Glossary Table Schema (glossary)


all glossaries

glossary table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
glossary_categories.glossaryid gloscate_glo2_fk R
glossary_entries.glossaryid glosentr_glo2_fk R
course BIGINT 19 0
name VARCHAR 255
intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
introformat SMALLINT 5 0
allowduplicatedentries TINYINT 3 0
displayformat VARCHAR 50 dictionary
mainglossary TINYINT 3 0
showspecial TINYINT 3 1
showalphabet TINYINT 3 1
showall TINYINT 3 1
allowcomments TINYINT 3 0
allowprintview TINYINT 3 1
usedynalink TINYINT 3 1
defaultapproval TINYINT 3 1
approvaldisplayformat VARCHAR 50 default

Display Format when approving entries

globalglossary TINYINT 3 0
entbypage SMALLINT 5 10
editalways TINYINT 3 0
rsstype TINYINT 3 0
rssarticles TINYINT 3 0
assessed BIGINT 19 0
assesstimestart BIGINT 19 0
assesstimefinish BIGINT 19 0
scale BIGINT 19 0
timecreated BIGINT 19 0
timemodified BIGINT 19 0
completionentries INT 10 0

Non zero if a certain number of entries are required to mark this glossary complete for a user.

Table contained -1 rows

glossary table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
glos_cou_ix Performance Asc course

glossary table relationships