Totara Compl Import Cert Table Schema (totara_compl_import_cert)


Intermediary file for importing certification completion data

totara_compl_import_cert table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null


certificationid BIGINT 19 null Implied Constraint R

Certification ID if one exists

username VARCHAR 100 null


certificationshortname VARCHAR 255 null

certification shortname

certificationidnumber VARCHAR 100 null

certification id number

completiondate VARCHAR 10 null


customfields LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Any custom field data

timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Time the record was imported into this table

timeupdated BIGINT 19 0

Time the record was added to the system

importuserid BIGINT 19 null

ID of user running the import

importerror BIT 1 0

true/false if there were any errors

importerrormsg LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Any error messages for this record

rownumber BIGINT 19 null

Row number in the csv file

importevidence BIT 1 0

Imported into evidence

evidenceid BIGINT 19 null

The evidence table id

completiondateparsed BIGINT 19 null

completiondate parsed using csvdateformat

duedate VARCHAR 10 null

Table contained -1 rows

totara_compl_import_cert table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
totacompimpocert_evi_ix Performance Asc evidenceid
totacompimpocert_imp_ix Performance Asc importuserid
totacompimpocert_use_ix Performance Asc username

totara_compl_import_cert table relationships