared in

task_scheduled Table customised TINYINT 3 0

Used on upgrades to prevent overwriting custom schedules.

chat_users Table sid VARCHAR 32
lti_tool_settings Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_templatecohort Table id BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_template Table enabled BIT 1 null
lesson_pages Table prevpageid BIGINT 19 0
h5p_library_dependencies Table libraryid BIGINT 19 null

The id of a H5P library.

cache_filters Table id BIGINT 19 null
forum_posts Table message LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
external_services_users Table id BIGINT 19 null
wiki_locks Table userid BIGINT 19 0

Locking user

tag_instance Table ordering BIGINT 19 null

Maintains the order of the tag instances of an item

oauth2_user_field_mapping Table internalfield VARCHAR 64

The name of the Moodle field this user field maps to.

badge Table messagesubject LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
files Table referencefileid BIGINT 19 null

Use to indicate file is a proxy for repository file

blog_association Table blogid BIGINT 19 null
competency Table path VARCHAR 255

Used to speed up queries that use an entire branch of the tree. Looks like /5/34/54.

question_calculated_options Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

glossary_entries Table definition LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxinstance Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
glossary Table allowduplicatedentries TINYINT 3 0
question_attempt_step_data Table attemptstepid BIGINT 19 null

Foreign key, references

workshop_assessments Table submissionid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the assessed submission

choice_options Table text LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
lesson_attempts Table lessonid BIGINT 19 0
filter_config Table id BIGINT 19 null
questionnaire_survey Table theme VARCHAR 64 null
customfield_data Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
assign_user_flags Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades_history Table rawgrademin DECIMAL 10 0.00000

The minimum allowable grade when this was created

lesson_pages Table id BIGINT 19 null
scorm Table course BIGINT 19 0
quiz_attempts Table attempt MEDIUMINT 7 0

Sequentially numbers this student's attempts at this quiz.

assignment_upgrade Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
enrol Table enrolenddate BIGINT 19 0

Custom - end of enrolment

block_zoola_module_name Table moduletype VARCHAR 20

Module type (lesson, quiz, ...)

analytics_models_log Table evaluationmode VARCHAR 50
data_fields Table required BIT 1 0

Required fields must have a value when inserted by a user

badge Table imagecaption LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
imscp Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
enrol_lti_lti2_resource_link Table consumerid BIGINT 19 null
quiz Table timeclose BIGINT 19 0

The time when this quiz closes. (0 = no restriction.)

cache_filters Table version BIGINT 19 0
analytics_models Table enabled BIT 1 0
user Table maildisplay TINYINT 3 2
search_simpledb_index Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency_userevidencecomp Table userevidenceid BIGINT 19 null
grade_grades_history Table userid BIGINT 19 null

The user who this grade is for

badge Table issuerurl VARCHAR 255
message_contact_requests Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
user_enrolments Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
qtype_match_options Table correctfeedback LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Feedback shown for any correct response.

competency_evidence Table note LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

A non-localised text to attach to the evidence.

grade_items_history Table outcomeid BIGINT 19 null

If this grade is related to an outcome, which one is it?

scorm_aicc_session Table sessiontime VARCHAR 255 null
post Table attachment VARCHAR 100 null


mnet_service Table id BIGINT 19 null

Unique Service ID

forum_discussion_subs Table userid BIGINT 19 null
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table retentionperiod VARCHAR 255
portfolio_log Table continueurl VARCHAR 255

the url the external system has set to view the transfer

notifications Table fullmessagehtml LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
qtype_ddimageortext Table partiallycorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
tool_dataprivacy_category Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpired Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null
rating Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null
tag_coll Table customurl VARCHAR 255 null

Custom URL for the tag page instead of /tag/index.php

question_dataset_definitions Table category BIGINT 19 0
badge_alignment Table targetcode VARCHAR 255 null
question_ddwtos Table questionid BIGINT 19 0
analytics_predict_samples Table sampleids LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
quiz_feedback Table id BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table decimals BIT 1 null

Also known as precision, the number of digits after the decimal point symbol.

gradingform_guide_criteria Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The criterion description for students

search_simpledb_index Table itemid BIGINT 19 null
grade_items Table outcomeid BIGINT 19 null

If this grade is related to an outcome, which one is it?

badge_backpack_oauth2 Table userid BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_tools Table secret LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
scorm_scoes_track Table timemodified BIGINT 19 0
questionnaire_quest_choice Table id BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table timecreated BIGINT 19 0
favourite Table itemtype VARCHAR 100

The type of the item which is being favourited. Usually a table name, but doesn't have to be. E.g. 'messages' or 'message_conversations'.

data Table rsstitletemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
backup_logs Table backupid VARCHAR 32

backupid the log record belongs to

ltiservice_gradebookservices Table courseid BIGINT 19 null

ID of the course related.

badge_related Table id BIGINT 19 null
competency Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The time this competency was created.

user Table middlename VARCHAR 255 null

Middle name

question_statistics Table hashcode VARCHAR 40

sha1 hash of serialized qubaids_condition class. Unique for every combination of class name and property.

qtype_multichoice_options Table questionid BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key references

question_gapselect Table incorrectfeedbackformat TINYINT 3 0
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings Table linkquitseb LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Link to exit SEB.

ltiservice_gradebookservices Table resourceid VARCHAR 512 null

Resource id for the line item

quiz_statistics Table kurtosis DECIMAL 15 null
post Table publishstate VARCHAR 20 draft
role_allow_assign Table roleid BIGINT 19 0
mnetservice_enrol_enrolments Table enroltime BIGINT 19 0
quiz_overview_regrades Table regraded SMALLINT 5 null

set to 0 if element has just been regraded. Set to 1 if element has been marked as needing regrading.

course_published Table timepublished BIGINT 19 null

The time when the publication occurred

competency_framework Table timecreated BIGINT 19 null

The time this competency framework was created.

glossary_formats Table popupformatname VARCHAR 50
grade_outcomes Table id BIGINT 19 null

id of the table

quiz Table attempts MEDIUMINT 7 0

The maximum number of attempts a student is allowed.

scorm Table scormtype VARCHAR 50 local

local, external or repository

user Table picture BIGINT 19 0

0 means no image uploaded, positive values are revisions thta prevent caching problems, negative values are reserved for future use

quiz Table sumgrades DECIMAL 10 0.00000

The total of all the question instance maxmarks.

user_password_history Table userid BIGINT 19 null
logstore_standard_log Table crud VARCHAR 1
badge_alignment Table targetdescription LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
data_fields Table param6 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
block_positions Table id BIGINT 19 null
lesson_overrides Table id BIGINT 19 null
assignfeedback_editpdf_annot Table path LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

SVG path describing the freehand line

customfield_category Table description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
resource Table displayoptions LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
wiki_synonyms Table pagesynonym VARCHAR 255 Pagesynonym

Page name synonym

assignsubmission_onlinetext Table submission BIGINT 19 0
external_functions Table classname VARCHAR 100
tool_monitor_history Table userid BIGINT 19 null

User to whom this notification was sent

question_attempts Table timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The time this record was last changed.

tag_correlation Table id BIGINT 19 null
portfolio_tempdata Table id BIGINT 19 null
data Table introformat SMALLINT 5 0
comments Table id BIGINT 19 null
sessions Table firstip VARCHAR 45 null
wiki Table editend BIGINT 19 0


question_dataset_items Table itemnumber BIGINT 19 0
tool_dataprivacy_purposerole Table lawfulbases LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
forum Table cutoffdate BIGINT 19 0

The final date after which forum posts will no longer be accepted for this forum.

license Table custom BIT 1 0

If this flag is set, license is custom and can be updated or deleted, otherwise license is a core license and cannot be edited.

competency_evidence Table id BIGINT 19 null