Tool Dataprivacy Request Table Schema (tool_dataprivacy_request)


Table for data requests

tool_dataprivacy_request table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
type BIGINT 19 0

Data request type

comments LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

More details about the request

commentsformat TINYINT 3 0
userid BIGINT 19 0 tooldatarequ_use3_fk R

The user ID the request is being made for

requestedby BIGINT 19 0 tooldatarequ_req2_fk R

The user ID of the one making the request

status TINYINT 3 0

The current status of the data request

dpo BIGINT 19 0 tooldatarequ_dpo2_fk R

The user ID of the Data Protection Officer who is reviewing th request

dpocomment LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

DPO's comments (e.g. reason for rejecting the request, etc.)

dpocommentformat TINYINT 3 0
systemapproved SMALLINT 5 0
usermodified BIGINT 19 0 tooldatarequ_use4_fk R

The user who created/modified this request object

timecreated BIGINT 19 0

The time this data request was created

timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The last time this data request was updated

creationmethod BIGINT 19 0

The type of the creation method of the data request

Table contained -1 rows

tool_dataprivacy_request table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
tooldatarequ_dpo_ix Performance Asc dpo
tooldatarequ_req_ix Performance Asc requestedby
tooldatarequ_use2_ix Performance Asc usermodified
tooldatarequ_use_ix Performance Asc userid

tool_dataprivacy_request table relationships