Grade Outcomes History Table Schema (grade_outcomes_history)


History table

grade_outcomes_history table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
action BIGINT 19 0

created/modified/deleted constants

oldid BIGINT 19 null gradoutchist_old2_fk R
source VARCHAR 255 null

What caused the modification? manual/module/import/...

timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The last time this grade_item was modified

loggeduser BIGINT 19 null gradoutchist_log2_fk R

the userid of the person who last modified this outcome

courseid BIGINT 19 null gradoutchist_cou2_fk R

Mostly these are defined site wide ie NULL

shortname VARCHAR 255

The short name or code for this outcome statement

fullname LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The full description of the outcome (usually 1 sentence)

scaleid BIGINT 19 null gradoutchist_sca2_fk R

The recommended scale for this outcome.

description LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Outcome description

descriptionformat TINYINT 3 0

Table contained -1 rows

grade_outcomes_history table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
gradoutchist_act_ix Performance Asc action
gradoutchist_cou_ix Performance Asc courseid
gradoutchist_log_ix Performance Asc loggeduser
gradoutchist_old_ix Performance Asc oldid
gradoutchist_sca_ix Performance Asc scaleid
gradoutchist_tim_ix Performance Asc timemodified

grade_outcomes_history table relationships