Block Positions Table Schema (block_positions)


Stores the position of a sticky block_instance on a another page than the one where it was added.

block_positions table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
blockinstanceid BIGINT 19 null blocposi_blo2_fk R

The block_instance this position relates to.

contextid BIGINT 19 null blocposi_con2_fk R

With pagetype and subpage, defines the page we are setting the position for.

pagetype VARCHAR 64

With contextid and subpage, defines the page we are setting the position for.

subpage VARCHAR 16

With contextid and pagetype, defines the page we are setting the position for.

visible SMALLINT 5 null

Whether this block instance is visible on this page.

region VARCHAR 16

Which block region on this page this block should appear in.

weight BIGINT 19 null

Used to order the blocks within a block region.

Table contained -1 rows

block_positions table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
blocposi_blo_ix Performance Asc blockinstanceid
blocposi_bloconpagsub_uix Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc blockinstanceid + contextid + pagetype + subpage
blocposi_con_ix Performance Asc contextid

block_positions table relationships