Prog Table Schema (prog)


Stores elemental details about programs

prog table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
dp_plan_program_assign.programid dpplanprogassi_pro2_fk R
prog_assignment.programid progassi_pro3_fk R
prog_completion.programid progcomp_pro3_fk R
prog_completion_history.programid progcomphist_pro3_fk R
prog_completion_log.programid progcomplog_pro2_fk R
prog_courseset.programid progcour_pro3_fk R
prog_exception.programid progexce_pro3_fk R
prog_extension.programid progexte_pro3_fk R
prog_future_user_assignment.programid Implied Constraint R
prog_info_data.programid proginfodata_pro2_fk R
prog_message.programid progmess_pro3_fk R
prog_recurrence.programid progrecu_pro3_fk R
prog_user_assignment.programid Implied Constraint R
category BIGINT 19 0 prog_cat3_fk R
sortorder BIGINT 19 0
fullname VARCHAR 254
shortname VARCHAR 100
idnumber VARCHAR 100
summary LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
endnote LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
visible BIT 1 1
availablefrom BIGINT 19 0
availableuntil BIGINT 19 0
available BIGINT 19 0
timecreated BIGINT 19 0
timemodified BIGINT 19 0
usermodified BIGINT 19 0
icon VARCHAR 255
exceptionssent BIT 1 0
audiencevisible SMALLINT 5 2
certifid BIGINT 19 null prog_cer2_fk R

FK to certification table

assignmentsdeferred BIT 1 0

Indicates that user assignments need to be updated

allowextensionrequests BIT 1 1

Indicates if the program allows extension requests

Table contained -1 rows

prog table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
prog_cat2_ix Performance Asc category
prog_cat_ix Performance Asc category
prog_cer_ix Performance Asc certifid
prog_idn_ix Performance Asc idnumber
prog_sho_ix Performance Asc shortname

prog table relationships