Enrol Table Schema (enrol)


Instances of enrolment plugins used in courses, fields marked as custom have a plugin defined meaning, core does not touch them. Create a new linked table if you need even more custom fields.

enrol table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
enrol_lti_tools.enrolid enroltitool_enr2_fk R
enrol_paypal.instanceid enropayp_ins2_fk R
user_enrolments.enrolid userenro_enr2_fk R
enrol VARCHAR 20
status BIGINT 19 0

0..9 are system constants, 0 means active enrolment, see ENROL_STATUS_* constants, plugins may define own status greater than 10

courseid BIGINT 19 null
course.id enro_cou2_fk R
sortorder BIGINT 19 0

order of enrol plugins in each course

name VARCHAR 255 null

Optional instance name

enrolperiod BIGINT 19 0

Custom - enrolment duration

enrolstartdate BIGINT 19 0

Custom - start of self enrolment

enrolenddate BIGINT 19 0

Custom - end of enrolment

expirynotify BIT 1 0

Custom - notify users before expiration

expirythreshold BIGINT 19 0

Custom - when should be the participants notified

notifyall BIT 1 0

Custom - Notify both participant and person responsible for enrolments

password VARCHAR 50 null

Custom - enrolment or access password

cost VARCHAR 20 null

Custom - enrolment cost

currency VARCHAR 3 null

Custom - cost currency

roleid BIGINT 19 0
role.id Implied Constraint R

Custom - the default role given to participants who self-enrol

customint1 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customint2 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customint3 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customint4 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customint5 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customint6 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customint7 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customint8 BIGINT 19 null

Custom - general int

customchar1 VARCHAR 255 null

Custom - general short name

customchar2 VARCHAR 255 null

Custom - general short name

customchar3 VARCHAR 1333 null

Custom - general short name

customdec1 DECIMAL 12,7 null

Custom - general decimal

customdec2 DECIMAL 12,7 null

Custom - general decimal

customtext1 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom - general text

customtext2 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom - general text

customtext3 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom - general text

customtext4 LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom - general text

timecreated BIGINT 19 0
timemodified BIGINT 19 0

Table contained -1 rows

enrol table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
enro_cou_ix Performance Asc courseid
enro_enr_ix Performance Asc enrol

enrol table relationships